
1759年,法国大数学家达朗贝尔*(D’Alembert(1717 1783))力挺无穷小的存在性,促使数学分析到达一个历史“转折点”。



袁萌  2月23日


1.4. J. D’Alembert and L.Carnot

A turning point in the history of the basic notions of analysis is associated with the ideas and activities of D’Alembert, one of the initiators and leading authors of the immortal masterpiece of the thought of the Age of Enlightenment, the French Encyclopedia or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts, and Crafts. In the article “Di?erential” he wrote: “Newton never considered di?erential calculus to be some calculus of the in?nitely small, but he rather viewed it as the method of prime and ultimate ratios” [408, p. 157]. D’Alembert was the ?rst mathematician who declared that he had found the proof that the in?nitely small “do exist neither in Nature nor in the assumptions of geometricians” (a quotation from his article “In?nitesimal” of 1759).

Excursus into the History of Calculus 7

The D’Alembert standpoint in Encyclopedia contributed much to the formulation by the end of the 18th century of the understanding of an in?nitesimal as a vanishing magnitude. It seems worthy to recall in this respect the book by Carnot Considerations on Metaphysics of the In?nitely Small wherein he observed that “the notion of in?nitesimal is less clear than that of limit implying nothing else but the di?erence between such a limit and the quantity whose ultimate value it provides.”


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