


sklearn.preprocessing.scale函数:Standardize a dataset along any axis



import numpy as np

from scipy import sparse

def _handle_zeros_in_scale(scale, copy=True):

''' Makes sure that whenever scale is zero, we handle it correctly.

This happens in most scalers when we have constant features.'''

# if we are fitting on 1D arrays, scale might be a scalar

if np.isscalar(scale):

if scale == .0:

scale = 1.

return scale

elif isinstance(scale, np.ndarray):

if copy:

# New array to avoid side-effects

scale = scale.copy()

scale[scale == 0.0] = 1.0

return scale

def scale(X, axis=0, with_mean=True, with_std=True, copy=True):

"""Standardize a dataset along any axis

Center to the mean and component wise scale to unit variance.

Read more in the :ref:`User Guide `.



X : {array-like, sparse matrix}

The data to center and scale.

axis : int (0 by default)

axis used to compute the means and standard deviations along. If 0,

independently standardize each feature, otherwise (if 1) standardize

each sample.

with_mean : boolean, True by default

If True, center the data before scaling.

with_std : boolean, True by default

If True, scale the data to unit variance (or equivalently,

unit standard deviation).

copy : boolean, optional, default True

set to False to perform inplace row normalization and avoid a

copy (if the input is already a numpy array or a scipy.sparse

CSC matrix and if axis is 1).



This implementation will refuse to center scipy.sparse matrices

since it would make them non-sparse and would potentially crash the

program with memory exhaustion problems.

Instead the caller is expected to either set explicitly

`with_mean=False` (in that case, only variance scaling will be

performed on the features of the CSC matrix) or to call `X.toarray()`

if he/she expects the materialized dense array to fit in memory.

To avoid memory copy the caller should pass a CSC matrix.

See also


StandardScaler: Performs scaling to unit variance using the``Transformer`` API

(e.g. as part of a preprocessing :class:`sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline`).

""" # noqa

X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csc', copy=copy, ensure_2d=False,

warn_on_dtype=True, estimator='the scale function',


if sparse.issparse(X):

if with_mean:

raise ValueError(

"Cannot center sparse matrices: pass `with_mean=False` instead"

" See docstring for motivation and alternatives.")

if axis != 0:

raise ValueError("Can only scale sparse matrix on axis=0, "

" got axis=%d" % axis)

if with_std:

_, var = mean_variance_axis(X, axis=0)

var = _handle_zeros_in_scale(var, copy=False)

inplace_column_scale(X, 1 / np.sqrt(var))


X = np.asarray(X)

if with_mean:

mean_ = np.mean(X, axis)

if with_std:

scale_ = np.std(X, axis)

# Xr is a view on the original array broadcasting on the axis in which we are interested in



Xr = np.rollaxis(X, axis)

if with_mean:

Xr -= mean_

mean_1 = Xr.mean(axis=0)

# Verify that mean_1 is 'close to zero'. If X contains very

# large values, mean_1 can also be very large, due to a lack of

# precision of mean_. In this case, a pre-scaling of the

# concerned feature is efficient, for instance by its mean or

# maximum.

if not np.allclose(mean_1, 0):

warnings.warn("Numerical issues were encountered "

"when centering the data "

"and might not be solved. Dataset may "

"contain too large values. You may need "

"to prescale your features.")

Xr -= mean_1

if with_std:

scale_ = _handle_zeros_in_scale(scale_, copy=False)

Xr /= scale_

if with_mean:

mean_2 = Xr.mean(axis=0)

# If mean_2 is not 'close to zero', it comes from the fact that

# scale_ is very small so that mean_2 = mean_1/scale_ > 0, even

# if mean_1 was close to zero. The problem is thus essentially

# due to the lack of precision of mean_. A solution is then to

# subtract the mean again:

if not np.allclose(mean_2, 0):

warnings.warn("Numerical issues were encountered "

"when scaling the data "

"and might not be solved. The standard "

"deviation of the data is probably "

"very close to 0. ")

Xr -= mean_2

return X


def scale_mean_var(input_arr,axis=0):

#from sklearn import preprocessing

#input_arr= preprocessing.scale(input_arr.astype('float'))

mean_ = np.mean(input_arr,axis=0)

scale_ = np.std(input_arr,axis=0)


output_arr= input_arr- mean_


mean_1 = output_arr.mean(axis=0)

if not np.allclose(mean_1, 0):

output_arr -= mean_1


#scale_ = _handle_zeros_in_scale(scale_, copy=False)

scale_[scale_ == 0.0] = 1.0


output_arr /=scale_


mean_2 = output_arr .mean(axis=0)

if not np.allclose(mean_2, 0):

output_arr -= mean_2

return output_arr


sklearn.preprocessing.minmax_scale函数:Transforms features by scaling each feature to a given range.

X_std = (X - X.min(axis=0)) / (X.max(axis=0) - X.min(axis=0))

X_scaled = X_std * (max - min) + min


def max_min(input_arr,o_min,o_max):


Transforms features by scaling each feature to a given range.


i_min = np.min(input_arr)

i_max = np.max(input_arr)

out_arr = np.clip(input_arr,i_min,i_max)

out_arr = (out_arr- i_min)/(i_max - i_min)

if o_max==1 and o_min==0:

return out_arr


out_arr = out_arr*(o_max-o_min)+o_min

return out_arr


maxabs_scale函数:Scale each feature by its maximum absolute value.

def maxabs_scale(input,axis=0):


Scale each feature to the [-1, 1] range without breaking the sparsity


if not isinstance(input,numpy.ndarray):

input = np.asarray(input).astype(np.float32)

maxabs = np.max(abs(input),axis=0)

out_array = input/maxabs

return out_array



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