

Javascript (Extjs framework) – Frontend


Python (Daemon service which interacts with the encryption device)

Python pyserial – (Serial port interactions)


Linux – Ccustom bash scripts(to update DB/mail reports)


Capture client information on a distributed platform

Encrypt/decrypt sensitive transactions using a Hardware device


The user gains access to the system using a web browser

The user captures client information and on pressing “submit” button

The data is sent to the encryption device and the system enters a wait state

The data is then encrypted on the device and sent back to the browser

The encrypted data is saved to the DB

System exits wait state and displays DONE message



I created a python daemon which monitors a DB view for any new requests

The daemon service executes new requests on the device using pyserial and updates

the requests table with a “response” ie. the encrypted content

I created a polling service in PHP which frequently checks if there is a “response” in >the requests table for the specific request

Created the Extjs frontend with appropriate wait/done status messages


Concurreny – We expect > 20 users at any time submitting encryption/decryption requests

using a database as a message/queuing solution is not scalable due to table locking and only 1 listening process which monitors for requests

Daemon service – Relying on a daemon service is a bit risky and the DB overhead seems a bit high polling the view for new requests every second

Development – It would simplify my development tasks by just sending requests to a encrypt/decrypt service instead of doing this whole process of inserting a request in the db,polling for the response and processing the request in the daemon service.


What would be the ideal message/queening solution in this situation? Please take into >account my system exclusively runs on a Ubuntu O/S.

我已经做了一些Google服务,遇到了一个名为“ Stomp”的服务器,但是事实证明它安装起来有些困难,并且缺少一些文档.我也更喜欢那些在设置类似内容方面有经验的个人的建议,而不是一些“如何”指导的建议:)



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