HTC Desire 获取Root权限的方法

Read this whole topic - it contains a ton of useful information as well as the instructions and downloads!

Remember that if you use this guide, you do so entirely at your own risk!

Welcome to my guide on how to root the HTC Desire!


This guide will allow you to root your HTC Desire, provided it has a bootloader version of 0.75 or below. To check this, turn off your device, then turn it back on with the 'back' key held. On the second line in green text you will see HBOOT- and then a number. Provided this is 0.75 or below, this guide should work for you.

O2 Germany devices are currently shipping with a 0.80 bootloader, and as such cannot be rooted using this guide at this time.

Desire rooting protection

Back in the early days of Android, rooting was easy. You had several options - you could flash stuff via the bootloader, you could flash an engineering bootloader, you could use kernel exploits - there were many ways of getting the low level access to your device that - in fairness - I think we as paying customers are entitled to. As time has progressed however, the manufacturers have made things harder and harder. The Desire is not a straightforward phone to root, for many reasons, including...

  • a 'perfected bootloader' that doesn't allow flashing or booting of any images (even HTC signed ones)
  • a RUU flash process that does not allow downgrading of the bootloader to earlier versions
  • a kernel (that as yet does not have publicly available source) that as yet has no known exploits
  • a new protection method previously seen on the HTC Tattoo that protects key partitions from having write access. Even with SU access, it is not possible to write to the boot, recovery or system partitions.

In reality, the options for rooting a device this secure are limited. Even if a kernel exploit were found, the key partitions would still be unwritable, rendering su access useless. This was circumvented on the Tattoo very cleverly, using a specific memory address from a confidential Qualcomm datasheet, however this information is not yet available for the Snapdragon chipset used in the Desire (and indeed may never enter the public domain).

And so the root process becomes a process of methodically probing every possible point of exposure on the device, looking for the slightest chink in the armour. I found one and we're putting it to good use! The downside is that it's not as easy or as pretty as rooting a device that is actually DESIGNED to be accessible at the lowest level, such as the Nexus One.

Shame on you HTC for going to such unnecessary lengths (but that's another story for another day).

What this root process provides and does not provide

The root process will...

  • flash your device with a new, generic 1.15.405.4 based ROM that has Superuser access
  • show you how to enter the recovery image in future, allowing you to flash update zips

The root process will NOT...

  • enable you to flash your device with a custom recovery image that can be launched easily by just holding down the volume down button when powering on
  • enable you to have write access to the /system partition in normal use of the device

Both of these limitations are being worked on of course.


In order to complete this guide, you need the following...

  • a HTC Desire
  • a PC
  • a microUSB cable
  • a microSD card (to be made into a 'goldcard' - only necessary if your device is an operator supplied device)
  • the downloads below
  • balls of steel (actually, I just made that up)


To be ready for the guide, download the following items...

  • the ISO image - DOWNLOAD / MIRROR / TORRENT MD5: 854bdbb3c5898b15f92b5991204c9288

Once you have this on your machine, you're ready to start!

The guide

Follow through these steps, one by one and at the end of it you'll have a rooted Desire with the latest ROM.

Note: This process will wipe your device and there is currently no option to backup your device ROM before you start


  • If you have an operator supplied device (i.e. non generic), make your microSD card into a goldcard by following these instructions (it's a good idea to back up the contents of your card first!).
  • Burn the ISO you downloaded above to a CD and boot it, or boot it in a virtual machine.
  • Press enter when prompted to load Linux. When it has loaded, click the little 'monitor' icon at the bottom of the screen to open a terminal window.
  • Turn off your HTC desire, then turn it back on with the 'back' button held down. You'll see 'FASTBOOT' written on the screen in a red box. Connect the phone to the computer.
  • In the terminal window, enter the following commands:
    sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom
    sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
    cd /mnt/cdrom/root
    sudo ./
  • When this step has completed, using the optical trackball, navigate to the 'BOOTLOADER' and then 'RECOVERY' option on the menu, using the volume buttons to move and the power button to select. Then, again in the terminal window, enter the following commands:
    sudo ./
  • When this has completed, your device should be at the 'recovery' screen. Select the 'wipe' option, then select the option to apply an update zip from sdcard, and select ''. This will take a little while, so go make a nice cup of tea. When the flash has finished, reboot, and you are DONE!


If you have any issues with the root process, post below, and we'll do our best to help!

And finally!

If you wish to do so, you can express your appreciation by signing up to a MoDaCo Ad Free or MoDaCo Plus Account using PayPal or Google Checkout, as detailed in this post on MoDaCo. As well as donating to support the work that goes into all the various MoDaCo activites, you get cool stuff like free software (there's some great Android stuff coming too!), an ad free MoDaCo site and of course access to the MoDaCo Online Kitchen. All signups are very much appreciated.



Thanks to ChainsDD for his excellent new Superuser Permissions update and Amon_RA for the recovery image I butchered here.

 Reduced: 65% of original size [ 1104 x 899 ] - Click to view full image

Optional update zips

Apply this updates after rooting by copying to sdcard any applying from the recovery image (entered using the method).

A2SD - TEMPORARILY OFFLINE Radio update (from Asia 1.19.707.6 update) - DOWNLOAD / MIRROR DO NOT USE ON ORANGE

Chinese Input (HTC_CIME) - DOWNLOAD

Arabic Fonts (testing) - DOWNLOAD / MIRROR

Hebrew Fonts (testing) - DOWNLOAD / MIRROR

G2刷HTC sense后获取ROOT方法

这一步很关键,否则在以后的权限赋予的界面会没有(apply or deny的选项)我一开始没成功就是这一步没做!
打开设置----应用程序----开发----usb调试选上,允许模仿位置选上    ok
2. 下载Android SDK  
下载以后可以解压到任意位置,在c盘新建sdk文件夹,将解压文件中的tools文件夹拷贝至sdk (这时要确定tools中有adb.exe和fastboot.exe这两个文件)
下载  (应该有两个文件su和superuser.apk,将这两个文件一并放入sdk中的tools文件夹中)

3.安装USB debugging驱动
我用的是WIN7系统,电脑上已经装了HTC SYNC软件,所以驱动这一步就免去了,大家可以装纯驱动,或者和我一样
【这里有一步省略的,不成功的可以加上这一步:正常关机,然后用将数据线和电脑相连,按着后退键(就是右下角的那个带箭头的,一直按着)再按开机键会进入bootloader(白色背景)。手机上会出现fastboot Usb(红字),打开windows的命令窗, 然后输入命令 cd C:/sdk/tools 
然后输入命令 fastboot devices , 这时应该显示成功安装了驱动
继续输入命令 fastboot boot cm-hero-recovery.img ,(这一步必须把.img文件拷贝到tools文件夹内)img文件在这里下载


adb shell mount /system
adb push su /system/bin/
adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
adb shell reboot

重启之后所有程序之中多了一个superuser perminssion的程序,这个程序是记录被赋予权限的程序的~




HTC Desire获取ROOT方法--HTC Desire rooting guide (now with new improved / easier root method!)相关推荐

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