


# crsctl set cluster mode flex

CRS-4937: Unable to set the cluster mode.



1. Run the following command to determine the current mode of the cluster:


$ crsctl get cluster mode status

2. Run the following command to ensure that the Grid Naming Service (GNS) is configured with a fixed VIP:


$ srvctl config gns

This procedure cannot succeed unless GNS is configured with a fixed VIP. If there is no GNS, then, as root, create one, as follows:


# srvctl add gns -vip vip_name | ip_address


Run the following command as root to start GNS:


# srvctl start gns

3. Use the Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) to enable Oracle Flex ASM in the cluster before you change the cluster mode.

使用asmca将ASM存储转换为Flex ASM。

4. Run the following command as root to change the mode of the cluster to be an Oracle Flex Cluster:


# crsctl set cluster mode flex

5. Stop Oracle Clusterware by running the following command as root on each node in the cluster:


# crsctl stop crs

6. Start Oracle Clusterware by running the following command as root on each node in the cluster:


# crsctl start crs -wait

Note: Use the -wait option to display progress and status messages.

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