SAP MM ‘Pricing Date Control‘字段的理解

【理解1】有的供应商很强势,你向供应商下采购订单,供应商说采购订单价格是动态 的,没啥约束力的,只是一个建议价格或者说是指导价格而已,实际结算价格以交货日当天公布的牌价为准。比如钢材类的强势供应商,人家就有话语权,特别是在原材料价格不断上涨的今天,作为购买方只能服从供应商的要求。

SAP的MM模块,其中在Vendor Master以及Info.record里有关于PO价格取哪个时间(Date)的价格的选项,其中有PO Date、Delivery Date、Current Date、GR Date以及Manual等。意思是说,当你在info record里维护了很多时间段的价格的时候,如果填制一张PO,PO的单价应该自动去抓取哪个时间段的单价。

【理解2】When the Pricing Date Category is 5 in the purchase order item, at the time of the goods receipt the system executes a new price determination. This is, the function module PRICING is executed, so the system carries out a new and complete pricing (reading inforecords, condition records, etc) and will determine a new price (which might be different from the one you see in the purchase order item).

【理解3】In the automatic price determination process, the price can be calculated as at the document date of the PO, or as at another date (such as the current date, the delivery date, or the goods receipt date). You can specify the date to which the price that is determined relates at the following points:

  • In the vendor master record, in the Pricing date control field, if you wish to use the same price determination date for all a vendor and materials.

  • In the purchasing info record, in the Pricing date category field, if you wish to use a different pricing date for a certain material supplied by a particular vendor.



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