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  • ActivMedia Robotics Interface for Applications - ARIA is an OO C++ library for controlling ActivMedia mobile robots. Provides dynamic control of velocity, heading, and other navigation settings as well as I/O bus, gripper, pan-tilt, and bumpers. ARIA is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • Autopilot - A complete Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) control system with 3 axis IMU/INS+GPS. Autopilot is Free Software and, along with the associated hardware designs, is licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • 4 Axis Stepper Control for CNC - Windows and DOS-based software is provided to control homebrew, stepper-based, 4-axis CNC hardware that cuts parts for sailplane models.

  • BotController - Control software for Khepera, Koala or Hemisson robots. Connects to robot via PC serial port. Provides a graphical representation and a powerful and easy to use BASIC editor. Commercial, proprietary software for MS Windows.

  • Carnegie Mellon Robot Navigation Toolkit - CARMEN is modular, Open Source C software designed to provide basic navigation primatives including: base and sensor control, obstacle avoidance, localization, path planning, people-tracking, and mapping. Licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • CMU Mobile Autonomous Robot Software - CMU MultiRobot Lab MARS packages are complete, effective and scalable software for autonomous robot teams. Support for integrated perception, reasoning, learning, communication and cooperative strategies that solve complex multiagent tasks. Free Software released under the GNU GPL.

  • Dave's Multi-tasking Sumo Robot Program - Multi-tasking control program for a Sumo robot equipped with multiple sensors. C source code for the 68HC11 Handiboard.

  • Dave's Robotic Operating System - DROS is an Open Source project at the Australian National University. DROS is a modular framework for controlling a wide range of mobile robots. Coded in C++ and Perl. Licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • DRobot - Reversed-engineered, Open Source control software for robots made by the now defunct Nomadic Technologies, Inc.. Written in C and released under the GNU GPL.

  • EGgO Educational Robotics Platform - A software platform and associated hardware with a focus on educational use. Software can handle 100+ I/O ports, up to 12-16 servos and many DC motors. EGgO is written in Python, runs on Linux and is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • EusLisp Robot Programming Language - Object-oriented Lisp-based programming system designed specifically for the development of robotics software.

  • FIPA-OS - A component-based Java toolkit enabling rapid development of FIPA compliant physical agents. Source code is available under an Open Source-like license.

  • GVG SLAM - Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) software that generates a map called a generalized Voronoi graph (GVG). Written in C.

  • jabot - Event-driven controller for small remote robots. This approach uses a MIDI-style object mechanism for controlling over the internet. JINI and Java based.

  • JRobot - Java Interface for Mitsubishi RVM1 Robot. Control and camera interfaces are provided. Open Source software released under the BSD license.

  • KControl - A Linux-based control and monitor program for the Khepera robot. C++ source is included. License prohibits most non-educational use.

  • Mobile and Autonomous Robotics Integration Environment - MARIE is a development and integration environment built over a communication layer. Its main goal is to integrate other robotics software such as Player/Stage, CARMEN, and RobotFlow. MARIE is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • Modular Controller Architecture 2 - A modular, network transparent, realtime capable, C/C++ framework for controlling robots. The main plattform is Linux/RTLinux but Win32 and Solaris also supported. MCA-2 is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • MotoRobots Software Libraries - A collection of Open Source embedded software libraries for mobile robotics applications, targeting Motorola 68K/ColdFire and PowerPC micros. The code is written in C, C++, and assembler and licensed under the GNU LGPL.

  • Nomadic.Sourceforge.Net - Official production releases and source code from the now defunct Nomadic Technologies, Inc. Source code to all drivers, libraries and applications is now under the GNU GPL license.

  • NROSoft Robotics Software- BASIC Stamp code used by the GearGrinders (Team 112) in the FIRST robotic competition. Source code for the 2001 and 2002 events is available.

  • Object Oriented Mobile Robot Model - OOMRM is a C++ library developed for the 68332 MRM microprocessor board. It includes a host (Windows/Linux) mobile robot simulator that can be run independently of the 68332. OOMRM is Free Software licensed under the GNU LGPL.

  • PC/104 Robotics Drivers - For PC/104+ users. Includes Linux drivers for the ACCES 104-DIO-48S digital I/O board, up to 8 Polaroid ultrasonic sensors, and an interface to a PIC controller for motor control with encoder feedback. Free Software written in C and licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • Peeves Control Program - PID-based odometry and dead-reckoning for a mobile robot with differential steering, implemented for a Lego RCX module. Detailed article describes theory of operation. Open Source software written in the NQC language and released under an MIT license.

  • Perception Action Components Library - PACLib provides a collection of modules for processing image data from video cameras and for robot control and simulation. PACLib is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • Pyro AI and Robotics System - A library, environment, graphical user interface, and low-level drivers to explore AI and robotics using the Python language. Pyro is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • RAP System - The Reactive Action Packages (RAP) system provides a plan and task representation structured to make a task's expected behavior evident. Written in Common Lisp. Copyright allows educational use only.

  • RHexLib - A collection of C++ libraries that form the Open Source control software used in the RHex hexapod robot. The code was developed for the QNX RTOS but also runs on Linux. Released under the BSD license.

  • Robosoft - A multiprocess robotic "nervous system" that will allow a four-legged robot to control itself autonomously in nine degrees of freedom. Robosoft is Open Source C++ code under the BSD license.

  • Robot Control C Library - RCCL is a library of C routines for doing real-time control and graphic simulation of a number of industrial robots, primarily PUMAs. License allows non-commercial use only.

  • SAPHIRA - A robot control system developed at SRI's AI Center as an integrated architecture for robot perception and action. C/C++ source include. Non-commercial use only.

  • Scene - An Open Source C++ library for sequential localisation and map-building. Modular design makes it suitable for robot navigation in 1D, 2D or 3D with arbitrary sensing capabilities. Licensed under GNU GPL.

  • ServoMaster - A platform independent servo controller driver compatible with FerretTronics and Phidget boards. Java and C++ versions. Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • SPLAT - The Simple Provisional Language for Actions and Tasks provides both a language for specifying control laws and a runtime environment for executing and monitoring them. Based on RScheme. SPLAT is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • step - C source code for a Linux stepper motor controller that can control up to 3 unipolar steppers through a PC parallel port. Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.

  • Visual Servo Automation- VSA provides MS Windows-based motion control compatible with servo controllers commonly used in robotics applications such the Mini SSC, SV203, and SMI boards. VSA is proprietary, commercial software.

  • xbot - A modular bot software environment based on the .Net framework for autonomous neuronal network, script or map driven mobile omniwheel robots using the SV203 controller. Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.



  • RoboWorks - RoboWorks是一个非常容易上手的3D建模,仿真及动画模拟的工具软件,它可以应用于很多不同的系统. 通过使用Roboworks,用户可以简单的建立高质量的3D模型,并可以通过特别的接口与其他软件相兼容. RoboWorks支持直接从键盘输入或从文件输入数据,已用来动画模拟,也支持开源的Robotalk的程序. RoboWorks下载

  • BugWorks 2D Robot Simulator - 一个用JAVA写的2D的机器人仿真程序.

  • Camelot - Camelots Ropsim是基于Windows系统的机器人离线编程与动态仿真软件,它在工业上应用很广泛.通过Camelots Ropsim你可以在你的个人电脑上编程控制机器人,体验控制机器人运动的快感.

  • Encarnação Robot Simulator - 一个用来做机器手的动态仿真软件.

  • Mobile Robot Simulators - 特别适用于微型移动机器人足球比赛用机器人的动态仿真.可以用来对机器人的控制结构进行一个测试.

  • MOBOTSIM - Mobile Robot Simulator - Windows 下的2D动态移支机器人仿真软件.它提供了一个图形界面,你可以很方便的建立和编辑你的机器人,支持basic语言.

  • RRG Kinematix - 一个 C/C++ 上使用的,适用于各种不同运动副的库文件.它适用于任何运动副,也适用于任意自由度的机器人仿真.

  • ThreeDimSim - 一个3D的机构仿真及渲染软件





TeamBots TeamBots is a Java-based collection of application programs and Java packages for multi-agent mobile robotics research. It supplies a simulation and real robot execution environment. TeamBots is developed at CMU and Georgia Tech.

TeamBots supports prototyping, simulation and execution of multi-robot control systems. Robot control systems developed in TeamBots can run in simulation using the TBSim simulation application, and on mobile robots using the TBHard robot execution environment. find more...

[ Download   TeamBots.zip ]


SoccerBots is a Multi-robot soccer simulation. It is used by a number of educators and multi-agent systems researchers. SoccerBots is included in the TeamBots distribution. It is written in Java, and developed at CMU and Georgia Tech. find more...

SoccASCII Soccer

ASCII Soccer is a tool for investigating how groups of simple agents interact while playing a soccer-like game. You can create your own team strategies and test them against others. find more...


MisssionLab is a multi-robot simulation and real robot execution environment.  It takes high-level military-style plans and executes them with teams of real or simulated robotic vehicles. MissionLab Includes a graphical robot behavior editor called cfgedit. MissionLab is developed at Georgia Tech. find more...

[download mlab-6.0.tar.gz]

Open Automaton Project

The Open Automaton Project aims to develop Open Source blueprints for an intelligent PC-based mobile robot for home or office environments. find more...

Robot Software Components

Developing software for robots is a difficult and time consuming business, so really anything which makes the process easier is a bonus. As a spin-off from the the author's main robotics project Rodney , he have developed a number of windows DLLs in order to better modularize the software architecture. find more...


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