Since I’ve attended several job interviews recently, I’ve decided toshare some experience with you. Why hard part? Because this article is going tobe about technical stuff. I’m going to write something about soft part later.Technical interview will probably look a bit different depending on yourprogramming background. If you are new, expect more core language / programmingquestions. Later on emphasis probably shifts more towards your actual workexperience, technologies, frameworks and practical problem solving skills. I’mnot going to answer questions (I’m lazy), just provide list of topics you mightwant to review if you are going to a Java interview.

General object oriented programming /design core

Explain polymorphism, encapsulation, cohesion,coupling.

Difference between inheritance andaggregation.

What does “clean code” and “technical debt”mean to you?

Describe some refactoring techniques.

Explain SOLID principles.

Other principles like KISS, DRY, YAGNI, lawof Demeter etc.

What design patterns do you know, explainsome.

What design anti-patterns do you know?

How would you design an amphibious vessel /math expression evaluator / a dragon?

What sorting algorithms do you know andwhat’s their computational complexity? Which would you choose having someknowledge about the data you are given?

Write a code that:

calculates a factorial of given number

does a Fizz Buzz

inverts order of letters in words of givensentence.

checks if given string is a palindrome.

enumerates all permutations / variations ofgiven set of characters

Java core

What is the contract between equals andhashCode and how it’s used in Java collections?

Describe Java collections, interfaces,implementations. What’s the difference between LinkedList and ArrayList?

What’s the difference between primitivesand wrappers, where do they live, what’s autoboxing?

Where can you put keywords final and staticand what do they do?

Access modifiers in Java.

Difference between String and StringBuilder/ StringBuffer.

Difference between interface and abstractclass.

Difference between overriding andoverloading.

Types of exceptions and “handle or declare”rule.

How does garbage collector work?

How would you deal with memory leak / stackoverflow problem?

How to make a class immutable and what’sthe point?

What’s JIT compilation?

What’s new in Java 8 / Java 7? What’scoming in Java 9?

Hibernate / databases

What’s ORM?

Describe benefits and drawbacks ofHibernate.

Difference between Hibernate and JPA

What’s new in latest versions of Hibernate?

What’s lazy loading?

What’s N+1 problem?

Explain some Hibernate annotations.

What’s Hibernate Session andSessionFactory?

States of entity beans.

Cashing levels in Hibernate.

Transactions support in Hibernate.

What’s optimistic locking?

Describe ACID principles.

Describe database normalizations.

How would you approach to optimization of aslow query?


What’s new in latest versions of Spring?

Describe benefits and drawbacks of Spring.

What’s inversion of control and dependencyinjection?

What Spring modules have you used?

What types of dependency injection can beused in Spring?

What modes of auto wiring are available inSpring?

Describe Spring MVC.

Scopes in Spring.

Bean life cycle.

What’s the difference between Spring Beanand EJB Bean?

Miscellaneous topics

Explain Aspect Oriented Programming.

What’s the difference between GET and POST?

What’s the difference between web server,web container and application server?

Describe what’s happening in Java web applicationbetween entering an url in browser and getting the requested web page.

What’s a n-layer architecture?

What are the differences betweenmicroservices and monolithic applications?

What enterprise design patterns do youknow?

How would you test an application?Different layers of tests. What testing frameworks do you know?

How would you test a single method?

What was the hardest technical challengeyou’ve faced in your career?

What’s Domain Driven Development?

Name some important plug-ins for your favourite IDE.

Apart from IDE, what tools do you findessential for your daily work?

What version control tools have you used?

What’s the difference between branch andtag?

What tools for continuous integration /build / static code analysis have you used?

There is more

As usual. I’ve tried to cover most typical for the interview. There areplenty stuff aside from core language and everything depends on particular joband your resume. Personally I’m not a big fan of strict specialisation and liketo do full stack development from database to frontend, with maybe more biastowards backend. Most popular technologies around Java backend are now probablySpring and Hibernate, that’s why I gave them separate sections here. Mostpopular stuff for front end would now be Angular.JS and Bootstrap. But more onthat later on.

There is plenty information on the internet about “[technology name]interview questions”, go ahead and google what you need. If you like to hold abook in your hand, there are several on the topic of programming interviews,I’ve read three of them some time ago, you may find some useful stuff there aswell:

Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets toLanding Your Next Job

Coding Interviews: Questions, Analysis& Solutions

Cracking the Coding Interview.

Good luck on your technical interviews! In the next episode we are goingto talk about soft parts of software developer recruitment process :)


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