
A walk-through of creating a webhook for Kubernetes dynamic admission control.


The code illustrated in this article is available for download.

本文中说明的代码可以下载 。



First, what is a Kubernetes admission controller?


In a nutshell, Kubernetes admission controllers are plugins that govern and enforce how the cluster is used. They can be thought of as a gatekeeper that intercept (authenticated) API requests and may change the request object or deny the request altogether.

简而言之,Kubernetes接纳控制器是控制和强制使用集群的插件。 可以将它们视为拦截(已认证)API请求的网守,并且可以更改请求对象或完全拒绝请求。

— Kubernetes — A Guide to Kubernetes Admission Controllers

— Kubernetes — Kubernetes准入控制器指南

So, what about dynamic admission control?


Among the more than 30 admission controllers shipped with Kubernetes, two take a special role because of their nearly limitless flexibility — ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks and MutatingAdmissionWebhooks…they do not implement any policy decision logic themselves. Instead, the respective action is obtained from a REST endpoint (a webhook) of a service running inside the cluster. This approach decouples the admission controller logic from the Kubernetes API server, thus allowing users to implement custom logic to be executed whenever resources are created, updated, or deleted in a Kubernetes cluster.

在Kubernetes随附的30多个准入控制器中,有两个由于其几乎无限的灵活性而起着特殊的作用-ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks和MutatingAdmissionWebhooks……它们本身并未实现任何策略决策逻辑。 而是从群集内运行的服务的REST端点(Webhook)获得相应的操作。 这种方法使准入控制器逻辑与Kubernetes API服务器分离,从而使用户能够实现在Kubernetes集群中创建,更新或删除资源时执行的自定义逻辑。

— Kubernetes — A Guide to Kubernetes Admission Controllers

— Kubernetes — Kubernetes准入控制器指南



I recently wrote an article, Automating Kubernetes Best Practices, about the open source Polaris application.

我最近写了一篇文章, 自动化Kubernetes最佳实践 对开源应用北极星。

Fairwinds’ Polaris keeps your clusters sailing smoothly. It runs a variety of checks to ensure that Kubernetes pods and controllers are configured using best practices, helping you avoid problems in the future.

Fairwinds的Polaris可使您的集群顺畅航行。 它会进行各种检查以确保使用最佳实践来配置Kubernetes Pod和控制器,从而帮助您避免将来出现问题。

— Fairwinds — Polaris

—风向— 北极星

Through the process of using Polaris, I was struck that while Kubernetes has a robust authorization mechanism, RBAC, it is fairly coarse grained. For example, a user with create access on a pod resource can create a pod as they wish. At the same time, we know that we need to constrain user from creating pods that pose a security risk.

在使用Polaris的过程中,我感到惊讶的是,尽管Kubernetes具有强大的授权机制RBAC ,但它的粒度还是相当粗糙的。 例如,对pod资源具有创建访问权限的用户可以根据需要创建pod。 同时,我们知道我们需要限制用户创建具有安全风险的Pod。

To illustrate how admission controller webhooks can be leveraged to establish custom security policies, let’s consider an example that addresses one of the shortcomings of Kubernetes: a lot of its defaults are optimized for ease of use and reducing friction, sometimes at the expense of security. One of these settings is that containers are by default allowed to run as root (and, without further configuration and no USER directive in the Dockerfile, will also do so). Even though containers are isolated from the underlying host to a certain extent, running containers as root does increase the risk profile of your deployment — and should be avoided as one of many security best practices. The recently exposed runC vulnerability (CVE-2019–5736), for example, could be exploited only if the container ran as root.

为了说明如何利用准入控制器Webhooks建立自定义安全策略,让我们考虑一个解决Kubernetes缺点之一的示例:优化了许多默认设置以简化易用性并减少摩擦,有时会牺牲安全性。 这些设置之一是默认情况下允许容器以root身份运行(并且,无需进一步配置,并且Dockerfile中也没有USER指令,也可以这样做)。 即使容器在一定程度上与基础主机隔离,但以root身份运行容器确实会增加部署的风险,因此,应避免将其作为许多安全性最佳实践之一。 例如,仅当容器以root用户身份运行时,才能利用最近暴露的runC漏洞(CVE-2019-5736)。

— Kubernetes — A Guide to Kubernetes Admission Controllers

— Kubernetes — Kubernetes准入控制器指南

While Polaris delivers a webhook with a robust set of security checks and even allows one to create custom checks, it is inherently limited to validating pods and containers. What about constraining other resources?

虽然Polaris提供了带有一组强大的安全检查的webhook,甚至允许用户创建自定义检查,但它本质上仅限于验证容器和容器。 约束其他资源呢?

This got me thinking that I needed to learn how to create my own dynamic admission control webhook.




If you wish to follow along, you will need:


  • A Kubernetes clusterKubernetes集群
  • kubectl installed locally; configured for the cluster安装在本地的kubectl; 为集群配置
  • Docker installed locally本地安装的Docker
  • Node.js installed locally本地安装的Node.js
  • openssl installed locally; often pre-installed by the OS install在本地安装的openssl; 通常由操作系统安装预先安装

note: While I tried using both MicroK8s and Minikube local clusters, I ended up writing this article using an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster because I could not reliably get Telepresence (next section) to work with either of them.

注意 :当我尝试同时使用MicroK8和Minikube本地集群时,由于无法可靠地使Telepresence(下一部分)与它们中的任何一个一起使用,我最终使用Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS)集群编写了本文。

Sidebar into Telepresence


Because we want to iterate quickly, we install and use Telepresence to develop locally.


Kubernetes applications usually consist of multiple, separate services, each running in its own container. Developing and debugging these services on a remote Kubernetes cluster can be cumbersome, requiring you to get a shell on a running container and running your tools inside the remote shell.

Kubernetes应用程序通常由多个单独的服务组成,每个服务都在自己的容器中运行。 在远程Kubernetes群集上开发和调试这些服务可能很麻烦,需要您在运行的容器上安装一个Shell,并在远程Shell内运行您的工具。

telepresence is a tool to ease the process of developing and debugging services locally, while proxying the service to a remote Kubernetes cluster. Using telepresence allows you to use custom tools, such as a debugger and IDE, for a local service and provides the service full access to ConfigMap, secrets, and the services running on the remote cluster.

远程呈现是一种工具,可简化在本地开发和调试服务的过程,同时将服务代理到远程Kubernetes群集。 使用网真,您可以将自定义工具(例如调试器和IDE)用于本地服务,并为该服务提供对ConfigMap,密钥和在远程群集上运行的服务的完全访问权限。

— Kubernetes — Developing and debugging services locally

— Kubernetes — 在本地开发和调试服务

Having installed Telepresence, we begin by creating the Express “Hello World” application locally. We create a pod and service to deliver our application with:

安装网真后,我们首先在本地创建Express“ Hello World”应用程序。 我们创建一个pod和服务来交付我们的应用程序,其中包括:

$ telepresence --new-deployment hdac --expose 3000

Indeed, we observe the new pod and service.


$ kubectl get allNAME       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGEpod/hdac   1/1     Running   0          29sNAME                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGEservice/hdac         ClusterIP   <none>        3000/TCP   29sservice/kubernetes   ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP    39m

In the shell provided by the telepresence command, we run our application locally and thus deliver it into the cluster.


$ node app.js

In another terminal we can run a temporary pod to access the service within the cluster; available on the DNS name hdac.default.svc:

在另一个终端中,我们可以运行一个临时pod来访问集群中的服务; 在DNS名称hdac.default.svc上可用:

$ kubectl run tmp --image=busybox --restart=Never -it --rm -- wget -O - -q -T 3 http://hdac.default.svc:3000Hello World!pod "tmp" deleted

note: That is a lot of command line options (WOW).

注意 :这是很多命令行选项(WOW)。

TLS Certificates


We next need to serve our application over HTTPS.


Since a webhook must be served via HTTPS, we need proper certificates for the server. These certificates can be self-signed (rather: signed by a self-signed CA), but we need Kubernetes to instruct the respective CA certificate when talking to the webhook server. In addition, the common name (CN) of the certificate must match the server name used by the Kubernetes API server, which for internal services is <service-name>.<namespace>.svc, i.e., webhook-server.webhook-demo.svc in our case.

由于必须通过HTTPS为Webhook提供服务,因此我们需要服务器的适当证书。 这些证书可以是自签名的(而是由自签名的CA签名),但是在与Webhook服务器通信时,我们需要Kubernetes来指导相应的CA证书。 此外,证书的公用名(CN)必须与Kubernetes API服务器使用的服务器名匹配,对于内部服务,该服务器名是<service-name>。<namespace> .svc,即webhook-server.webhook-demo在我们的情况下是.svc。

— Kubernetes — A Guide to Kubernetes Admission Controllers

— Kubernetes — Kubernetes准入控制器指南

The one bit of trickiness is that creating a self-signed TLS certificate is different than creating a TLS certificate from a self-signed CA; the later is what we need to do. I wrote a separate article, Mutual TLS Authentication (mTLS) De-Mystified, that describes the concepts behind the following steps.

棘手的一点是,创建自签名TLS证书与从自签名CA创建TLS证书不同。 稍后是我们需要做的。 我写了另一篇文章“ 相互TLS身份验证(mTLS)揭秘” ,它描述了以下步骤的概念。

Within the application (app) folder, we first create the CA key and certificate:

在application( app )文件夹中,我们首先创建CA密钥和证书:

$ openssl req \  -new \  -x509 \  -nodes \  -days 365 \  -subj '/CN=my-ca' \  -keyout ca.key \  -out ca.crt

We next create the server key:


$ openssl genrsa \  -out server.key 2048

We create a certificate signing request:


$ openssl req \  -new \  -key server.key \  -subj '/CN=hdac.default.svc' \  -out server.csr

We create the server certificate:


$ openssl x509 \  -req \  -in server.csr \  -CA ca.crt \  -CAkey ca.key \  -CAcreateserial \  -days 365 \  -out server.crt

The updated application code, serving HTTPS, at this point is:


const express = require('express');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');const app = express();
const port = 3000;const options = { ca: fs.readFileSync('ca.crt'), cert: fs.readFileSync('server.crt'), key: fs.readFileSync('server.key'),
}; app.get('/', (req, res) => {res.send('Hello World!');
});const server = https.createServer(options, app);server.listen(port, () => {console.log(`Server running on port ${port}/`);

With these changes we deliver our application into the cluster:


$ telepresence --new-deployment hdac --expose 3000$ node app.js

As before, we can run a temporary pod to access the service available within the cluster on the DNS name hdac.default.svc:


$ kubectl run tmp --image=busybox --restart=Never -it --rm -- wget -O - -q -T 3 https://hdac.default.svc:3000wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implementedHello World!pod "tmp" deleted

note: If one wants to do TLS certificate validation at this point, one can create a separate pod to run the curl command with the cacert option (passing in the ca.crt file we created earlier).

注意 :如果此时要进行TLS证书验证,则可以创建一个单独的pod,以使用cacert选项运行curl命令(传入我们之前创建的ca.crt文件)。

Dynamic Admission Control Webhook Application


Here we adapt our application to be a dynamic administration control webhook; i.e., a simple one that accepts the request and always allows the operation.

在这里,我们将应用程序调整为动态管理控制Webhook。 即,一个简单的接受请求并始终允许操作的请求。

Webhooks are sent a POST request, with Content-Type: application/json, with an AdmissionReview API object in the admission.k8s.io API group serialized to JSON as the body.

向Webhooks发送一个POST请求,其内容类型为:application / json,带有admission.k8s.io API组中的AdmissionReview API对象,该对象序列化为JSON作为主体。

Webhooks respond with a 200 HTTP status code, Content-Type: application/json, and a body containing an AdmissionReview object (in the same version they were sent), with the response stanza populated, serialized to JSON.

Webhooks使用200 HTTP状态代码(内容类型:application / json)和包含AdmissionReview对象(与它们发送的版本相同)的主体进行响应,并填充响应节,并将其序列化为JSON。

— Kubernetes — Dynamic Admission Control

— Kubernetes — 动态准入控制

Per the aforementioned documentation, The request JSON includes the following structure:


{  "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1",  "kind": "AdmissionReview",  "request": {    "uid": "<unique identifier>",    ...  }  ...}

The response JSON minimally has the following structure; the value of the allow property dictates whether the operation is allowed.

响应JSON至少具有以下结构; allow属性的值指示是否允许该操作。

{  "apiVersion": "admission.k8s.io/v1",  "kind": "AdmissionReview",  "response": {    "uid": "<value from request.uid>",    "allowed": true  }}

One last detail that I missed and cost me many hours of head-scratching.


Kubernetes does not allow specifying a port in the webhook configuration; it always assumes the HTTPS port 443.

Kubernetes不允许在webhook配置中指定端口。 它始终采用HTTPS端口443。

— Kubernetes — A Guide to Kubernetes Admission Controllers

— Kubernetes — Kubernetes准入控制器指南

With all this in mind, we update the application code:


const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const express = require('express');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');const app = express();
const port = 443;const options = { ca: fs.readFileSync('ca.crt'), cert: fs.readFileSync('server.crt'), key: fs.readFileSync('server.key'),
}; app.post('/', (req, res) => {if (req.body.request === undefined ||req.body.request.uid === undefined) {res.status(400).send();return;}console.log(req.body); // DEBUGGINGconst { request: { uid } } = req.body;res.send({apiVersion: 'admission.k8s.io/v1',kind: 'AdmissionReview',response: {uid,allowed: true,},});
});const server = https.createServer(options, app);server.listen(port, () => {console.log(`Server running on port ${port}/`);

Points to observe:


  • Here we use the body-parser library (has to be installed) to extract out the JSON post data


  • We change the application to run on port 443


  • We change the method from get to post


  • In the post method, we do basic validation of the request JSON and return a response to allow the operation


We deliver our updated application (having to use sudo because of the privileged port use) into the cluster:


$ telepresence --new-deployment hdac --expose 443$ sudo node app.js

We can run a temporary pod to validate the applications behavior:


$ kubectl run tmp \  --image=curlimages/curl \  --restart=Never \  -it \  --rm \  -- \  curl \  --insecure \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \  --request POST \  --data '{"request": { "uid": "sample" } }' \  https://hdac.default.svc{"apiVersion":"admission.k8s.io/v1","kind":"AdmissionReview","response":{"uid":"sample","allowed":true}}pod "tmp" deleted

note: Now we are getting serious about the number of command line options (SMILE).

注意 :现在我们开始认真考虑命令行选项(SMILE)的数量。

Points to observe:


  • We switch to using curl; I find it easier to use for complex requests

    我们转向使用curl ; 我发现它更容易用于复杂的请求

  • To avoid TLS certificates errors, we use the insecure option




To enable the webhook application, we need to create a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource. But first, we need to create a single line base64 encoded version of the ca.crt file.

要启用webhook应用程序,我们需要创建ValidatingWebhookConfiguration资源。 但是首先,我们需要创建ca.crt文件的单行base64编码版本。

$ cat ca.crt | base64 --wrap=0[OBMITTED]

note: A bit of confusion here is that the ca.crt file already contains a block of base64 encoded data; here we are encoding the entire file (including the already encoded data).

注意 :这里有些混乱的地方是ca.crt文件已经包含一个base64编码的数据块。 在这里,我们正在对整个文件进行编码(包括已经编码的数据)。

We create a configuration file for the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration:


apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
metadata:name: "pod-policy.example.com"
- name: "pod-policy.example.com"rules:- apiGroups:   [""]apiVersions: ["v1"]operations:  ["CREATE"]resources:   ["pods"]scope:       "Namespaced"clientConfig:service:namespace: "default"name: "hdac"caBundle: "[OBMITTED]"admissionReviewVersions: ["v1"]sideEffects: NonetimeoutSeconds: 5

Points to observe:


  • The name, here pod-policy.example.com, needs to be globally unique and expressed as a DNS name

    名称,这里为pod-policy.example.com ,必须是全局唯一的,并表示为DNS名称

  • This configuration only operates on pod creations此配置仅适用于Pod创建
  • The caBundle property is the encoded data from above


  • To keep things simple, our webhook application only supports v1; set in the admissionReviewVersions property


We create the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration:


$ kubectl apply -f admission.yaml validatingwebhookconfiguration.admissionregistration.k8s.io/pod-policy.example.com created

It is important to observe that we left the application running from the previous section.


We then create an example pod with the configuration file:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
metadata:labels:name: hello-pod
spec:containers:- name: ubuntuimage: ubuntu:18.04command: ['tail', '-f', '/dev/null']

and applying it:


$ kubectl apply -f pod.yamlpod/hello-pod created

Looking back at our application’s console, we see the full structure of the request JSON (or several levels deep of it) because the code had a debugging console.log in it.


{ kind: 'AdmissionReview',apiVersion: 'admission.k8s.io/v1',request: { uid: 'eae5fb07-baa5-4ddc-876f-1b3f399a5833',kind: { group: '', version: 'v1', kind: 'Pod' },resource: { group: '', version: 'v1', resource: 'pods' },requestKind: { group: '', version: 'v1', kind: 'Pod' },requestResource: { group: '', version: 'v1', resource: 'pods' },name: 'hello-pod',namespace: 'default',operation: 'CREATE',userInfo: { username: 'kubernetes-admin',uid: 'heptio-authenticator-aws:143287522423:AIDASCXE2CR33MJQ4BOAQ',groups: [Array],extra: [Object] },object: { kind: 'Pod',apiVersion: 'v1',metadata: [Object],spec: [Object],status: [Object] },oldObject: null,dryRun: false,options: { kind: 'CreateOptions', apiVersion: 'meta.k8s.io/v1' } } }

While it is outside the scope of this article, validating the operation “simply” amounts to validating the supplied request JSON.


note: On other projects, I found the Ajv: Another JSON Schema Validator library, to be particularly powerful JSON validation solution.

注意 :在其他项目上,我找到了Ajv:另一个JSON模式验证器 库,以成为功能特别强大的JSON验证解决方案。



Now that our application is operational, we can go ahead and containerize it. First we make some small changes to the application code:

现在我们的应用程序可以运行了,我们可以继续对其进行容器化了。 首先,我们对应用程序代码进行一些小的更改:

const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const express = require('express');
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');const app = express();
const port = 8443;const options = { ca: fs.readFileSync('ca.crt'), cert: fs.readFileSync('server.crt'), key: fs.readFileSync('server.key'),
}; app.get('/hc', (req, res) => {res.send('ok');
});app.post('/', (req, res) => {if (req.body.request === undefined ||req.body.request.uid === undefined) {res.status(400).send();return;}console.log(req.body); // DEBUGGINGconst { request: { uid } } = req.body;res.send({apiVersion: 'admission.k8s.io/v1',kind: 'AdmissionReview',response: {uid,allowed: true,},});
});const server = https.createServer(options, app);server.listen(port, () => {console.log(`Server running on port ${port}/`);

Points to observe:


  • We change the application to run on an unprivileged port; 8443

    我们将应用程序更改为在非特权端口上运行; 8443

  • We add an health check, hc, endpoint

    我们添加健康检查, HC,端点

  • We also need to change the file permissions of the key files that we generated earlier (container will run as an unprivileged user) to be world readable, e.g.,我们还需要将先前生成的密钥文件(容器将以非特权用户身份运行)的文件权限更改为全球可读,例如,
$ chmod 644 *.key

We create a Dockerfile:


FROM node:12.18.2
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY app/package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY app .
USER 1000:1000
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

We then need to build and push an image to a repository; in my case I used Amazon Elastic Container Repository (ECR). Another obvious choice would be Docker Hub.

然后,我们需要构建映像并将其推送到存储库; 就我而言,我使用了Amazon Elastic Container Repository(ECR) 。 另一个显而易见的选择是Docker Hub 。

Next we need to create the service and pod definitions for our application:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
metadata:name: hdac
spec:ports:- port: 443protocol: TCPtargetPort: 8443selector:run: hdac
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
metadata:labels:run: hdacname: hdac
spec:containers:- image: [OBMITTED]/hdac:0.1.0name: hdacports:- containerPort: 8443imagePullPolicy: AlwayslivenessProbe:httpGet:port: 8443path: /hcscheme: HTTPSreadinessProbe:httpGet:port: 8443path: /hcscheme: HTTPSresources:limits:cpu: 100mmemory: 128Mirequests:cpu: 100mmemory: 128MisecurityContext:runAsNonRoot: truereadOnlyRootFilesystem: true

Points to observe:


  • While this configuration is fairly straightforward, the details on it can be found in another article that I wrote; Automating Kubernetes Best Practices

    尽管此配置非常简单,但是可以在我撰写的另一篇文章中找到有关它的详细信息。 自动化Kubernetes最佳实践

  • Here we simply deployed a pod, instead of the preferred deployment. Did this for simplicity for this article在这里,我们只是部署了一个Pod,而不是首选的部署。 这样做是为了简化本文

Finally, we deploy the updated application into the cluster:


$ kubectl apply -f controller.yaml service/hdac createdpod/hdac created

note: In order to apply this configuration, we have to first delete the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and then re-apply it; sort of a chicken-and-egg problem.

注意 :为了应用此配置,我们必须首先删除ValidatingWebhookConfiguration,然后重新应用它; 有点像鸡和鸡蛋的问题。



While this was a somewhat lengthy process, the actual code is fairly simple and serves as a starting point for creating your own webhook for Kubernetes dynamic admission control.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@johntucker_48673/kubernetes-dynamic-admission-control-by-example-d8cc2912027c




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  1. Spring Boot 2.6之后,动态权限控制终于可以用起来了!

    Spring Security 5.6 发布有些时间了.随着Spring Boot 2.6的发布Spring Security 5.6终于有机会上生产了.在Spring Security 5.6中动态 ...

  2. 动态表面控制(DSC)简单介绍

    动态表面控制DSC简单介绍 1. 动态表面控制由来 2. 动态表面控制的理论介绍 1) 李雅普诺夫函数V1V_1V1​的设计与求导 2) 李雅普诺夫函数V2V_2V2​的设计与求导 3) 总体李雅普诺 ...

  3. k8s安全 认证 鉴权 准入控制之四:准入控制

    系列文章链接 k8s安全 认证 鉴权 准入控制之一:认证(Authentication) k8s安全 认证 鉴权 准入控制之二:授权(Authorization) k8s安全 认证 鉴权 准入控制之三 ...

  4. 模型预测控制(MPC)——动态矩阵控制(DMC)

    目录 一.模型预测的发展 1.1.先进控制技术及其分类 1.2.工业过程特点 1.3.预测控制的产生 1.4.模型预测控制系统大致包括四部分 1.5.模型预测控制历史 1.6.模型预测 1.7.滚动优 ...

  5. jq发送动态变量_山东体育学院康复生物力学团队发文,探索手机行为双任务对动态稳定性控制的影响...

    点击蓝字|关注我们 山东体育学院生物力学团队成员研究生郑慧芬(18级研究生),毛德伟,宋祺鹏,张翠,孙威,马刚,联合北卡罗莱纳大学毛敏,肯尼索州立大学张新燕,拉夫堡大学朱修齐等人,在生物力学权威期刊J ...

  6. 席裕庚《预测控制》学习记录 (一)-基于阶跃响应的动态矩阵控制(DMC)包含仿真

    本文除了黑体部分均为<预测控制>一书中的知识点,感觉像之前的ADRC只放个仿真不太好,就把原理也写上了 简介 模型预测控制(Model Predictive Control,MPC),或简 ...

  7. java 接口权限控制_手把手教你搞定权限管理,结合Spring Security实现接口的动态权限控制!...

    SpringBoot实战电商项目mall(30k+star)地址:github.com/macrozheng/- 摘要 权限控管理作为后台管理系统中必要的功能,mall项目中结合Spring Secu ...

  8. (转)Windows应用程序中动态的控制输入法

    在Windows系统中一般都安装了至少三种输入法,在输入数据时常常会切换输入法,虽然Windows系统提供了切换快捷健,但对输入工作还是带来了不少麻烦.如果在应用程序中为用户提供智能输入法自动切换,那 ...

  9. 【鼓捣树莓派】动态网页控制lcd显示

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