
We all know it’s important to back up your Mac with Time Machine, but remembering to plug in your external drive can be a hassle, especially if you’re a MacBook user. So networked backups come in handy: you don’t have to remember to do anything.

我们都知道使用Time Machine备份Mac非常重要,但是记住插入外部驱动器会很麻烦,尤其是如果您是MacBook用户。 因此,网络备份非常方便:您无需记住要做任何事情。

But there aren’t many easy ways to back up your Mac over the network. This feature used to be offered by the Airport Time Capsule, a router with a built in hard drive for Time Machine backups, but Apple isn’t planning on making new versions. You can set up a Raspberry Pi as a Time Machine server, but it’s not exactly easy and you’re bound to run into glitches.

但是,没有很多简单的方法可以通过网络备份Mac。 该功能曾经由Airport Time Capsule提供,Airport Time Capsule是具有用于Time Machine备份的内置硬盘驱动器的路由器,但是Apple并未计划制作新版本。 您可以将Raspberry Pi设置为Time Machine服务器 ,但这并不是一件容易的事,而且您一定会遇到小问题。

But if you’ve got multiple Macs, High Sierra brings what was a macOS Server exclusive feature to everyone: the ability to set up any shared folder as a Time Machine destination. You could set up an old Mac Mini to be your backup server, or if you’ve got two Macs you use regularly, you could back them up to each other. You could even plug an external drive into your desktop Mac and share it over the network—then you can back up your MacBook to it wirelessly.

但是,如果您有多台Mac,High Sierra将为所有人带来macOS Server独有的功能:可以将任何共享文件夹设置为Time Machine目的地。 您可以将旧的Mac Mini设置为备份服务器,或者如果有两台Mac经常使用,则可以将它们相互备份。 您甚至可以将外部驱动器插入台式机Mac并通过网络共享它-然后可以将MacBook无线备份到它。

Whatever your configuration, setup is relatively simple, albeit hidden. Here’s how to get started.

无论您采用哪种配置,设置都是相对简单的,尽管它是隐藏的。 这是入门方法。

在主机Mac上设置Time Machine共享 (Set Up Time Machine Sharing on Host Mac)

Open System Preferences on the Mac you want to back up files to, then head to “Sharing.”


Make sure “File Sharing” is turned on and selected. Next, share an empty folder by clicking the “+” button.

确保已打开并选择“文件共享”。 接下来,单击“ +”按钮共享一个空文件夹。

I’ve called mine “Time Machine” because I’m boring, but you can use whatever time travel terminology you prefer (88MPH and Tardis are both solid choices.)

我之所以将其称为“ Time Machine”是因为我很无聊,但是您可以使用自己喜欢的任何时间旅行术语(88MPH和Tardis都是不错的选择。)

You can use your Mac’s primary account for this, if you like, or you can create a networking only account if you want to keep things sandboxed.

您可以根据需要使用Mac的主要帐户,也可以将沙箱中的内容创建为仅限网络帐户 。

When you’re done right-click your folder, then click “Advanced Options.”


Make sure “Share as a Time Machine backup destination” is checked. I’d highly recommend “Limit backups to…GB” is also checked.

确保选中“共享为Time Machine备份目标”。 我强烈建议同时选中“将备份限制到... GB”。

By default Time Machine will use up all space on a drive to store old files until the drive is full, and you don’t want that happening if you use this drive for anything but Time Machine backups.

默认情况下,Time Machine会用完驱动器上的所有空间来存储旧文件,直到驱动器已满,并且,如果您将此驱动器用于Time Machine备份以外的其他用途,则不希望发生这种情况。

在客户端Mac上连接到Time Machine共享 (Connect to Time Machine Share on Client Mac)

On your client Mac open the Finder. You should see the server Mac in the sidebar; click it, then click the “Connect As…” button at top-right.

在客户端Mac上,打开Finder。 您应该会在边栏中看到服务器Mac。 单击它,然后单击右上角的“连接为...”按钮。

Enter the username and password for your server Mac, the open System Preferences and head to the Time Machine panel and click “Select disk.” You’ll see your network share as an option.

输入服务器Mac的用户名和密码,打开“系统偏好设置”,然后转到“时间机器”面板,然后单击“选择磁盘”。 您会看到自己的网络共享。

You can now back up your Mac to this network share. You can repeat this process on as many Macs as you like, just make sure you’ve got enough storage space for all those backups.

现在,您可以将Mac备份到该网络共享。 您可以在任意多台Mac上重复此过程,只需确保有足够的存储空间即可进行所有这些备份。




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