在Unity的开发当中,有时会有为图片添加外边框的需求,在资源商店有Demo:2D Sprite Outline

Shader "Custom/SpritesOutline"
{Properties{[PerRendererData] _MainTex ("Sprite Texture", 2D) = "white" {}_Color ("Main texture Tint", Color) = (1,1,1,1)[Header(General Settings)][MaterialToggle] _OutlineEnabled ("Outline Enabled", Float) = 1[MaterialToggle] _ConnectedAlpha ("Connected Alpha", Float) = 0[HideInInspector] _AlphaThreshold ("Alpha clean", Range (0, 1)) = 0_Thickness ("Width (Max recommended 100)", float) = 10[KeywordEnum(Solid, Gradient, Image)] _OutlineMode("Outline mode", Float) = 0[KeywordEnum(Contour, Frame)] _OutlineShape("Outline shape", Float) = 0[KeywordEnum(Inside under sprite, Inside over sprite, Outside)] _OutlinePosition("Outline Position (Frame Only)", Float) = 0[Header(Solid Settings)]_SolidOutline ("Outline Color Base", Color) = (1,1,1,1)[Header(Gradient Settings)]_GradientOutline1 ("Outline Color 1", Color) = (1,1,1,1)_GradientOutline2 ("Outline Color 2", Color) = (1,1,1,1)_Weight ("Weight", Range (0, 1)) = 0.5_Angle ("Gradient Angle (General gradient Only)", float) = 45//[KeywordEnum(General, Frame directed)] _FrameMode("Frame Mode (Frame Only)", Float) = 0[Header(Image Settings)]_FrameTex ("Frame Texture", 2D) = "white" {}_ImageOutline ("Outline Color Base", Color) = (1,1,1,1)[KeywordEnum(Stretch, Tile)] _TileMode("Frame mode", Float) = 0}SubShader{Tags{ "Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transparent" "PreviewType"="Plane""CanUseSpriteAtlas"="True"}Cull OffLighting OffZWrite OffBlend One OneMinusSrcAlphaPass{CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert#pragma fragment frag#pragma multi_compile _ PIXELSNAP_ON#pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x#include "UnityCG.cginc"struct appdata_t{float4 vertex   : POSITION;float4 color    : COLOR;float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;};struct v2f{float4 vertex   : SV_POSITION;fixed4 color    : COLOR;float2 texcoord  : TEXCOORD0;};fixed4 _Color;fixed _Thickness;fixed _OutlineEnabled;fixed _ConnectedAlpha;fixed _OutlineShape;fixed _OutlinePosition;fixed _OutlineMode;fixed4 _SolidOutline;fixed4 _GradientOutline1;fixed4 _GradientOutline2;fixed _Weight;fixed _AlphaThreshold;fixed _Angle;//fixed _FrameMode;fixed4 _ImageOutline;fixed _TileMode;v2f vert(appdata_t IN){v2f OUT;OUT.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(IN.vertex);OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;OUT.color = IN.color * _Color;#ifdef PIXELSNAP_ONOUT.vertex = UnityPixelSnap (OUT.vertex);#endifreturn OUT;}sampler2D _MainTex;sampler2D _AlphaTex;float _AlphaSplitEnabled;uniform float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;sampler2D _FrameTex;uniform float4 _FrameTex_TexelSize;uniform float4 _FrameTex_ST;fixed4 SampleSpriteTexture (float2 uv){float2 offsets;if((_OutlinePosition != 2 && _OutlineShape == 1) || _OutlineEnabled == 0) // not outside and frame{offsets = float2(0, 0);}else{offsets = float2(_Thickness * 2, _Thickness * 2);}float2 bigsize = float2(_MainTex_TexelSize.z, _MainTex_TexelSize.w);float2 smallsize = float2(_MainTex_TexelSize.z - offsets.x, _MainTex_TexelSize.w - offsets.y);float2 uv_changed = float2(uv.x * bigsize.x / smallsize.x - 0.5 * offsets.x / smallsize.x,uv.y * bigsize.y / smallsize.y - 0.5 * offsets.y / smallsize.y);if(uv_changed.x < 0 || uv_changed.x > 1 || uv_changed.y < 0 || uv_changed.y > 1){return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);}fixed4 color = tex2D (_MainTex, uv_changed);#if UNITY_TEXTURE_ALPHASPLIT_ALLOWEDif (_AlphaSplitEnabled)color.a = tex2D (_AlphaTex, uv).r;
#endif //UNITY_TEXTURE_ALPHASPLIT_ALLOWEDreturn color;}bool CheckOriginalSpriteTexture (float2 uv, bool ifZero){float thicknessX = _Thickness / _MainTex_TexelSize.z;float thicknessY = _Thickness / _MainTex_TexelSize.w;int steps = 100;float angle_step = 360.0 / steps;float alphaThreshold = _AlphaThreshold / 10;float alphaCount = _AlphaThreshold * 10;// check if the basic points has an alpha to speed up the process and not use the for loopbool outline = false;float alphaCounter = 0;if(ifZero){}else{outline =    SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(0, +thicknessY)).a > alphaThreshold ||SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(0, -thicknessY)).a > alphaThreshold ||SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(+thicknessX, 0)).a > alphaThreshold ||SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(-thicknessX, 0)).a > alphaThreshold ||SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(+thicknessX * cos (3.14 / 4), -thicknessY * sin (3.14 / 4))).a > alphaThreshold ||SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(-thicknessX * cos (3.14 / 4), +thicknessY * sin (3.14 / 4))).a > alphaThreshold ||SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(-thicknessX * cos (3.14 / 4), -thicknessY * sin (3.14 / 4))).a > alphaThreshold ||SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(+thicknessX * cos (3.14 / 4), +thicknessY * sin (3.14 / 4))).a > alphaThreshold;}if(outline) return outline;for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++) // high number and not a variable to avoid stupid compiler bugs{float angle = i * angle_step * 2 * 3.14 / 360;if(ifZero && SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(thicknessX * cos(angle), thicknessY * sin(angle))).a == 0){alphaCounter++;if(alphaCounter >= alphaCount){outline = true;break;}}else if(!ifZero && SampleSpriteTexture(uv + fixed2(thicknessX * cos(angle), thicknessY * sin(angle))).a > alphaThreshold){outline = true;break;}}return outline;}fixed4 frag(v2f IN) : SV_Target{float thicknessX = _Thickness / _MainTex_TexelSize.z;float thicknessY = _Thickness / _MainTex_TexelSize.w;fixed4 c = SampleSpriteTexture (IN.texcoord) * IN.color;c.rgb *= c.a;fixed alpha;fixed4 outlineC = fixed4(0, 0, 0, 1);if(_OutlineEnabled != 0){if(_OutlineMode == 0) // Solid{outlineC = _SolidOutline;if(_ConnectedAlpha != 0){outlineC.a *= _Color.a;}outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;}else if(_OutlineMode == 1) // Gradient{float x = IN.texcoord.x;float y = IN.texcoord.y;float ratio1 = 0;float ratio2 = 0;if(_OutlineShape == 0) // contour{if(((_OutlinePosition != 2 && _OutlineShape == 1) && c.a != 0 &&  // inside and frame(IN.texcoord.y + thicknessY > 1 || IN.texcoord.y - thicknessY < 0 || IN.texcoord.x + thicknessX > 1 || IN.texcoord.x - thicknessX < 0 ||CheckOriginalSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord, true)))||((_OutlinePosition == 2 || _OutlineShape != 1) && c.a == 0 &&   // outside or contourCheckOriginalSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord, false))){if(_Angle >= 360){int div = _Angle / 360;_Angle = (_Angle / 360 - div) * 360;}_Angle *= 2 * 3.14 / 360;ratio1 = (0.5 - x) * cos(_Angle) + (0.5 - y) * sin(_Angle) + 0.5;ratio2 = (x - 0.5) * cos(_Angle) + (y - 0.5) * sin(_Angle) + 0.5;ratio1 *= 2 * _Weight;ratio2 *= 2 * (1 - _Weight);if(_ConnectedAlpha != 0){_GradientOutline1.a *= _Color.a;_GradientOutline2.a *= _Color.a;//outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;}_GradientOutline1.rgb *= _GradientOutline1.a;_GradientOutline2.rgb *= _GradientOutline2.a;outlineC = _GradientOutline1 * ratio1 + _GradientOutline2 * ratio2;}}else if(_OutlineShape == 1) // frame{if( IN.texcoord.y + thicknessY > 1 ||IN.texcoord.y - thicknessY < 0 ||IN.texcoord.x + thicknessX > 1 ||IN.texcoord.x - thicknessX < 0){// between down left to up leftif (y * thicknessX - x * thicknessY > 0 &&y * thicknessX + x * thicknessY - thicknessX < 0 &&x < 0.5f){ratio1 = 1 - x / thicknessX;ratio2 = x / thicknessX;}// between down left to down rightelse if (y * thicknessX - x * thicknessY < 0 &&y * thicknessX + x * thicknessY - thicknessY < 0 &&y < 0.5f){ratio1 = 1 - y / thicknessY;ratio2 = y / thicknessY;}// between down right to up rightelse if (y * thicknessX - x * thicknessY - thicknessX + thicknessY < 0 &&y * thicknessX + x * thicknessY - thicknessY > 0 &&x > 0.5f){ratio1 = (x - 1) / thicknessX + 1;ratio2 = -(x - 1) / thicknessX;}// between up left to up rightelse if (y * thicknessX - x * thicknessY - thicknessX + thicknessY > 0 &&y * thicknessX + x * thicknessY - thicknessX > 0 &&y > 0.5f){ratio1 = (y - 1) / thicknessY + 1;ratio2 = -(y - 1) / thicknessY;}ratio1 *= 2 * _Weight;ratio2 *= 2 * (1 - _Weight);if(_ConnectedAlpha != 0){_GradientOutline1.a *= _Color.a;_GradientOutline2.a *= _Color.a;//outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;}_GradientOutline1.rgb *= _GradientOutline1.a;_GradientOutline2.rgb *= _GradientOutline2.a;outlineC = _GradientOutline1 * ratio1 + _GradientOutline2 * ratio2;}}}else if(_OutlineMode == 2) // Image{outlineC = _ImageOutline;fixed2 frame_coord;if(_TileMode == 0){frame_coord = IN.texcoord;}else if(_TileMode == 1){frame_coord = fixed2(_FrameTex_ST.x * IN.texcoord.x * _MainTex_TexelSize.z / _FrameTex_TexelSize.z - _FrameTex_ST.z,_FrameTex_ST.y * IN.texcoord.y * _MainTex_TexelSize.w / _FrameTex_TexelSize.w - _FrameTex_ST.w);if(frame_coord.x > 1){frame_coord = fixed2(frame_coord.x - floor(frame_coord.x),frame_coord.y);}if(frame_coord.y > 1){frame_coord = fixed2(frame_coord.x,frame_coord.y - floor(frame_coord.y));}}fixed4 text = tex2D(_FrameTex, frame_coord);text.rgb *= text.a;outlineC.rgb *= text.rgb;outlineC.a *= text.a;if(_ConnectedAlpha != 0){outlineC.a *= _Color.a;}outlineC.rgb *= outlineC.a;}if(_OutlineShape == 1) // Frame{if( IN.texcoord.y + thicknessY > 1 ||IN.texcoord.y - thicknessY < 0 ||IN.texcoord.x + thicknessX > 1 ||IN.texcoord.x - thicknessX < 0){if(_OutlinePosition == 0 && c.a != 0 && _Thickness > 0){return c;}else{return outlineC;}}else{return c;}}else if(_OutlineShape == 0 && _Thickness > 0) // Contour{if((_OutlinePosition != 2 && _OutlineShape == 1) && c.a != 0 && // inside and frame(IN.texcoord.y + thicknessY > 1 ||IN.texcoord.y - thicknessY < 0 ||IN.texcoord.x + thicknessX > 1 ||IN.texcoord.x - thicknessX < 0 || CheckOriginalSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord, true))){return outlineC;}else if((_OutlinePosition == 2 || _OutlineShape != 1) && c.a == 0 && // outside orcontour(CheckOriginalSpriteTexture(IN.texcoord, false))){return outlineC;}else{return c;}}else{return c;}}else{return c;}return c;//return c;}ENDCG}}





public class OutlineController : MonoBehaviour
{//2D图片边框材质public Material outLineMaterial;/// <summary>/// 显示边框/// </summary>private void ShowOutline(){outLineMaterial.SetFloat("_Thickness", 10);}/// <summary>/// 隐藏边框/// </summary>private void HideOutline(){outLineMaterial.SetFloat("_Thickness", 0);}

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