What does Software Craftsman do?

They do following things:

1. Identify problem

2. Give solution of the problem

3. Translate the solution to code.

How to become a senior Software Craftsman?

And the beginner in SW field shall start from the third step "Translate the solution to code". At the beginning phase, the SW craftsman get the solution of the problem from some experienced guy, and the beginner just coding.

In the coding phase, you have to learn and practise all the basic programming skill. You should make your coding skill proficient. This phase is very important and is the phase most software guy over looked.  Just like the NBA basketball players, you have to train yourself for the game, which just like your job, and for the basketball playing skill.

As the coding phase going, you can find some problems and the solution of the problem. But at this phase, your capability and experience are not enough to do this two tasks efficiently and easily.

At this phase, the only thing you can do is repetition. Just repeat everything you did and everything mistake you made. Then the one who can persist in this repetition will be a senior software craftsman one day.


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