
step1:use HttpWebRequest class to request,and use HttpWebResponse get the response.

if you read the response, you can get the information including what did in the Page_load function.

step2: if you want to fill a textbox or click a button and etc..  in this page, you can repalce the response with the Message,and use HttpWebRequest class to post it to the server.The server will get what in the textbox or do the Onclick function.

Message: you can use sniffer to catch the postbag and get what in it,usually with a "&" and the webcontrol name or id.It is a format of ASPX post.

step3: use HttpWebResponse get the response.You can read the  response to get the information which did in the Onclick function.


public class FtpMessage
  private string m_fileName;
  private string m_host;
  private string aspValue;

public FtpMessage(string fileName,string hostUrl)
    m_fileName = fileName;
    m_host = hostUrl;

public bool SendCompleteMessage(string user,string password)
   bool isSendMessageSuccess = false;
   HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://"+m_host);
   WebResponse response = null;
   response = request.GetResponse();
   Stream readStream = response.GetResponseStream();
   StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(readStream,Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));
   string content = "";
   int index = -1;
   while (index < 0 && content != null)
    content = sr.ReadLine();
    //得到标准的ASPX页面的头一共26个字节,以("name=\"__VIEWSTATE\" value=\""开始的
    index = content.IndexOf("name=\"__VIEWSTATE\" value=\"",0);
   index += 26;
   int endIndex = content.LastIndexOf("\"");
   if (index > 26 && endIndex > index)
    aspValue = content.Substring(index,endIndex-index);
    StringBuilder tempData = new StringBuilder();
     //填写Button Click 的Message
    aspValue = tempData.ToString();

string content1 = m_fileName;
   string content2 = user;
   string content3 = password;
   WebResponse response1 = null;
   string tempData1 = aspValue.Replace("(content1)",HttpUtility.UrlEncode(content1));
   string tempData2 = tempData1.Replace("(content2)",HttpUtility.UrlEncode(content2));
   string tempData3 = tempData2.Replace("(content3)",HttpUtility.UrlEncode(content3));
   byte [] postData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tempData3.ToString());

HttpWebRequest request1 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://"+m_host);

   request1.Method = "POST";
   request1.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
   request1.ContentLength = postData.Length;
   Stream writeStream = request1.GetRequestStream();
   string serverMessage = "";
    response1 = request1.GetResponse();
    Stream readStream1 = response1.GetResponseStream();
    int i = 1024;
    byte[] hehe = new byte[i];

StringBuilder hehe1 = new StringBuilder();
    for(int j=658;j<662;j++)
    serverMessage = hehe1.ToString();

   catch(Exception E)
    string tempError = E.Message;
   if(serverMessage == "true")
    isSendMessageSuccess = true;

return isSendMessageSuccess;



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