

1、 alone, because we always take the wrong car, lonely, because we always sat and stood.孤单,是因为我们总是搭错车,寂寞,是因为我们总是坐过站。

2、 the dark corner, only belong to me, no one disturb, no one company, only the lonely winding.那黑暗的角落,只属于我,没有谁打扰,没有谁陪伴,只有寂寞的缠绕。

3、 all lonely arrived, but no friends lonely.所有的寂寞,都抵不过没有朋友的寂寞。

4、 what is loneliness? a man is alone. what is lonely? think a person is alone. what is loneliness? no one can think is lonely.什么是孤独?一个人便是孤独。什么是孤单?想一个人便是孤单。什么是寂寞?没人可想便是寂寞。

5、 happiness too far away from me, lonely grow, rickety.幸福离我太远,寂寞在滋长,摇摇晃晃。

6、 it was a flourishing fleeting, we abandon the lonely hurt beyond recognition.那是一场盛世流年,我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。

7、 the birds of the air, your loneliness than i, or my sadness than you, the rest of the time, you accompany me, okay, so you're not lonely, i would not be sad.天空的飞鸟,是你的寂寞比我多,还是我的忧伤比你多,剩下的时光,你陪我,好不好,这样你不寂寞 ,我也不会忧伤。

8、 this time, i leave you, the wind, the rain, at night; you smiled, put a waved, lonely road spanwise two.这次我离开你,是风,是雨,是夜晚;你笑了笑,我摆一摆手,一条寂寞的路便展向两头了。

9、 i like a shadow that you can do without, so that the exchange of loneliness sad thoughts, do anything for love, tasteless day, tears, is the only luxury.我像是一个你可有可无的影子,让寂寞交换着悲伤的心事,对爱无计可施,这无味的日子,眼泪,是唯一的奢侈。

10、 the essence of love is an anesthetic, bring accounted for h

11、 the vast land to do pull broken sword, where bustling complains drop. reclining cloud thousands of pot cover lonely, even if others laugh at me empty.苍茫大地一剑尽挽破,何处繁华笙歌落。斜倚云端千壶掩寂寞,纵使他人空笑我。allucinations and anesthesia. because loneliness. because of the pain. eventually bring more lonely, more pain.爱情的实质其实是一剂麻醉 药,带来占时的幻觉和麻醉。因为寂寞。因为疼痛。最后却带来更多的寂寞,更多的疼痛。

12、 i have always been beautiful in the world of orphans, lonely, lonely, persistent. once the meet and warm, it is doomed to be defeated.我一直都是美丽世界里的孤儿,孤单,寂寞,执着。一旦和温暖相遇,便注定了要溃不成军。

13、 if you love someone because lonesome and so you will eventually for love and lonely. 如果你是因为寂寞,而爱上一个人,那么你最终会因为爱而寂寞。

14、 i feel lonely kids will look up to the sky, looked at the moon, and looked at the sun, waiting till the tears in the eyes.我是一个感到寂寞就会仰望天空的小孩,望着那个月亮,望着那个太阳,望到眼中的泪水。

15、 it's you that led me out of the loneliness when i was lost in my mind.曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。

16、 four steps tosucceed:stand the loneliness,withstand the temptation,understand how to giveup,learn to choose.成功人生四步曲:1、耐住寂寞;2、抵住诱惑;3、懂得放弃;4、学会选择。

17、 cheap useless things, then do not buy; don't love the people, again lonely also don't rely on.------没用的东西,再便宜也不要买;不爱的人,再寂寞也不要依赖。

18、 a lot of things can not control, even lonely again lonely still have to go. not allowed to stop and not go back.很多事情不能自己掌控,即使再孤单再寂寞,仍要继续走下去。不许停也不能回头 .

19、 miss the time, in the lonely produce colorful flowers, and the rebirth of spring and summer. ------错过的年华,在寂寞里开出斑斓的花,却荒芜了轮回的春夏。

20、 don't wait for a smile to be nice,don't wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈善, 不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值。


21、 you never see when i look like the most lonely, because only you are not around me, i was the most lonely.你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。

22、 fall in love when you are ready, not when you are lonely.若是内心已经准备好,那就恋爱吧。切记不要因寂寞而恋爱。

23、 lonely people, and sometimes it is difficult to express in words.人的寂寞,有时候很难用语言表达。

24、 love is a kind of integrity is a price to pay, if not love, or can not afford, then do not easily open your heart.temptation and loneliness, this is not love, reasons.爱是一种诚信,是需要付出代价的,如果不爱,或无法承受,那么就别轻易地将自己的心打开。诱惑和寂寞,本不是爱的理由。

25、 the flowers blooming direction and the one about them toward the sea, loneliness, the shadow of sunshine mourner.花盛开的方向与自己有关,它们朝着大海,寂寞的影子背对着阳光。

26、 when we could not fall into sleep on a lonely night and look into the sky, we could see a lot of beautiful memories, some of which may bring a huge affection to our heart.每当夜阑人静时,我们望向星空,总会看到过去的美好回忆;一些琐碎的回忆为我寂寞的心灵带来无限的震撼。

27、 not lonely to miss you , but miss you to lonely.不是因为寂寞才想你,只是因为想你才寂寞。

28、 sometimes, you need to be alone. not to be lonely, but to enjoy some free time just being yourself. 有时候你需要一个人呆着。不是寂寞,而是享受只做自己的自由时光。

29、 in the castle is hiding lonely, is lonely is singing. the melody is very familiar, the lyrics are very fuzzy.城堡里藏着寂寞,寂寞在唱歌。旋律很熟悉,歌词很模糊。

30、 coffee is lonely without cups. i am lonely without you.没有杯子……咖啡是寂寞的……没有你……我是孤独的……

31、 i'm just a lonely child and night the stars shine together.我只是和星星一起闪亮和黑夜一起寂寞的孩子。

32、 lonely people always remember the life of everyone, as i always get enough to think of you!寂寞的人总是记住生命中出现的每一个人,正如我总是意犹未尽地想起你!

33、 you never see the most lonely when i look, because only when you are not around, i was the most lonely.你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。

34、 this time i left you, the wind, the rain, at night; you smiled, i put a waved, a lonely road spanwise two.这次我离开你,是风,是雨,是夜晚;你笑了笑,我摆一摆手,一条寂寞的路便展向两头了。

35、 because want to be alone and lonely, because love someone and gentle, because a dream persistent, waiting for a man tortured.因为想一个人而寂寞, 因为爱一个人而温柔, 因为有一个梦而执着, 因为等一个人而折磨。

36、 silence is the most overwhelming atmosphere. like the original god have mercy on hand taken away, leaving only the lonely chill in the air.沉默是最无法抵抗的气氛。好似上帝原来垂怜的手收走了,空气里只留有寂寞的寒意。

37、 you just take me as a ferry, by the time i spent lonely desolate.你只是把我当作渡口,借我度过寂寞荒凉的时光 .

38、 real aloneness is not one's loneliness,but the loss of oneself in the endless noise. 真正的孤独不是一个人寂寞,而是在无尽的喧哗中丧失了自我。

39、 he wind blowing, broken unease. i watched afar lonely, with tears in my eyes.风,吹起破碎的流年。我看着远方的寂寞,泪流满面。

40、 what is loneliness? a man is alone. what is lonely? think a person is alone. what is loneliness? no one can think is lonely. 什么是孤独?一个人便是孤独。什么是孤单?想一个人便是孤单。什么是寂寞?没人可想便是寂寞。



Loneliness can make the person capable, can also make a person clumsy.


Bear, a calm, step back, brighter.


Among various kinds of loneliness, the most afraid of loneliness of spirit.


The great, the original spirit of the more lonely.


We are the most lonely, lost on the way his heart.


When money stood up to speak, all truths are silent.


Can people who talked effusively will never feel lonely.


Happiness is time precipitation, smile is the lonely sad.


If there is a suitcase, I will open the floodgates to stray.


What kind of loneliness can more lonely than letting people?


I will fear lonely? I only occasionally feel lonely.


I don't believe everlasting, I'm ready to die alone.

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.




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