
For as long we can remember, the go-to music app on Windows has been Windows Media Player (WMP). Sadly, WMP hasn’t been updated since Windows 7, which doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, but it’s not exactly the latest nor greatest app for playing your MP3s.

只要我们能记住,Windows上的首选音乐应用就是Windows Media Player(WMP)。 可悲的是,自Windows 7以来,WMP尚未更新,这并不意味着它无法正常工作,但它并不是播放MP3的最新也是最出色的应用程序。

In Windows 10, there’s a new music app called Groove Music and if you’ve used any type of music-oriented application recently, then Groove should be pretty self-explanatory, but let’s take a few minutes and walk you through some of its more notable features.

在Windows 10中,有一个名为Groove Music的新音乐应用程序,如果您最近使用过任何类型的面向音乐的应用程序,那么Groove应该是不言而喻的,但是让我们花一些时间来逐步介绍它的更多功能。显着特征。

Groove lets you view you music collection by album, artist, and song. Additionally, you can click the search icon and find anything in your collection in mere seconds.

Groove使您可以按专辑,艺术家和歌曲查看音乐收藏。 此外,您可以单击搜索图标,并在几秒钟内找到收藏夹中的所有内容。

When you play a song, the controls will appear along the bottom edge. Here you see the album cover art, song, artist, and the playback controls you come to expect from a music player.

播放歌曲时,控件将出现在底部边缘。 在这里,您可以看到专辑封面,歌曲,艺术家以及音乐播放器所期望的播放控件。

Additionally, just as in Windows 8, if you use your keyboard’s media controls, a small control window will appear in the upper-left corner allowing you to go back, forward, and pause, as well as adjust the volume.

另外,就像在Windows 8中一样,如果您使用键盘的媒体控件,则在左上角会出现一个小的控件窗口,您可以后退,前进和暂停以及调节音量。

Clicking the three lines in the app’s top-left corner will show you the app’s features, while clicking it again will hide them.


If you click the gear icon next to your name, it will open the settings, which will discuss in the next section.


Finally, you can actually purchase new music in the Windows Store, just click “Get music in Store”.

最后,您实际上可以在Windows Store中购买新音乐,只需单击“在Store中获取音乐”。

Once purchased, you music will be downloaded to your device. If you want to download purchases made on other devices, you can turn that option on in the settings.

购买后,您的音乐将下载到您的设备中。 如果要下载在其他设备上进行的购买,则可以在设置中打开该选项。

探索Groove的设置 (Exploring Groove’s Settings)

Groove’s settings will let you configure downloads, reset the app, and change the appearance, among other things.


A Groove Music Pass is similar to Apple Music, Pandora, or Spotify. It will let you stream ad-free music, and is compatible with many of the most popular platforms including iOS and Android.

Groove音乐通行证类似于Apple Music,Pandora或Spotify。 它可以让您流式播放无广告的音乐,并且与包括iOS和Android在内的许多最受欢迎的平台兼容。

When you first attempt to make a purchase, you will be asked if you want to sign in with your password before completing purchases or managing your account. This setting can be later changed.

首次尝试购买时,系统会询问您是否要使用密码登录,然后再完成购买或管理帐户。 以后可以更改此设置。

As we mentioned already, you can configure Groove to automatically download any songs you’ve already purchased on other devices. This setting is “Off” by default.

如前所述,您可以将Groove配置为自动下载您已经在其他设备上购买的所有歌曲。 默认情况下,此设置为“关”。

You can also have the app automatically retrieve and update missing album art and metadata. This setting is “On” by default.

您还可以让该应用自动检索和更新丢失的专辑封面和元数据。 默认情况下,此设置为“开”。

If you add a song to OneDrive, the app can remove that version from Groove Music Pass automatically. This setting is “Off” by default.”

如果您将歌曲添加到OneDrive,则该应用程序可以自动从Groove Music Pass中删除该版本。 此设置默认为“关闭”。”

Finally, as we mentioned earlier, if you want to make purchases or manage your account, you will be prompted to sign in with your user name and password. This setting is “On” by default and we recommend leaving it as such.

最后,如前所述,如果您要购买或管理帐户,系统会提示您使用用户名和密码登录。 默认情况下,此设置为“开”,建议您保持原样。

Finally, there’s the “Reset” option, which will delete your playlists and any music you’ve added from the Groove Music catalog. There is also an option to change the app’s background to “Dark”, which just means that it will be black instead of white.

最后,还有“重置”选项,它将删除您的播放列表以及您从Groove音乐目录中添加的所有音乐。 还有一个选项可以将应用程序的背景更改为“暗”,这意味着它将是黑色而不是白色。

Beyond the simple interface and buying music from the store, you can also add any music you currently own and play it in Groove.


添加您的个人收藏 (Adding Your Personal Collection)

Chances are if you’re considering Groove as you WMP replacement, then you might already have a sizable music collection on your computer. In that case, you can build your collection from your local music files by adding watch folders.

如果您在更换WMP时考虑使用Groove,那么您的计算机上可能已经有大量音乐收藏。 在这种情况下,您可以通过添加监视文件夹从本地音乐文件构建收藏。

To do this, we look under the heading “Music on this PC” and click the link to “Choose where we look for music”.


You must have at least one watch folder, but you can presumably add as many as you want. Groove should then crawl through your folder(s) and add your music to its library.

您必须至少具有一个监视文件夹,但可以根据需要添加任意数量。 沟然后应爬过您的文件夹,并将您的音乐添加到其库中。

Note, you can also import Apple iTunes playlists.

注意,您也可以导入Apple iTunes播放列表。

Chances are, if you’re a serious music collector, then Groove isn’t going to cut it. It is pretty limited and doesn’t support alternative music formats such as .flac and .ogg, but for those with simple needs, it’s a serviceable replacement for WMP.

如果您是一位认真的音乐收藏家,那么Groove可能不会削减它。 它的功能非常有限,不支持其他音乐格式,例如.flac和.ogg,但对于那些具有简单需求的人,它是WMP的有用替代品。

We should note, however, WMP is still alive and well and can be accessed from the Start menu so you can still use it. That said, if you are a serious music collector chances are you’re used to using something else to manage and play your tunes.

但是,我们应该注意,WMP仍然有效并且可以从“开始”菜单中访问,因此您仍然可以使用它。 就是说,如果您是一位认真的音乐收藏家,那么您将习惯于使用其他方法来管理和播放音乐。

If you have any questions or comments you would like to contribute regarding Groove Music, then please leave your feedback with us in our discussion forum.

如果您想对Groove Music提出任何问题或意见,请在我们的论坛中留下您的反馈意见。



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