贴一段调整安卓手机屏幕亮度的代码 ,可以参考使用,见下:

public void setBrightness(int level) {

ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();

Settings.System.putInt(cr, "screen_brightness", level);

try {

defaultLevel = Settings.System.getInt(cr, "screen_brightness");

} catch (SettingNotFoundException e) {



Window window = getWindow();

LayoutParams attributes = window.getAttributes();

float flevel = level;

attributes.screenBrightness = flevel / 255;





UiModeManager uim = (UiModeManager) getSystemService(Context.UI_MODE_SERVICE);

int i = uim.getCurrentModeType();

if (i != Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR) {






package android.app;

import android.content.Context;

import android.content.res.Configuration;

import android.os.RemoteException;

import android.os.ServiceManager;

import android.util.Log;


* This class provides access to the system uimode services. These services

* allow applications to control UI modes of the device.

* It provides functionality to disable the car mode and it gives access to the

* night mode settings.



These facilities are built on top of the underlying

* {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_DOCK_EVENT} broadcasts that are sent when the user

* physical places the device into and out of a dock. When that happens,

* the UiModeManager switches the system {@link android.content.res.Configuration}

* to the appropriate UI mode, sends broadcasts about the mode switch, and

* starts the corresponding mode activity if appropriate. See the

* broadcasts {@link #ACTION_ENTER_CAR_MODE} and

* {@link #ACTION_ENTER_DESK_MODE} for more information.



In addition, the user may manually switch the system to car mode without

* physically being in a dock. While in car mode -- whether by manual action

* from the user or being physically placed in a dock -- a notification is

* displayed allowing the user to exit dock mode. Thus the dock mode

* represented here may be different than the current state of the underlying

* dock event broadcast.



You do not instantiate this class directly; instead, retrieve it through

* {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService

* Context.getSystemService(Context.UI_MODE_SERVICE)}.


public class UiModeManager {

private static final String TAG = "UiModeManager";


* Broadcast sent when the device's UI has switched to car mode, either

* by being placed in a car dock or explicit action of the user. After

* sending the broadcast, the system will start the intent

* {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_MAIN} with category

* {@link android.content.Intent#CATEGORY_CAR_DOCK}

* to display the car UI, which typically what an application would

* implement to provide their own interface. However, applications can

* also monitor this Intent in order to be informed of mode changes or

* prevent the normal car UI from being displayed by setting the result

* of the broadcast to {@link Activity#RESULT_CANCELED}.


public static String ACTION_ENTER_CAR_MODE = "android.app.action.ENTER_CAR_MODE";


* Broadcast sent when the device's UI has switch away from car mode back

* to normal mode. Typically used by a car mode app, to dismiss itself

* when the user exits car mode.


public static String ACTION_EXIT_CAR_MODE = "android.app.action.EXIT_CAR_MODE";


* Broadcast sent when the device's UI has switched to desk mode,

* by being placed in a desk dock. After

* sending the broadcast, the system will start the intent

* {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_MAIN} with category

* {@link android.content.Intent#CATEGORY_DESK_DOCK}

* to display the desk UI, which typically what an application would

* implement to provide their own interface. However, applications can

* also monitor this Intent in order to be informed of mode changes or

* prevent the normal desk UI from being displayed by setting the result

* of the broadcast to {@link Activity#RESULT_CANCELED}.


public static String ACTION_ENTER_DESK_MODE = "android.app.action.ENTER_DESK_MODE";


* Broadcast sent when the device's UI has switched away from desk mode back

* to normal mode. Typically used by a desk mode app, to dismiss itself

* when the user exits desk mode.


public static String ACTION_EXIT_DESK_MODE = "android.app.action.EXIT_DESK_MODE";

/** Constant for {@link #setNightMode(int)} and {@link #getNightMode()}:

* automatically switch night mode on and off based on the time.


public static final int MODE_NIGHT_AUTO = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_UNDEFINED >> 4;

/** Constant for {@link #setNightMode(int)} and {@link #getNightMode()}:

* never run in night mode.


public static final int MODE_NIGHT_NO = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_NO >> 4;

/** Constant for {@link #setNightMode(int)} and {@link #getNightMode()}:

* always run in night mode.


public static final int MODE_NIGHT_YES = Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES >> 4;

private IUiModeManager mService;

/*package*/ UiModeManager() {

mService = IUiModeManager.Stub.asInterface(




* Flag for use with {@link #enableCarMode(int)}: go to the car

* home activity as part of the enable. Enabling this way ensures

* a clean transition between the current activity (in non-car-mode) and

* the car home activity that will serve as home while in car mode. This

* will switch to the car home activity even if we are already in car mode.


public static final int ENABLE_CAR_MODE_GO_CAR_HOME = 0x0001;


* Force device into car mode, like it had been placed in the car dock.

* This will cause the device to switch to the car home UI as part of

* the mode switch.

* @param flags Must be 0.


public void enableCarMode(int flags) {

if (mService != null) {

try {


} catch (RemoteException e) {

Log.e(TAG, "disableCarMode: RemoteException", e);





* Flag for use with {@link #disableCarMode(int)}: go to the normal

* home activity as part of the disable. Disabling this way ensures

* a clean transition between the current activity (in car mode) and

* the original home activity (which was typically last running without

* being in car mode).


public static final int DISABLE_CAR_MODE_GO_HOME = 0x0001;


* Turn off special mode if currently in car mode.

* @param flags May be 0 or {@link #DISABLE_CAR_MODE_GO_HOME}.


public void disableCarMode(int flags) {

if (mService != null) {

try {


} catch (RemoteException e) {

Log.e(TAG, "disableCarMode: RemoteException", e);





* Return the current running mode type. May be one of

* {@link Configuration#UI_MODE_TYPE_NORMAL Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_NORMAL},

* {@link Configuration#UI_MODE_TYPE_DESK Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_DESK}, or

* {@link Configuration#UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_CAR},


public int getCurrentModeType() {

if (mService != null) {

try {

return mService.getCurrentModeType();

} catch (RemoteException e) {

Log.e(TAG, "getCurrentModeType: RemoteException", e);



return Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_NORMAL;



* Sets the night mode. Changes to the night mode are only effective when

* the car or desk mode is enabled on a device.



The mode can be one of:



{@link #MODE_NIGHT_NO} - sets the device into notnight

* mode.


{@link #MODE_NIGHT_YES} - sets the device into night mode.



{@link #MODE_NIGHT_AUTO} - automatic night/notnight switching

* depending on the location and certain other sensors.



public void setNightMode(int mode) {

if (mService != null) {

try {


} catch (RemoteException e) {

Log.e(TAG, "setNightMode: RemoteException", e);





* Returns the currently configured night mode.


* @return {@link #MODE_NIGHT_NO}, {@link #MODE_NIGHT_YES}, or

* {@link #MODE_NIGHT_AUTO}. When an error occurred -1 is returned.


public int getNightMode() {

if (mService != null) {

try {

return mService.getNightMode();

} catch (RemoteException e) {

Log.e(TAG, "getNightMode: RemoteException", e);



return -1;




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