BiERU: Bidirectional Emotional Recurrent Unitfor Conversational Sentiment Analysis



  • The main difference between conversational sentiment analysis and single sentence sentiment analysis is the existence of context information which may influence the sentiment of an utterance in a dialogue.
  • Existing approaches employ complicated deep learning structures to distinguish different parties in a conversation and then model the context information.
  • In this paper, we propose a fast, compact and parameter-efficient party-ignorant framework named bidirectional emotional recurrent unit for conversational sentiment analysis.
  • In our system, a generalized neural tensor block followed by a two-channel classifier is designed to perform context compositionality and sentiment classification, respectively.
  • Extensive experiments on three standard datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms the state of the art in most cases.


二、Related Work


  • A. Problem Definition
    1)Given a multiple turns conversation C, the task is to predict the sentiment labels or sentiment intensities of the constituent utterances U1,U2,…,UN.
    2)Taking the interactive emotional database IEMOCAP as an example, emotion labels include frustrated, excited, angry, neutral, sad and happy.
    3)In general, the task is formulated as a multi-class classification problem over sequential utterances; while in some scenarios, it is regarded as a regression problem given continuous sentiment intensity.
    通常,将任务表述为基于顺序发声的多类分类问题。 在某些情况下,鉴于持续的情感强度,它被视为回归问题。
    4)In this paper, utterances are preprocessed and represented as ut using feature extractors described below.

  • B. Textual Feature Extraction
    1)Following the tradition of DialogueRNN, utterances are first embedded into vector space and then fed into CNNs for feature extraction.
    2)N-gram features are obtained from each utterance by applying three different convolution filters of sizes3, 4 and 5, respectively. Each filter has 50 features-maps.
    3)then use max-pooling followed by rectified linear unit (ReLU)activation to process the outputs of convolution operation.
    4)These activation values are concatenated and fed to a 100 dimensional fully connected layer whose outputs serve as the textual utterance representation. This CNN-based feature extraction network is trained at utterance level supervised by the sentiment labels.

  • C. Our Model
    1)Our ERU is illustrated in Note 1 of Fig. 2, which consists of two components GNTB and EFE.
    2)As mentioned in the introduction, there are three main steps for conversational sentiment analysis, namely obtaining the context representation;incorporating the influence of the context information into an utterance; and extracting emotional features for classification.
    正如导言中提到的,进行会话情感分析主要包括三个步骤,即获取上下文表示;将上下文信息的影响整合到话语中; 提取情感特征进行分类。
    3)In this paper, the ERU is employed in a bidirectional manner(BiERU) to conduct the above sentiment analysis task, reducing some expensive computations and converting the previous three-step task into a two-step task as shown in Fig.2 .
    4)Similar to bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) [29], two ERUs are utilized for forward and backward passing the input utterances.
    5)Outputs from the forward and backward ERUs are concatenated for sentiment classification or regression. More concretely, the GNTB is applied to encoding the context information and incorporating it into an utterance simultaneously; while EFE takes the output of GNTB as input and is used to obtain emotional features for classification or regression.
    -1) GNTB—Generalized Neural Tensor Block(广义神经张量块):
    The utterance vector ut∈Rd with the context information incorporated is named as contextual utterance vector pt∈Rd in this paper, where d is the dimension of ut and pt. At time t, GNTB (Fig. 3: (a)) takes ut and pt−1 as inputs and then outputs pt, a contextual utterance vector.In this process, GNTB first extracts the context information from pt−1; then it incorporates the context information into ut; finally contextual utterance vector pt is obtained.
    The first step is to capture the context information and the second step is to integrate the context information into current utterance.The combination of these two steps is regarded as context compositionality in this paper. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to perform context compositionality in conversational sentiment analysis. GNTBis the core part that achieves the context compositionality. The formulation of GNTB is described below:

    Each slice T[i] can be interpreted as capturing a specific type of context compositionality. Each slice W[i] maps contextual utterance vector pt and utterance vector ut into the context compositionality space.
    The main advantage over the previous neural tensor networks (NTN) [24], which is a special case of the GNTB when k is set to d, is that GNTB is suitable for different structures rather than only the recursive structure and the space complexity of GNTB is O(kd2) compared with O(d3)in NTN.
    In order to further reduce the number of parameters, we employ the following low-rank matrix approximation for each slice T[i]

    2) EFE—Emotion Feature Extractor:
    We utilize EFE to refine the emotion features from contextual vector pt.
    As shown inFig. 3: (b), the EFE is a two-channel model, including a LSTM cell [7] branch and a one-dimensional CNN [8] branch. The two branches receive the same contextual utterance vector pt and produce outputs independently.
    The hidden state ht is regarded as the emotion feature vector.
    The CNN receives pt as input and outputs the emotion feature vector lt.
    Finally, the outputs of LSTM cell branch ht and CNN branch lt are concatenated into an emotion feature vector et which is also the output of ERU. The formulas of EFE are as follows:

    3) Sentiment Classification & Regression:
    Taking emotion feature et as input, we use a linear neural network Wc followed by a softmax layer to predict the sentiment labels, where n_class is the number of sentiment labels.
    Then, we obtain the probability distribution S_t of the sentiment labels. Finally, we take the most possible sentiment class as the sentiment label of the utterance ut:
    然后,我们获得情感标签的概率分布S_t。 最后,我们将最可能的情感类别作为话语ut的情感标签:

    For sentiment regression task, we use a linear neural network Wr to predict the sentiment intensity. Then, we obtain the predicted sentiment intensity qt:
    qt is a scalar and ~yt is the predicted sentiment label for utterance ut.
    4) Training:
    For classification task, we choose cross-entropy as the measure of loss, and use L2-regularization to relieve overfitting. The loss function is:

    For regression task, we choose mean square error (MSE) to measure loss, and L2-regularization to relieve overfitting. The loss function is:
    N是样本/对话的数量, Si,j是会话i的话语j的情感标签的概率分布,Si,j是会话i的话语j的情感标签的概率分布, qi,j是会话i的话语j的预测情感强度,zi,j是会话i的话语j的预期情感强度,c(i)是样本i中的话语数,λ是L2正则化权重,θ是可训练参数集。我们采用随机梯度下降法(adam优化器)来训练我们的网络.

  • D. Bidirectional Emotion Recurrent Unit Variants双向情感循环单位变体
    Our model has two different forms according to the source of context information, namely bidirectional emotion recurrent unit with global context (BiERU-gc) and bidirectional emotion recurrent unit with local context (BiERU-lc).
    According to equation (1), GNTB extracts the context information from pt−1, integrates the context information into ut, and thus obtains the contextual utterance vector pt.
    Based on the definition of contextual utterance vector, pt−1 is the utterance vector that contains information of ut−1 and pt−2.
    如图2所示:(a)双向eru使pt不仅能够捕获来自先前话语的上下文信息,而且能够捕获来自未来话语ut+1、ut+2、···、uN的上下文信息。图2:(a)中的BiERU被命名为BiERU gc。
    根据式(1),GNTB从上下文话语向量pt−1中提取上下文信息,pt−1包含前面所有话语u1、u2、···、ut−2的上下文信息。如果在等式(1)和(2)中用ut-1替换pt-1,则pt包含ut-1和ut的信息。 换句话说,ut-1不仅是话语向量,而且还可以作为ut的上下文。如图2所示:(b),双向ERU使pt获得未来信息ut+1。在这种情况下,GNTB从ut−1和ut+1中提取上下文信息,这是ut的相邻话语。我们把这个型号命名为BiERU lc。


  • A. Datasets
    我们使用三个数据集进行实验,即AVEC,IEMOCAP和MELD,一些代表性模型(例如DialogueRNN和DialogueGCN)也使用了这三个数据集。 我们执行标准的数据分区速率(表I中的详细信息).
  • B. Baselines and Settings
    To evaluate performance of our model, we choose the following models as strong baselines including the state-of-the-art methods.
    a) c-LSTM
    b) CMN
    c) DialogueRNN
    d) DialogueCNN
    e) AGHMN
    f) Settings: 所有的实验都是使用cnn提取的特征进行的,如方法部分所述。为了与最新的对话模式进行比较,我们直接使用了他们的话语表征.
  • C. Results
    我们使用三个标准基准将我们的模型与文本情态的基线进行比较, 总的来说,我们的模型在这些数据集上执行了所有的基线方法,包括最先进的模型,如DialogueRNN、DialogueGCN和AGHMN,并且在某些指标上明显超过了表2所示的结果。

2)Comparison between BiERU-gc and BiERU-lc:
According to experimental results in Tables II and III, the overall performance of BiERU-lc is better than BiERU-gc.

  • D. Case Study
    Fig. 5 illustrates a conversation snippet classified by BiERU-lc method.图5示出了通过BiERU-lc方法分类的会话片段。
    In this snippet, person A is initially at a frustrated state while person B acts as a listener in the beginning.Then, person A changes his/her focus and questions person B on his/her job state. Person B tries to use his/her own experience to help person A get rid of the frustrating state.
    This snippet reveals that the sentiment of a speaker is relatively steady and the interaction between speakers may change the sentiment of a speaker.
    Our BiERU-lc method shows good ability in capturing the speaker’s sentiment (turns 9, 11, 12, 14) and the interaction between speakers (turn 10). The sentiment in turn13 is very subtly. Turn 13 contains a little bit of frustration since he/she is not satisfied with his/her job state.
    However, considering that person B attempts to help person A, turn 13 is more likely to be in a neutral stand.
  • E. Visualization
    Vectors fed into the last dense layer followed by softmax for classification are regarded as emotion feature representations of utterances. We use principal component analysis [37] to reduce the dimension of emotion representations from our model (BiERU-lc) and DialogueRNN.
    The emotion representation is reduced to 3-dimensional. In Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b, each color represents a predicted sentiment label and the same color means the same sentiment label.The figures show that our model outperforms on extracting emotion features of utterances labeled with “happy”, which is consistent with the results in Table 2.
  • G. Ablation Study
    To further explore our proposed BiERU model, we perform ablation study on its two main components, i.e., GNTB andEFE. We conduct experiments on the IEMOCAP dataset with individual GNTB and EFE module separately, and their combination, i.e., the complete BiERU. Experimental results on the IEMOCAP dataset are illustrated in Table IV.
    The performance of sole GNTB or EFE is low in terms of accuracy and f1-score. The reason is that outputs of GNTB mainly contain context information and outputs of EFE lack context information. However, when these two modules are combined together as the BiERU model, the accuracy and f1-score increase dramatically, which proves the effectiveness of our BiERU model. More importantly, the GNTB and EFE modules couples significantly well to enhance the performance.
  • E. Visualization


  1. In this paper, we proposed a fast, compact and parameter-efficient party-ignorant framework bidirectional emotional re-current unit (BiERU) for sentiment analysis in conversations.Our proposed generalized neural tensor block (GNTB), skilled at context compositionality, reduced the number of parameters and was suitable for different structures. Additionally, our EFE is capable of extracting high-quality emotion features for sentiment analysis. We proved that it is feasible to both simplify the model structure and improve performance simultaneously.
  2. Our model outperforms current state-of-the-art models on three standard datasets in most cases. In addition, our method has the ability to model conversations with arbitrary turns and speakers, which plan to study further in the future.

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