
This article talks about the three standard SQL unit tests which can be written against any stored procedure ultimately becoming SQL unit testing object to meet internal or external business specification.


This will also shed light on the importance of standardizing your SQL unit testing arsenal to an extent that it becomes quicker to get your SQL unit testing job done against your desired database.


Additionally, this article emphasizes database developers and professionals to think about having stored SQL unit tests templates ready to be used against any existing or upcoming databases.


先决条件 (Pre-requisites )

Let us first quickly go through the pre-requisites of the article so that the concepts and walkthroughs in this article can be easily understood by the readers.


T-SQL技巧 (T-SQL skills )

The article assumes that the readers are well familiar with T-SQL scripting and are comfortable to write and run SQL queries against the databases.


SQL单元测试概念 (SQL unit testing concepts)

It is also desired that the readers have basic SQL unit testing concepts along with the know-how of any of the two database unit testing practices:


  1. Conventional database unit testing 常规数据库单元测试
  2. Test-driven database development (TDDD) 测试驱动的数据库开发(TDDD)

To get a quick understanding of these SQL unit testing practices please refer to the following articles:


  1. Conventional SQL Unit Testing with tSQLt in Simple Words 简单单词中使用tSQLt进行的常规SQL单元测试
  2. Fundamentals of Test-Driven Database Development (TDDD) with tSQLt unit testing
  3. tSQLt 单元测试 的测试驱动数据库开发(TDDD) 基础

TSQLt熟悉 (TSQLt Familiarity )

This article also assumes that the readers are well familiar with tSQLt, one of the most famous SQL unit testing frameworks, which by default (design) supports test-driven database development.


If you have not got enough understanding of tSQLt then please refer to the following articles:


  1. tSQLt – A Forgotten Treasure in Database Unit Testing tSQLt –数据库单元测试中被遗忘的宝藏
  2. Why you should cleverly name Database Objects for SQL Unit Testing 为什么要为SQL单元测试巧妙地命名数据库对象

设置样本数据库 (Setup Sample Database)

Setup a sample database named StandardTSQLT by running the following SQL script:


GOUSE StandardTSQLTCREATE TABLE [dbo].[TheTable]
([TemplateId] INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),[Name] VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,[Detail] VARCHAR(200) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_TestTemplate] PRIMARY KEY ([TemplateId])
GOCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TheObject]@Name VARCHAR(60),@Detail VARCHAR(200)
ASINSERT INTO TheTable(Name,Detail)VALUES(@Name,@Detail)GO

Run the script and view the sample database and its objects:


设置tSQLt框架 (Setup tSQLt Framework)

Run tSQLt.class.sql (downloaded from tSQLt.org) script against the sample database to add tSQLt framework for SQL unit testing:


创建SQL单元测试类模板 (Create SQL unit test class template)

First of all, create a general test class called ObjectTests in the sample database StandardTSQLT as follows:


GO-- Creating unit test class ObjectTests
Authorization dbo
EXECUTE sp_addextendedproperty @name='tSQLt.TestClass',@value=1,@level0type='SCHEMA',@level0name='ObjectTests'

Please note that this article presents a new approach inspired by the SQL unit testing guidelines by Dave Green.

请注意,本文提出了一种新方法,该方法受Dave GreenSQL单元测试指南的启发。

为什么要进行标准SQL单元测试 (Why Standard SQL unit tests)

It is not odd to think that do we really need standard SQL unit tests while things change frequently in the database and SQL unit testing realm?


Yes, it is good to have standard SQL unit tests so that they can not only save time but also help to standardize our overall SQL database development and testing strategy contributing to streamlining database lifecycle management process.


(Typical SQL unit testing scenario

If we closely look at a typical SQL database development and SQL unit testing scenario then we can easily understand the importance of having standard SQL unit tests beforehand as we move from database to database.


A typical SQL unit testing scenario is as follows:


  1. Create a database object to meet some business requirement 创建数据库对象以满足某些业务需求
  2. Create a SQL unit test to check the database object 创建一个SQL单元测试以检查数据库对象
  3. Run SQL unit test to check the database object does the job or not 运行SQL单元测试以检查数据库对象是否执行此任务
  4. If the test is passed then move on to the next SQL unit test 如果测试通过,则继续进行下一个SQL单元测试

How many times you have to repeat this process and in fact for one database you may create several database objects which must be unit tested to ensure that they do the job they were created for.


Let us suppose you already have some SQL unit tests in mind or on paper (as a start-up) then would not that be easy to straightaway create or reuse those standard SQL unit tests for any new object you work on.


However, please bear in mind that it is not always possible to have standard SQL unit tests that fit every case.


(Stored Procedure and Standard unit tests

Another good example to understand the need for standard SQL unit tests is to look at a stored procedure.


If you reverse engineer a stored procedure it is typically a set of SQL scripts that are frequently used to serve the purpose.


So, if we can wrap a set of repeatable SQL scripts into a stored procedure to avoid repetition and standardize the process then why not we can have standard SQL unit tests to be applicable to most of the SQL unit testing objects.


Let us now focus on the three standard SQL unit tests which you can write against almost any stored procedure.


1 –测试以检查对象是否存在 (1 – Test to check object exists)

The first standard SQL unit test against any stored procedure is going to check whether it has been created or not.


Please remember the order in which database object and its SQL unit test is created may vary depending on the SQL unit testing pattern in use.


常规SQL单元测试 (Conventional SQL unit testing)

In this pattern, database objects are created first and their SQL unit tests are written next.


So the order is as follows:


  1. You create a SQL unit testing object which is stored procedure to meet business specification 您创建一个SQL单元测试对象,该对象是存储过程以满足业务规范
  2. You create a SQL unit test to check if it exists or not 您创建一个SQL单元测试以检查它是否存在

Obviously, it exists so what is the point of creating the SQL unit test to check object exists or not.


Actually, this is going to make sure the object has not been accidentally or purposely deleted (due to a conflicting requirement). This is somewhat like a schema-bound view which we can call SQL unit test bound object, a new term I am coining for the first time.

实际上,这将确保没有意外或有意删除对象(由于需求冲突)。 这有点像架构绑定视图,我们可以将其称为SQL单元测试绑定对象,这是我第一次创造的新术语。

创建SQL单元测试对象存在模板 (Create SQL unit test Object Exists Template)

Next, create SQL unit test object exists template as follows:


--Creating object exists test template
CREATE PROCEDURE ObjectTests.[Test to check Object exists]
BEGIN--Assemble--Act--AssertEXEC tSQLt.AssertObjectExists @ObjectName = N'TheObject'

空运行SQL单元测试 (Dry Run SQL unit test )

  --Run tSQLt TestsEXEC tSQLt.RunAll

So, the first most common SQL unit test is to check if the object of interest exists or not is complete now. We have just created this SQL unit test in the form a template that is going to be used afterward.

因此,第一个最常见SQL单元测试是检查目标对象是否存在,现在是否完成。 我们刚刚以模板形式创建了此SQL单元测试,此模板将在以后使用。

2 –测试以检查对象是否与正常输入数据相对应的正常输出 (2 – Test to check object has normal output against normal input data)

The next most desired SQL unit test is to check if object outputs normally when given normal input data.


普通输入数据 (Normal Input Data)

Normal input data is any acceptable input given to SQL unit testing object.


For example, if your object under test is a stored procedure which accepts Name parameter then any valid name or string supplied to the stored procedure during the SQL unit test is considered normal input data.


正常输出数据 (Normal Output Data)

This means if an object has been given a normal input we expect it to give us the normal or expected output.


For example if a stored procedure accepts a name and displays the list of authors having the same name then this is normal output data.


Alternatively, if a stored procedure accepts a name and adds it to a table then getting the contents of that table is considered normal output provided it contains the expected data inserted by stored procedure.


In other words, this SQL unit test ensures that the stored procedure (if this is the object under test), when given acceptable input, produces acceptable output.


普通输入模板时创建普通输出 (Create Normal Output When Normal Input Template)

Now create this SQL unit test template as follows:


--Create object normal output for normal input template
CREATE PROCEDURE [ObjectTests].[test to check Object ouputs normally when given normal input]
-- Assemble
EXEC tSQLt.FakeTable @TableName='dbo.TheTable',@Identity=1-- Fake related table CREATE TABLE [ObjectTests].[Expected] -- Create expected table
([TemplateId] INT,[Name] VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,[Detail] VARCHAR(200) NULL,
)INSERT INTO ObjectTests.Expected -- Insert data into exepcted table
(1,'Object Exists','Test to check object exists')-- Act
EXEC dbo.TheObject 'Object Exists','Test to check object exists' -- Run procedure
SELECT * INTO ObjectTests.Actual FROM dbo.TheTable -- Put the output into Actual table-- Assert (compare expected table with actual table results)
EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable @Expected='ObjectTests.Expected',@Actual='ObjectTests.Actual'

空运行SQL单元测试 (Dry Run SQL unit tests)

  --Run tSQLt TestsEXEC tSQLt.RunAll

3 –测试以检查对象是否具有异常输出以及异常输入数据 (3 – Test to check object has abnormal output against abnormal input data)

This is also one of the most widely used SQL unit tests since it checks for abnormal input and expects abnormal output.


输入数据异常 (Abnormal Input Data)

Abnormal input data can be of different forms including no data at all to check the behavior of the object.


输出数据异常 (Abnormal Output Data)

Abnormal output data can also be of various types including no output based on no data.


请针对异常输入模板创建异常输出 (Please create Abnormal Output against Abnormal Input Template)

Yes, I would like you to give it a try and let me know how far you can go. The clue is to consider no input and no output abnormality when writing your SQL unit test template.

是的,我希望您尝试一下,让我知道您可以走多远。 提示是在编写SQL单元测试模板时考虑没有输入也没有输出异常。

最后的话和进一步的阅读 (Final Word and Further Reading)

In this article, we have successfully created two general SQL unit tests templates and purposely left the third one for the readers to try to implement.


However, all of these SQL unit testing templates can now test any general stored procedure.


Please go through the following articles to see these templates in action:


  1. Why you should cleverly name Database Objects for SQL Unit Testing 为什么要为SQL单元测试巧妙地命名数据库对象
  2. Fundamentals of Test-Driven Database Development (TDDD) with tSQLt unit testing tSQLt单元测试的测试驱动数据库开发(TDDD)基础
  3. Conventional SQL Unit Testing with tSQLt in Simple Words 简单单词中使用tSQLt进行的常规SQL单元测试

目录 (Table of contents)

tSQLt – A Forgotten Treasure in Database Unit Testing
Conventional SQL Unit Testing with tSQLt in Simple Words
Fundamentals of Test-Driven Database Development (TDDD) with tSQLt unit testing
10 Most Common SQL Unit Testing Mistakes
Why you should cleverly name Database Objects for SQL Unit Testing
Three Standard SQL Unit Tests you can write against any Stored Procedure
Creating SQL Unit Testing Utility Procedures with tSQLt
tSQLt –数据库单元测试中被遗忘的宝藏

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/three-standard-sql-unit-tests-you-can-write-against-any-stored-procedure/



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