
@RequestMapping(value = "get/tree",method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST})@ApiOperation(tags = "菜单管理左侧菜单树链接",value = "获取菜单树")public DtreeResult getTree(){DtreeResult result = new DtreeResult();
//      同dtree中status一样设置
//  -------------此处出错-------------------------------------HashMap<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<>();map.put("code",200);map.put("message","操作成功");result.setStatus(map);
//      同dtree中data一样设置List<TreeNode> nodeList=menuService.getTreeNode();result.setData(nodeList);return result;}


Map<String,Object> map=new HashMap<>();


@RequestMapping(value = "get/tree",method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST})@ApiOperation(tags = "菜单管理左侧菜单树链接",value = "获取菜单树")public DtreeResult getTree(){DtreeResult result = new DtreeResult();
//      同dtree中status一样设置Map<String,Object> map=new HashMap<>();map.put("code",200);map.put("message","操作成功");result.setStatus(map);
//      同dtree中data一样设置List<TreeNode> nodeList=menuService.getTreeNode();result.setData(nodeList);return result;}

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