



With the rapid process of modernization, computer becomes more and more popular. Nowadays, almost every family has a computer. Because of computers, our daily life is improving.

Computer has a great effect on our daily life. In the first place, computer has so many functions. As we have computers, we needn't buy books, radios, TVs and any other things, because computer can take place of them. Secondly, surfing on the Internet must be very interesting. Through the Internet, we can do everything we like.

Thirdly, thanks to the Internet, we can get the further education at any time, so we don't have to get up so early in winter days.

However, a coin has two sides, because it's new doesn't mean it's always good.

At present, most students spend too much time on computer games. I don't think it's a good phenomenon, because it will do great harm to our eyes as well as our health if we play computer games all the time.

In my opinion, we should use the computers in the right way.

For instance, we can read the latest news on the internet to know the world better; read the e-books to enrich our knowledge or download some useful information for our work.

We can also make different friends on the Internet, so that our life will be colorful. I believe computers will be our best friends if we make good use of them.


When I was in grade four in primary school, my father taught me how to use computer. After that, I was very interested in playing computer.

I watched movies, played computer games, searched the Internet and listened to the music on computer. Because my father must work in his computer, so he bought another for me.

I was very happy that I had my own computer. It was put in the study. I am always very careful to use my computer, because I am worried I would break. I often chat with my net friends. Because of my computer, I make many friends who have many in common.

Of course, I use my computer in study. There are resources on the Internet. I can learn more after class. It does great help to me.


Nowadays, as we enter a new era which is full of new thing and technology, computer using has been a common and necessary skill in our work and study. However, computer also has some advantages while it has caused some problems.

On the one hand, to a large extent, computer has brought a lot of convenience and benefits to our work, study and other areas. For example, those people who are familiar with computer using not only have more chances to get in touch with more information and knowledge but also have more efficiency in their study and work, especially for university students and technical workers. On the other hand, computers have made a great contribution to the development of communication.

We can communicate with others who come from different places by computer but without meeting with them in person as a result.

However, on the other hand, there are some problems caused by computer using. For example, a flood of the computer games have been a great threat for the growth and development of some children and students, and even some adults. They are addicted to computer games so terrible that they can never concentrate on their study and work but only play games day and night. It has been a tremendous worry for their parents.

Taking its advantages and disadvantages into consideration, I suggest that we take full use advantages of its advantages and avoid its disadvantages as much as possible.

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