
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

If you don’t want to use up your mobile data cap, you can download movies and TV shows from Disney+ to watch offline. Although you can’t save films and shows to your computer, you can download them to the iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile apps.

如果您不想用完移动数据上限,则可以从Disney +下载电影和电视节目以离线观看。 尽管无法将电影和节目保存到计算机上,但可以将它们下载到iPhone,iPad和Android移动应用程序。

如何下载迪士尼+电影 (How to Download Disney+ Movies)

First, find and select a movie you want to save for offline playback. You can either choose something from the homepage or use the app’s various search and category features to find a film of your liking.

首先,找到并选择要保存以供离线播放的电影。 您可以从首页中选择某项内容,也可以使用该应用程序的各种搜索和类别功能来查找自己喜欢的电影。

Next, tap on the Download button, which looks like an arrow pointing downward.


Your movie will immediately start downloading to your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. You will check the download by looking at the progress bar (1) that replaces the Download button.

您的电影将立即开始下载到您的iPhone,iPad或Android设备。 您将通过查看代替“下载”按钮的进度条(1)来检查下载。

Tap on the Downloads tab (2) to see all of the movies and other content saved to your device.


Once the movie is finished downloading, select the Play button (1) that is located on top of the film’s cover art.


Alternatively, you can tap on the Fully Downloaded icon (2) found to the right of the movie’s title. The button looks like a smart device with a checkmark in the middle of the screen.

或者,您可以点击电影标题右侧的“完全下载”图标(2)。 该按钮看起来像是一个智能设备,在屏幕中间带有复选标记。

A pop-up will appear with several options. Select the “Play” link to start watching the film.

将显示一个弹出窗口,其中包含多个选项。 选择“播放”链接开始观看电影。

如何下载迪士尼+电视节目 (How to Download Disney+ TV Shows)

The process for downloading TV shows within the Disney+ app is almost identical to saving movies. To begin, select a series that you wish to keep for offline playback.

在Disney +应用程序中下载电视节目的过程几乎与保存电影相同。 首先,选择要保留以供离线播放的系列。

Next, you can either tap on the Download button next to individual episodes (1) or the Download button for the entire season (2).


If you choose to download an entire season, a pop-up will appear at the bottom of your display, confirming that you wish to save a certain number of episodes. Tap the “Download” button to proceed.

如果您选择下载整个季节,则显示屏底部将显示一个弹出窗口,确认您希望保存一定数量的剧集。 点击“下载”按钮继续。

The Download button’s icon will transform into a progress bar (1). You can select the Downloads tab to check everything that’s downloading to your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

“下载”按钮的图标将转换为进度条(1)。 您可以选择“下载”选项卡来检查要下载到iPhone,iPad或Android设备的所有内容。

Every episode that you download (even if there’s just one) will be grouped by series. Tap on the series to find a specific episode to watch.

您下载的每一集(即使只有一集)也将按系列分组。 点击该系列以查找要观看的特定剧集。

As with watching downloaded movies in the Disney+ app, you can immediately jump into the video player by selecting the Play button (1) on top of the show’s cover art.

与在Disney +应用程序中观看下载的电影一样,您可以通过选择节目封面上的“播放”按钮(1)立即跳入视频播放器。

Alternatively, you can tap the smart device icon with the checkmark in the middle of it (2) to open a new menu.


Within the pop-up menu, select the “Play” button to start watching the downloaded TV show.


如何删除已下载的迪士尼+影视节目 (How to Delete Downloaded Disney+ Movies and TV Shows)

When you reach the end of a downloaded movie or TV show episode, the Disney+ app will offer to delete it. If you missed this button or exited the player before it appeared, you can delete watched or unwanted films and shows from the Downloads tab. Tap on it to proceed.

当您到达下载的电影或电视节目剧集的结尾时,Disney +应用程序将提供删除它的功能。 如果您错过了此按钮或在播放器出现之前退出了播放器,则可以从“下载”选项卡中删除已观看或不需要的电影和节目。 点击它继续。

The easiest way to remove a single downloaded item is to swipe left on the listing (1) and then select the Delete button (2) that looks like a trash can.


The movie or TV show will immediately be deleted from your iPhone, iPad, or Android device without any secondary confirmation pop-up.


You can also select multiple items to be deleted at the same time. To do this, tap on the “Edit” button located in the top-right corner of the mobile app’s interface.

您也可以同时选择多个要删除的项目。 为此,请点击移动应用程序界面右上角的“编辑”按钮。

Next, check the box next to any films or shows (1) that you wish to delete. A text bar at the bottom of the app will let you know how many items have been selected and how much space will be freed up once things are removed.

接下来,选中要删除的电影或电影(1)旁边的框。 应用程序底部的文本栏将让您知道已选择了多少个项目,以及一旦移除所有内容将释放多少空间。

Tap on the Delete button (2) that looks like a trash can to remove the downloaded movies and TV shows from your device.


The same process works if you want to select and delete individual TV show episodes. All you would need to do was first select the series from the Downloads list. From there, tap the “Edit” button, choose the episodes you’d like to delete, and then tap the delete button.

如果您要选择和删除单个电视节目剧集,则可以执行相同的过程。 您需要做的就是首先从“下载”列表中选择系列。 在此处,点击“编辑”按钮,选择您要删除的剧集,然后点击“删除”按钮。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/447786/how-to-download-disney-movies-and-tv-shows-to-watch-offline/



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