
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
import { ExternalProvider, JsonRpcFetchFunc } from '@ethersproject/providers';
import { InjectedConnector } from '@web3-react/injected-connector'// 提供一个provider转成web3providerexport const getLibray = (provider: ExternalProvider | JsonRpcFetchFunc) => {const web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider)return web3Provider
}export const InjectConnector = new InjectedConnector({ supportedChainIds: [56] })


// 支持的链
export const SuportChain = {eth: {chanId: 1,name: 'eth'},bsc: {chainId: 56,name: 'bsc'},polygon: {chainId: 56,name: 'polygon'}
}// 链id 网络id
export enum NetworkID {// 主网Mainnet = 56,// 测试网Testnet = 97
}export enum SUPPORT_CHAIN {BSC = 56,BSCTEST = 97
}// 当前链ID
export const CURRENT_CHAIN = 56// MetaMask 中 request 请求中的 methods 方法
export enum MetaMaskRequestMethods {// 添加在metamask中不存在的链addEthereumChain = "wallet_addEthereumChain",// 吧Token代币添加到钱包中watchAsset = 'wallet_watchAsset',// 获取当前链接的网络IdchainId = 'eth_chainId',// eth_requestAccunts 获取账号(可以理解为链接钱包)requestAccount = 'eth_requestAccounts',// 获取账户地址accounts = 'eth_accounts',// 获取最新区块编号blockNumber = 'eth_blockNumber'
// 添加一条链到metamask上时请求网络参数
export const AddEthereumChainParams: { [key: number]: any } = {8: {chainId: '0x8',chainName: 'Ubiq',chativeCurrency: {name: 'Ubiq Ether',symbol: 'BUQ',decimals: 18,},rpcUrl: ['https://rpc.octano.dev/'],blockExplorerUrls: ['https://ubiqscan.io/']},56: {chainId: '0x38',chainName: 'Binance Smart Chain Mainnet',nativeCurrency: {name: 'BNB',symbol: 'bnb',decimals: 18},rpcUrls: ['https://bsc-dataseed1.ninicoin.io', 'https://bsc-dataseed1.defibit.io', 'https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org'],blockExplorerUrls: ['https://bscscan.com/'],}


/// <reference types="react-scripts" />
interface Window {ethereum?:{isMetaMask?:truerequest?:(...args:any[])=>Promise<void>}BinanceChain?:{bnbSign?:(address:string,message:string) => Promise<{publicKey:string;signature:string}>}web3:any


type EthereumProviderEip1193 = {request: (args: {method: stringparams?: unknown[] | object}) => Promise<unknown>
}type EthereumProviderSend = {send: (method: string, params: string[]) => Promise<unknown>
}type EthereumProviderSendAsync = {sendAsync: (params: {method: stringparams: string[]from: stringjsonrpc: '2.0'id: number},callback: (err: Error, result: unknown) => void) => voidselectedAddress: string
}/*** window.ethereum 类型* Eip-1193 规范*/
export type EthereumProvider = EthereumProviderEip1193 &EthereumProviderSend &EthereumProviderSendAsync


import { AddEthereumChainParams, MetaMaskRequestMethods } from "chain";
import { EthereumProvider } from "types/ethereum";function isUnwrappedRpcResult(response: unknown): response is {error?: stringresult?: unknown
} {return (typeof response === 'object' && response !== null && 'jsonrpc' in response)
/*** 防止有的客户端没有包裹response*/
export function rpcResult(response: unknown): unknown | null {// Some providers don’t wrap the responseif (isUnwrappedRpcResult(response)) {if (response.error) {throw new Error(response.error)}return response.result || null}return response || null
/*** metamask request 方法封装* @param ethereum provider, 浏览器中使用window.ethereum* @param method 请求方法* @param params 参数* @returns */
export async function ethereumRequest(ethereum: EthereumProvider,method: string,params: string[]
): Promise<any> {// If ethereum.request() exists, the provider is probably EIP-1193 compliant.if (ethereum.request) {return ethereum.request({ method, params }).then(rpcResult)}// This is specific to some older versions of MetaMask combined with Web3.js.if (ethereum.sendAsync && ethereum.selectedAddress) {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {ethereum.sendAsync({method,params,from: ethereum.selectedAddress,jsonrpc: '2.0',id: 0,},(err: Error, result: any) => {if (err) {reject(err)} else {resolve(result)}})}).then(rpcResult)}// If none of the previous two exist, we assume the provider is pre EIP-1193,// using .send() rather than .request().if (ethereum.send) {return ethereum.send(method, params).then(rpcResult)}throw new Error('The Ethereum provider doesn’t seem to provide a request method.')
}/*** 获取区块编码* @param ethereum provider, 默认使用window.ethereum* @returns */
export async function getBlockNumber(ethereum?: EthereumProvider) {ethereum = ethereum ?? window.ethereum as anyreturn ethereumRequest(ethereum!, MetaMaskRequestMethods.blockNumber, [])
/*** 添加链到metamask 上*/
export async function addChainToBlock(id: number, ethereum?: EthereumProvider) {ethereum = ethereum ?? window.ethereum as anyconst params = AddEthereumChainParams[id]// ! 确保ethereum 部位nullreturn ethereumRequest(ethereum!, MetaMaskRequestMethods.addEthereumChain, [params])


import { UnsupportedChainIdError, useWeb3React } from '@web3-react/core'
import { InjectConnector } from '../utils/web3'
import { addChainToBlock } from 'utils/ethereum'export const useAuth = () => {const { activate } = useWeb3React()const Login = () => {if (InjectConnector) {activate(InjectConnector, async (error: Error) => {if (error instanceof UnsupportedChainIdError) {const hasSetup = await addChainToBlock(56)if (hasSetup) {activate(InjectConnector)}}})}}return Login


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./index.css";
import App from "./App";
import reportWebVitals from "./reportWebVitals";
// 这下边的两个是添加的引入文件
import { getLibray } from "./utils/web3";
import { Web3ReactProvider } from "@web3-react/core";ReactDOM.render(<React.StrictMode>{/* 在这里用 Web3ReactProvider 包裹 app 文件 */}<Web3ReactProvider getLibrary={getLibray}><App /></Web3ReactProvider></React.StrictMode>,document.getElementById("root")
);// If you want to start measuring performance in your app, pass a function
// to log results (for example: reportWebVitals(console.log))
// or send to an analytics endpoint. Learn more: https://bit.ly/CRA-vitals


import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import "./App.css";
import { useWeb3React } from "@web3-react/core";
import { useAuth } from "hooks/useAuth";function App() {const Login = useAuth();const { account, library, chainId } = useWeb3React();console.log("地址1", account);const GetClick = () => {Login();console.log("地址2", account);};useEffect(() => {Login();}, []);return (<div className="App"><button onClick={GetClick}>获取钱包地址</button></div>);
}export default App;

你只需要按我说的创建文件夹步骤复制代码,就可以链接到你的小狐狸了,记得要在tsconfig.json文件中添加"baseUrl": "src",



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