Thu, 29 Nov 2018
Totally 54 papers

Daily Computer Vision Papers

[1] Title: 3D human pose estimation in video with temporal convolutions and semi-supervised training
Authors:Dario Pavllo, Christoph Feichtenhofer, David Grangier, Michael Auli
[2] * Title: CAPNet: Continuous Approximation Projection For 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Using 2D Supervision
Authors:Navaneet K L, Priyanka Mandikal, Mayank Agarwal, R. Venkatesh Babu
[3] Title: SegET: Deep Neural Network with Rich Contextual Features for Cellular Structures Segmentation in Electron Tomography Image
Authors:Enze Zhang, Fa Zhang, Zhiyong Liu, Xiaohua Wan, Lifa Zhu
[4] Title: Future-State Predicting LSTM for Early Surgery Type Recognition
Authors:Siddharth Kannan, Gaurav Yengera, Didier Mutter, Jacques Marescaux, Nicolas Padoy
[5] Title: CCNet: Criss-Cross Attention for Semantic Segmentation
Authors:Zilong Huang, Xinggang Wang, Lichao Huang, Chang Huang, Yunchao Wei, Wenyu Liu
[6] Title: Partial Convolution based Padding
Authors:Guilin Liu, Kevin J. Shih, Ting-Chun Wang, Fitsum A. Reda, Karan Sapra, Zhiding Yu, Andrew Tao, Bryan Catanzaro
[7] Title: Multi-level Multimodal Common Semantic Space for Image-Phrase Grounding
Authors:Hassan Akbari, Svebor Karaman, Surabhi Bhargava, Brian Chen, Carl Vondrick, Shih-Fu Chang
[8] Title: Robust Face Detection via Learning Small Faces on Hard Images
Authors:Zhishuai Zhang, Wei Shen, Siyuan Qiao, Yan Wang, Bo Wang, Alan Yuille
[9] Title: A Generative Appearance Model for End-to-end Video Object Segmentation
Authors:Joakim Johnander, Martin Danelljan, Emil Brissman, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Michael Felsberg
Title: Escaping Plato’s Cave using Adversarial Training: 3D Shape From Unstructured 2D Image Collections
Authors:Philipp Henzler, Niloy Mitra, Tobias Ritschel
[11] Title: Exploring Hypergraph Representation on Face Anti-spoofing Beyond 2D Attacks
Authors:Wei Hu, Gusi Te, Ju He, Dong Chen, Zongming Guo
[12] Title: Continuous Trade-off Optimization between Fast and Accurate Deep Face Detectors
Authors:Petru Soviany, Radu Tudor Ionescu
[13] Title: Automatic Liver Segmentation with Adversarial Loss and Convolutional Neural Network
Authors:Bora Baydar, Savas Ozkan, Gozde Bozdagi Akar
[14] Title: Strike (with) a Pose: Neural Networks Are Easily Fooled by Strange Poses of Familiar Objects
Authors:Michael A. Alcorn, Qi Li, Zhitao Gong, Chengfei Wang, Long Mai, Wei-Shinn Ku, Anh Nguyen
[15] Title: Multi-granularity Generator for Temporal Action Proposal
Authors:Yuan Liu, Lin Ma, Yifeng Zhang, Wei Liu, Shih-Fu Chang
[16] Title: Identity Preserving Generative Adversarial Network for Cross-Domain Person Re-identification
Authors:Jialun Liu
[17] Title: One-Shot Instance Segmentation
Authors:Claudio Michaelis, Ivan Ustyuzhaninov, Matthias Bethge, Alexander S. Ecker
[18] Title: Fixed-length Bit-string Representation of Fingerprint by Normalized Local Structures
Authors:Jun Beom Kho, Andrew B. J. Teoh, Wonjune Lee, Jaihie Kim
[19] Title: Image Reconstruction with Predictive Filter Flow
Authors:Shu Kong, Charless Fowlkes
[20] Title: Coordinate-based Texture Inpainting for Pose-Guided Image Generation
Authors:Artur Grigorev, Artem Sevastopolsky, Alexander Vakhitov, Victor Lempitsky
[21]* Title: CrowdCam: Dynamic Region Segmentation
Authors:Nir Zarrabi, Shai Avidan, Yael Moses
[22] Title: Neural Sign Language Translation based on Human Keypoint Estimation
Authors:Sang-Ki Ko, Chang Jo Kim, Hyedong Jung, Choongsang Cho
[23]* Title: ESPNetv2: A Light-weight, Power Efficient, and General Purpose Convolutional Neural Network
Authors:Sachin Mehta, Mohammad Rastegari, Linda Shapiro, Hannaneh Hajishirzi
[24] Title: MeshNet: Mesh Neural Network for 3D Shape Representation
Authors:Yutong Feng, Yifan Feng, Haoxuan You, Xibin Zhao, Yue Gao
[25] Title: Spectral Feature Transformation for Person Re-identification
Authors:Chuanchen Luo, Yuntao Chen, Naiyan Wang, Zhaoxiang Zhang
[26]* Title: DeepMapping: Unsupervised Map Estimation From Multiple Point Clouds
Authors:Li Ding, Chen Feng
[27] Title: Image Generation from Layout
Authors:Bo Zhao, Lili Meng, Weidong Yin, Leonid Sigal
[28] Title: Self-supervised Spatiotemporal Feature Learning by Video Geometric Transformations
Authors:Longlong Jing, Yingli Tian
[29] Title: Instance-level Sketch-based Retrieval by Deep Triplet Classification Siamese Network
Authors:Peng Lu, Hangyu Lin, Yanwei Fu, Shaogang Gong, Yu-Gang Jiang, Xiangyang Xue
[30] Title: Unsupervised Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation
Authors:Yuanhang Su, Kai Fan, Nguyen Bach, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Fei Huang
[31] Title: Future Segmentation Using 3D Structure
Authors:Suhani Vora, Reza Mahjourian, Soeren Pirk, Anelia Angelova
[32] Title: Robust neural circuit reconstruction from serial electron microscopy with convolutional recurrent networks
Authors:Drew Linsley, Junkyung Kim, David Berson, Thomas Serre
[33] Title: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving
Authors:Sen Wang, Daoyuan Jia, Xinshuo Weng
[34] Title: CyLKs: Unsupervised Cycle Lucas-Kanade Network for Landmark Tracking
Authors:Xinshuo Weng, Wentao Han
[35] Title: Image Labeling with Markov Random Fields and Conditional Random Fields
Authors:Shangxuan Wu, Xinshuo Weng
[36] Title: Deep Regionlets: Blended Representation and Deep Learning for Generic Object Detection
Authors:Hongyu Xu, Xutao Lv, Xiaoyu Wang, Zhou Ren, Rama Chellappa
[37] Title: Skin lesion segmentation using U-Net and good training strategies
Authors:Fred Guth, Teofilo E. deCampos
[38] Title: Universal Adversarial Training
Authors:Ali Shafahi, Mahyar Najibi, Zheng Xu, John Dickerson, Larry S. Davis, Tom Goldstein
[39] Title: Intra-class Variation Isolation in Conditional GANs
Authors:Richard T. Marriott, Sami Romdhani, Liming Chen
[40]* Title: Patch-based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling
Authors:Wang Yifan, Shihao Wu, Hui Huang, Daniel Cohen-Or, Olga Sorkine-Hornung
[41] Title: A Compact Embedding for Facial Expression Similarity
Authors:Raviteja Vemulapalli, Aseem Agarwala
[42] Title: ShelfNet for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
Authors:Juntang Zhuang, Junlin Yang
[43] Title: Multiview Supervision By Registration
Authors:Yilun Zhang, Hyun Soo Park
[44] Title: eXclusive Autoencoder (XAE) for Nucleus Detection and Classification on Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) Stained Histopathological Images
Authors:Chao-Hui Huang, Daniel Racoceanu
[45] Title: A Compositional Textual Model for Recognition of Imperfect Word Images
Authors:Wei Tang, John Corring, Ying Wu, Gang Hua
[46]* Title: Iterative Transformer Network for 3D Point Cloud
Authors:Wentao Yuan, David Held, Christoph Mertz, Martial Hebert
[47] Title: GaterNet: Dynamic Filter Selection in Convolutional Neural Network via a Dedicated Global Gating Network
Authors:Zhourong Chen, Yang Li, Samy Bengio, Si Si
[48] Title: Scan2CAD: Learning CAD Model Alignment in RGB-D Scans
Authors:Armen Avetisyan, Manuel Dahnert, Angela Dai, Manolis Savva, Angel X. Chang, Matthias Nießner
[49]* Title: WaveletNet: Logarithmic Scale Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Edge Devices
Authors:Li Jing, Rumen Dangovski, Marin Soljacic
[50] Title: Isospectralization, or how to hear shape, style, and correspondence
Authors:Luca Cosmo, Mikhail Panine, Arianna Rampini, Maks Ovsjanikov, Michael M. Bronstein, Emanuele Rodolà
[51] Title: Formal Verification of CNN-based Perception Systems
Authors:Panagiotis Kouvaros, Alessio Lomuscio
[52] Title: Generalizing semi-supervised generative adversarial networks to regression
Authors:Greg Olmschenk, Zhigang Zhu, Hao Tang
[53]* Title: CT organ segmentation using GPU data augmentation, unsupervised labels and IOU loss
Authors:Blaine Rister, Darvin Yi, Kaushik Shivakumar, Tomomi Nobashi, Daniel L. Rubin
[54] Title: Self-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks
Authors:Ting Chen, Xiaohua Zhai, Marvin Ritter, Mario Lucic, Neil Houlsby

Papers from arxiv.org

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