
import os
import sys
import pexpect
import re
import subprocess
import timeclass Wifi:def __init__(self):""""""self.cfg_file = '/tmp/wifi_config_file'def raiseError(self, Message=None):raise Exception, Messagedef ExcuteCMD(self, cmd):"Excute shell command ,return code and output"cmd = cmdprint 'CMD is ### ' + cmd + ' ###'rc = 1content = ""# print (datetime.datetime.now())p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)p.wait()rc = p.returncodeprint 'rc is ' + str(rc)content = p.stdout.read().strip()if content:print ">" + content + "<"if p.returncode == 0:# print 'AT_INFO : "' + cmd + '" Excute SUCESS!'rc = Trueelse:print 'return code :' + str(rc)print 'AT_WARNING : "' + cmd + '" Excute FAIL!'rc = Falsep.stdout.close()print '*'*100return rc, contentdef Get_Wlan_Card_Name(self):cmd = 'ifconfig -a |grep -o "^ *wlan[0-9][0-9]* *"|awk ' + "'{print $1}'"rc, result = self.ExcuteCMD(cmd)if rc:data = result.strip()else:data = Noneself.raiseError("error")return datadef Up_Monitor_Interface(self):wlan = self.Get_Wlan_Card_Name()mon = 'mon_' + str(wlan)if wlan:if self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='ifconfig |grep "^ *' + wlan + '"')[0]:passelse:if self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='ifconfig ' + wlan + ' up')[0]:passelse:print 'AT_ERROR : ' + 'ifconfig ' + wlan + ' up' + ' FAIL FAIL!'return False, Noneif self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='ifconfig |grep ' + mon)[0]:print 'AT_INFO : Monitor Interface is already Up PASS PASS!'return True, monelif self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='ifconfig -a|grep ' + mon)[0]:print 'AT_INFO : Monitor Interface is exist,but NOT UP!'if self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='ifconfig ' + mon + ' up')[0]:print 'AT_INFO : Monitor Interface is already Up PASS PASS!'return True, monelse:print 'AT_ERROR : Monitor Interface Up FAIL FAIL!'return False, Noneelse:if self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='iw dev ' + wlan + ' interface add ' + mon + ' type monitor')[0]:if self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='ifconfig |grep ' + mon)[0]:print 'AT_INFO : Monitor Interface is already Up PASS PASS!'return True, monelif self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='ifconfig -a|grep ' + mon)[0]:if self.ExcuteCMD(cmd='ifconfig ' + mon + ' up')[0]:print 'AT_INFO : Monitor Interface Up PASS PASS!'return True, monelse:print 'AT_ERROR : Monitor Interface Up FAIL FAIL!'return False, Noneelse:print 'AT_ERROR : Monitor Interface Add FAIL FAIL!'return False, monelse:print 'AT_ERROR : NO Exist WLAN Card!'return False, Nonedef readfile(self, file, filter=''):filter = filtermatch_flag = Falsetry:file = open(file, 'r')except Exception, e:print ereturn Falsefor line in file:print line,if filter:m = re.findall(filter, line)if m:match_flag = Truefile.close()return match_flagdef Scan_SSID(self, ssid='', bssid=''):wlan = self.Get_Wlan_Card_Name()ssid=str(ssid)bssid=str(bssid)cmd = 'iw dev ' + wlan + ' scan |grep "' + ssid +'" -8' + '|grep ' + bssidif self.ExcuteCMD(cmd)[0]:return Trueelse:print 'AT_WARNING : San_SSID RUN FAIL FAIL!'self.raiseError("error")def Start_WPASupplicant(self):wlan = self.Get_Wlan_Card_Name()os.system('killall wpa_supplicant')time.sleep(5)cmd = 'nohup wpa_supplicant -d -i '+ wlan + ' -c ' + self.cfg_file + ' 2>&1 & 'if os.system(cmd) == 0:print 'AT_INFO : Start_WPASupplicant RUN SUCCESS SUCCESS!'return Trueelse:print 'AT_WARNING : Start_WPASupplicant RUN FAIL FAIL!'self.raiseError("error")def Check_WPASupplicant(self):time.sleep(10)cmd = 'wpa_cli status'rc,result=self.ExcuteCMD(cmd)if rc:m=re.findall(r'wpa_state=COMPLETED',result)if m:print 'AT_INFO : Check_WPASuppcliant RUN SUCCESS SUCCESS! And wpa_state is COMPLETED 'return Trueelse:print 'AT_INFO : Check_WPASuppcliant RUN SUCCESS SUCCESS! But wpa_state is not COMPLETED 'self.raiseError("error")else:print 'AT_WARNING : Check_WPASuppcliant RUN FAIL FAIL!'self.raiseError("error")def Generate_Config_file(self, ssid='', bssid='', type='', key=''):"""Generate Wifi Config file for Wireless Card"""ssid=str(ssid)bssid=str(bssid)type=str(type)key=str(key)try:file = open(self.cfg_file, 'w')except Exception, e:print ereturn Falsefile.writelines('ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant' + os.linesep)file.writelines('eapol_version=1' + os.linesep)file.writelines('ap_scan=1' + os.linesep)file.writelines('fast_reauth=1' + os.linesep)file.writelines('network={' + os.linesep)file.writelines('    ssid=\"' + ssid + '\"' + os.linesep)file.writelines('    bssid=' + bssid  + os.linesep)file.writelines('    scan_ssid=1' + os.linesep)file.writelines('    key_mgmt=' + type + os.linesep)file.writelines('    priority=5' + os.linesep)file.writelines('    pairwise=CCMP' + os.linesep)file.writelines('    proto=WPA RSN' + os.linesep)file.writelines('    psk=\"' + key + '\"' + os.linesep)file.writelines('}' + os.linesep)file.close()self.readfile(self.cfg_file)return Truefile.close()self.readfile(self.cfg_file)return Truedef connect_SSID(self, ssid='', bssid='', type='', key=''):"""check Wireless Card can connect Wireless AP or not-Give this Keyword the 4 arguments of a AP: ssid, bssid, type and key-Then Case Word will scan SSID Exist or not ,and generate a Wifi config fileIf  Scan SSID Succeed  and config file is Wright, it will invoke wirelessTool wpa_supplicant to connect the AP and check the wireless status withWireless Tool wpa_cli.-When wpa_state is "COMPLETED", the Keyword run succeed, otherwise it fails.Examples:| connect SSID | bssid=10:9f:a9:70:01:03 | type=WPA-PSK   |   key=1234567890   |"""ssid=str(ssid)bssid=str(bssid)type=str(type)key=str(key)if self.Up_Monitor_Interface():passelse:self.raiseError("error")if self.Generate_Config_file(ssid=ssid, bssid=bssid, type=type,  key=key):passelse:self.raiseError("error")if self.Scan_SSID(ssid=ssid, bssid=bssid):print "scan ssid pass"passelse:print "scan ssid false"self.raiseError("error")if self.Start_WPASupplicant():passelse:self.raiseError("error")if self.Check_WPASupplicant():passelse:self.raiseError("error")


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