Fedora 8中完全开启compiz-fusion特效

之前发的举措必需手动运转emerald --replace本事互换主题,因而我做了纠正和更新
3.sudo gedit /usr/bin/compiz-manager

# start the gtk-window-decorator if presentif [ -x ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}emerald ] && [ "$USE_EMERALD" = "yes" ]; then verbose "Starting emerald\n" ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}emerald --replace &#elif [ -x ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}gtk-window-decorator ] && [ -n "$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID" ]; then# verbose "Starting gtk-window-decorator\n"# ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}gtk-window-decorator --replace &#elif [ -x ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}kde-window-decorator ] && [ -n "$KDE_FULL_SESSION" ]; then# verbose "Starting kde-window-decorator\n"# ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}kde-window-decorator --replace &# FALLBACKWM="${KWIN}"elif [ -x ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}emerald ]; then verbose "Starting emerald\n" ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}emerald --replace &

6.翻开emerald主题设置和compiz-config setting manager举行设置


之前发的举措必需手动运转emerald --replace本事互换主题,因而我做了更新,这个举措较量暴力,强行指定了emerald作为主题解决器,若是只是想compiz-fusion特效不想应用emerald改主题,则不用举行第3步.

"Compiz is installed by default but not enabled. To actually enable Compiz requires a simple click within the Desktop Effects application. Once activated, Compiz works well, but offers a limited amount of features. The only settings you get with Desktop Effects is Desktop Cubes and Wobbly Windows. There’s also a more advanced Gnome Compiz Manager available via Pirut, but even that gives only a limited amount of choices when compared with Compiz Fusion. With that said, Fedora has Compiz Fusion available in their repositories and, as of today, just added ccsm (compizconfig settings manager) in their updates -testing repository. Because ccsm is still being tested, you can expect some bugs in the program until it is moved into the regular updates repo. In order to get ccsm working I did have to do my own workaround. Fedora’s gnome-wm script would launch compiz with the gconf plugin rather than ccp, which prevented compiz fusion from running normally. A basic edit of gnome-wmf did the trick (gedit /usr/bin/gnome-wm & replace the line that has “gconf” with “ccp”). Once that was done Compiz Fusion was ready to go and made Fedora 8 even better." ——From:http://lunapark6.com/fedora-8-review.html


gcell - http://gcell.blog.163.com/

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