
The only thing “Stagnant” about ColdFusion is this blog, or should I say, WAS this blog! It’s been 2 long years since I last posted on InFused and I’m happy to report today changes all that. I remember begging SitePoint to let me take this blog over from David Medlock back in May of 2004, which SitePoint as we know allowed to happen. Then a short six months later I was telling them it was too much for me, and at that time in my life it was. I had just taken a new position with my current employer and was learning so many new things about ColdFusion that I just couldn’t get things in order.

关于ColdFusion的唯一“ 停滞 ”是这个博客,或者我应该说是这个博客! 自从我上次在InFused上发布以来已经有2年了,很高兴今天向大家报告所有这些变化。 我记得我曾恳求SitePoint让我在2004年5月从David Medlock那里接过这个博客,据我们所知,SitePoint是允许发生的。 然后短短六个月后,我告诉他们这对我来说太过分了,而在我生命中的那个时候。 我刚刚在现任雇主中担任新职位,并且正在学习有关ColdFusion的许多新知识,以至于我无法使事情井井有条。

So I quit. I left this blog to become a stagnant collection of articles and a complete failure / social black-eye for the SitePoint ColdFusion community. For this I’m truly sorry but I promise you my departure was not in vain. Even though I left the SitePoint blog behind my involvement in the community has only grown! You’ve hopefully seen me on the forums as well as around the various mailing lists and if you live in the Atlanta area you’ve probably seen me at ACFUG meetings.

所以我退出了。 我离开这个博客成为停滞的文章集,并成为SitePoint ColdFusion社区的彻底失败/社交黑眼圈。 为此,我真的很抱歉,但是我向你保证,我的离开不会白费。 即使我将SitePoint博客留在背后,但我对社区的参与只是在增加! 希望您已经在论坛以及各种邮件列表中看到了我,如果您居住在亚特兰大地区,则可能在ACFUG会议上见过我。

During these past 2 years I’ve spent a lot of time diving deeper into ColdFusion and learning everyday what this wonderful piece of software and language will do for me. I’ve made many contacts and now have a growing list of CF’ers in my IM and emails address books. I’ve discovered new functions and tags during my trials and tribulations while also revisiting old friends to learn new tricks and ways to abuse them. I’ve seen the ColdFusion community grow and become more and more vocal while also becoming more and more friendly. The words Open Source have become a very popular phrase in ColdFusion communities where it was once considered a 4 letter word. I myself am heading up a major Open Source project, but we’ll talk more about that later.

在过去的两年中,我花了很多时间更深入地研究ColdFusion,并每天学习这种出色的软件和语言将为我带来什么。 我已经建立了许多联系,现在我的IM和电子邮件通讯录中有越来越多的CF'ers。 在试验和磨难期间,我发现了新的功能和标签,同时还回访了老朋友以学习新的花样和滥用方法。 我已经看到ColdFusion社区发展壮大,变得越来越发声,同时也变得越来越友好。 开源一词已成为ColdFusion社区中一个非常流行的短语,在该社区曾经被视为4字母单词。 我本人正在领导一个重要的开源项目 ,但是稍后我们将详细讨论。

So what are the plans for the future of InFused? We’ll for starters you’ll be seeing at bare minimum a regular weekly article and if I’m feeling extra snippy maybe more. I’d also like to open this blog up to the community and get some guest blogger posts going. So if you have an idea for a post you’d like to see here just drop me a note to my gmail account, gigado AT gmail DOT com, with your idea and we’ll talk shop. I’d also like to hear what you’d like to see covered in future postings, you can pass those thoughts to the email previously mentioned, or by visiting the ColdFusion forums here at SitePoint and starting a thread. One thing I’ve noticed, at least here at SitePoint, is a lot of seemingly basic questions which could easily be expanded upon. So besides some cool stuff, or advanced stuff there will be a fair share of starter topics. I hope to cast a wide enough net that everyone will be able to walk away with a little something from each post. Now I don’t pretend to know everything so if you spot me saying something wrong, or maybe you have a better way of expressing an idea please take full advantage of the commenting system in place.

那么InFused的未来计划是什么? 首先,我们将为您提供入门文章,每周至少见一次常规文章,如果我感到特别刺眼,也许还会更多。 我还想向社区开放此博客,并获取一些客座博客文章。 因此,如果您对发帖有个想法,请在这里给我写一个便笺到我的gmail帐户gigado AT gmail DOT com,并与您讨论一下。 我也想听听您希望在以后的帖子中看到的内容,您可以将这些想法传递到前面提到的电子邮件中,或者通过访问SitePoint的ColdFusion论坛并启动主题。 我注意到的一件事,至少在SitePoint上,是很多看似基本的问题,可以很容易地加以扩展。 因此,除了一些很酷的东西或高级的东西之外,还会有很多入门主题。 我希望投放足够广泛的网络,以便每个人都可以从每个帖子中得到一些帮助。 现在,我不假装不了解所有内容,因此,如果您发现我说错了话,或者您有更好的表达想法的方法,请充分利用已有的评论系统。

OK that’s it for now, it’s good to be back and I hope you feel the same way!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/holy-hamburgers/



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