
Your development team, "", does not support the Push Notifications capability.





Your development team, , does not support the Push Notifications capability.相关推荐

  1. cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to t

    cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to t ...

  2. Signing for ‘xxx‘ requires a development team.

    在iOS 16 真机运行时 发现了一个错误. Pods 中 SDK development team 这里出现了问题. 查了一些资料看起来是由于 Bundle target signature 这块引 ...

  3. ios 真机运行:The app ID cannot be registered to your development team

    问题背景: 我的mac笔记本总是空间不足,我就按网上的删掉了很多library下xcode相关的库,居然腾出60多G,过了一个月后,我需要再次调试时,发现之前能在真机上跑的app,跑不了了,报错如下: ...

  4. XCode 苹果开发者账号,无法本地编译项目,问题所在 The app identifier “xxxx“ cannot be registered to your development team

    苹果开发者账号,无法本地编译项目 提示下面的内容 The app identifier "xxxx" cannot be registered to your developmen ...

  5. Xcode配置开发分组development team

    如图,在build settings 中的development team 中配置 虽然signing & capabilities中也能看到,但是是不能修改的

  6. Signing for “target“ requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor.

    xcode 连手机后报错: Signing for "target" requires a development team. Select a development team ...

  7. Code Signing Error: Signing for xxx requires a development team. Select a development team in...

    Code Signing Error: Signing for "xxx" requires a development team. Select a development te ...

  8. The app ID “*” cannot be registered to your development team.

    开发ios应用的时候,偶尔会遇到这种报错: The app ID "*" cannot be registered to your development team. Change ...

  9. Showing All Messages Signing for “Runner“ requires a development team. Selec

    1.Showing All Messages Signing for "Runner" requires a development team. Selec 2.Showing A ...


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