
Last year, for the first time in five years, the number of cameras sold actually increased. While I’ve got nothing other than personal anecdote to back it up, I suspect that people are loving taking photos on their smartphones so much that some of them are actually deciding to buy a dedicated camera.

去年,这是五年来的第一次, 实际销售的相机数量有所增加 。 尽管我除了个人轶事外没有其他东西可以备份它,但我怀疑人们非常喜欢在智能手机上拍照,以至于其中一些人实际上决定购买专用相机。

If you’re one of those people thinking about making the leap from using a smartphone to a camera, here’s what you need to know.


更好的相机的优势 (The Advantages of a Better Camera)

Camera quality isn’t something that’s easily reduced down to a single number. While manufacturers like to tout stuff like megapixels, they’re only one factor in image quality. Things like sensor size are actually more important. Dedicated cameras definitely have more megapixels on larger sensors, but they also have other advantages.

相机质量不是很容易降低到单个数字的东西。 尽管制造商喜欢吹捧百万像素之类的东西 ,但它们只是图像质量的一个因素 。 传感器尺寸之类的东西实际上更为重要。 专用相机在较大的传感器上肯定具有更多的百万像素,但它们还有其他优点。

The biggest advantages of dedicated cameras aren’t obvious in perfect conditions. If you want to take a selfie or photo of your friends with really great light, it will be hard to tell the difference between a shot taken with a phone with an excellent camera, like the iPhone X, and a camera. Instead, where dedicated cameras excel is in the edge cases. They’re much better in low light, or when you want to take photos of fast moving athletes, or zoom in close to capture photos of hummingbirds. There are many kinds of photography that a smartphone just can’t do.

在完美的条件下 ,专用相机的最大优势并不明显 。 如果您想在非常明亮的光线下拍摄朋友的自拍照或照片,将很难分辨使用具有出色相机( 如iPhone X)的手机拍摄的照片和相机之间的区别。 相反,专用摄像机的优势在于边缘情况。 在弱光下,或者当您想拍摄快速运动的运动员的照片时,或者在放大以捕获蜂鸟的照片时,它们会更好。 智能手机无法做到的摄影种类很多。

决定要单反相机还是无反光镜相机 (Decide Whether You Want a DSLR or a Mirrorless Camera)

Right now there are three kinds of dedicated cameras available: point and shoots, mirrorless cameras, and DSLRs. While point and shoots are still better than smartphones in some ways, they’re more of a step sideways than a step up. If you’re in anyway serious about photography, you’ll be much better served by a mirrorless or DSLR camera.

目前,共有三种专用相机:傻瓜相机,无反相机和单反相机。 尽管傻瓜相机在某些方面仍比智能手机好 ,但它们更多的是横向移动,而不是增强。 无论如何,如果您对摄影很认真,那么使用无反光镜或DSLR相机会更好。

Mirrorless cameras and DSLRs are both interchangeable lens cameras. This means that you can swap the lens depending on what subject you want to shoot. The difference is that DSLRs (literally, Digital Single Lens Reflex camera), use the same design as old film cameras, with a mirror that reflects light to the viewfinder so you can see what you’re taking photographs of, while mirrorless cameras skip the mirror and use an electronic screen or viewfinder. There are pros and cons to both systems, which we go into in our guide to buying a high quality camera, but briefly: DSLRs are bigger and heavier, but tend to be better for the same price and give you a wider range of lenses to choose from. Mirrorless cameras are smaller and lighter, and can be used with old lenses, but cost more money for the same features.

无反光镜相机和数码单反相机都是可互换的镜头相机 。 这意味着您可以根据要拍摄的对象更换镜头。 不同之处在于DSLR(实际上是数码单镜头反光相机)采用与旧胶卷相机相同的设计,并带有将光反射到取景器的镜面,因此您可以看到正在拍摄的照片,而无反光镜相机则跳过镜子并使用电子屏幕或取景器。 两种系统都有其优缺点,我们在购买高质量相机的指南中会对此进行介绍,但简要地说:DSLR更大,更重,但在相同的价格下往往会更好,并且可以为您提供更大范围的镜头从中选择。 无反光镜相机体积更小,重量更轻, 可以与旧镜头一起使用 ,但为实现相同功能却要花更多的钱。

Which format you go with is up to you—they’re both a lot better than a smartphone—but bear in mind that lenses aren’t often compatible between systems, and can last for a long time. The kind of camera you pick now, is most likely the kind of camera you’ll be using in ten years.

哪种格式由您决定-它们都比智能手机好得多-但请记住,镜头在系统之间通常不兼容,并且可以使用很长时间。 您现在选择的相机很可能是十年后将要使用的相机。

学习使用手动控件 (Learn to Use Manual Controls)

One of the best things about a proper camera is how much control you have over what it does. There are apps that give you manual control of your smartphone cameras, but they are still much more limited. If you’ve bought a camera, you need to learn how to use it properly to get the most from it.

合适的相机最好的事情之一就是您对其操作有多少控制权。 有一些应用程序可以让您手动控制智能手机相机,但是它们仍然受到更多限制。 如果您购买了相机,则需要学习如何正确使用相机, 以充分利用相机。

There are three main settings you need to learn how to use: shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. Together they make the “exposure triangle”, and determine how your photos will look.

您需要学习三个主要设置 : 快门速度 , 光圈和ISO 。 它们共同构成了“曝光三角形”,并确定您的照片外观。

You should also make sure you shoot in RAW, a file format that retains a lot more information than JPEG or PNG.


确定您要拍摄的照片种类并进行装饰 (Decide What Kind of Photos You Want to Take…and Accessorize)

Most entry level cameras also come with a “kit lens” (it’s normally an 18-55mm lens) which is great for everyday snapping, but not ideal if you want to do something more specialized. The good thing is DSLRs and mirrorless cameras are incredibly flexible.

大多数入门级相机还配备了一个“固定镜头”(通常是18-55mm镜头),非常适合日常拍摄,但是如果您想做更专业的事情就不理想了。 好东西是数码单反相机和无反光镜相机非常灵活。

Once you decide what kind of photography you’re most interested in, whether it’s street photography, portrait photography, astrophotography, landscape photography, or whatever, you can invest in the gear that helps you do it.

一旦确定了您最感兴趣的摄影类型,无论是街头摄影 , 人像摄影 , 天文摄影 , 风景摄影还是其他,您都可以投资有助于您做到这一点的装备。

For example, if you want to take portraits, you should buy a great, wide aperture portrait lens. On the other hand, if you’re more interested in landscape photography, you should get a tripod and a wide angle lens.

例如,如果您要拍摄人像,则应该购买大口径广角镜头 。 另一方面,如果您对风景摄影更感兴趣,则应该购买三脚架和广角镜 。

获取正确的软件 (Get the Right Software)

Taking a photo is the only thee first step in making great images. You also need to edit them. You don’t have to do a lot, but you need the right software to do it.

拍摄照片是制作精美图像的唯一第一步。 您还需要编辑它们。 您不必做很多事情 ,但是您需要正确的软件来完成它。

Photoshop is the de facto standard editing app, and at $10 a month, has never been more affordable. You also get Lightroom which is the best app for keeping your photos sorted and editing your RAW files.

Photoshop是事实上的标准编辑应用程序, 每月10美元 ,再便宜不过了。 您还将获得Lightroom ,这是使照片保持排序并编辑RAW文件的最佳应用程序。

If you’re just starting out, however, you might not want to sign up for Adobe’s subscriptions service. Instead, you should check out some of the cheaper alternatives to Photoshop. There are even some Lightroom alternatives out there.

但是,如果您只是刚入门,则可能不想注册Adobe的订阅服务。 相反,您应该查看Photoshop的一些更便宜的替代品 。 甚至还有一些Lightroom替代品 。

Buying a DSLR was one of the best thing I ever did; hopefully you’ll enjoy the jump from a smartphone to a dedicated camera. If you’ve any questions, ask away in the comments.

买单反是我做过的最好的事情之一。 希望您会喜欢从智能手机升级到专用相机的过程。 如有任何疑问,请在评论中提问。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/343074/how-to-move-to-a-dedicated-camera-after-using-a-smartphone-camera/



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