

PS:本文以IAR工程项目ContikiCC2530Port为例,IAR for MCS-51版本是7.51A。本文记录了整个调试过程,实际场景,不妨先跳到第三部分,看行不行,不行的话,再按第二部分修改。



1.1 Broken options were detected in the project file.A backup copy will be made.

【转载】IAR因版本不兼容打不开工程文件解决(Broken <wbr>options、ICC8051、XLINK)

图1 IAR警告Broken options

1.2 The project file * was created by a newer version of project and cannot be opened

【转载】IAR因版本不兼容打不开工程文件解决(Broken <wbr>options、ICC8051、XLINK)

图2 IAR警告created by a newer version

1.3 The project * could not be open

【转载】IAR因版本不兼容打不开工程文件解决(Broken <wbr>options、ICC8051、XLINK)

图3 IAR警告could not be open


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'General': The format of this file is not supported by this version of the workbench.

It appears to have been written by a newer version of the workbench. Diagnostics: 'Settings 'General': unsupported version - '.

Options for 'General' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.

LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'ICC8051': (Registry: unknown name: CompilerMisraRules04)

Options for 'ICC8051' will be set to default.

LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'XLINK': The format of this file is not supported by this version of the workbench. It appears to have been written by a newer version of the workbench.

Diagnostics: 'Settings 'XLINK': unsupported version - '.

Options for 'XLINK' will be set to default.


【转载】IAR因版本不兼容打不开工程文件解决(Broken <wbr>options、ICC8051、XLINK)

图4 IAR log windows信息

    初步断定,这些警告是因为IAR版本不兼容引起的,但事实上没那么简单,之前也遇见用新版本IAR打开旧版本IAR工程文件,可以直接打开(给出提示信息),在这里还涉及到工程项目配置。解决方法是修改相关的IAR工程文件,描述IAR工程主要有.dep、.eww(Embedded Workbench Workspace)、.ewd(Embedded Workbench Debug)、.ewp(Embedded Workbench Project)文件。

dep --(我也不知道)

eww --工作区文件,描述工作区包含哪些project

ewd --C-SPY调试器项目设置文件

ewp --IA项目的配置信息

二、Broken options

    Broken options是由于项目文件配置不对引起的,按提示信息修改。版本不对的,修改版本;unknown name的,则删去这些配置选项。

2.1 General

2.1.1 'Settings 'General': unsupported version


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'General':

The format of this file is not supported by this version of the workbench. It appears to have been written by a newer version of the workbench.

Diagnostics:'Settings 'General': unsupported version - '. Options for 'General' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.



【转载】IAR因版本不兼容打不开工程文件解决(Broken <wbr>options、ICC8051、XLINK)

2.1.2 unknown name: PDATA 8-15 register address


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'General': (Registry: unknown name: PDATA 8-15 register address)

Options for 'General' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.


在.ewp文件找到PDATA 8-15 register address,删去


PDATA 8-15 register address


【转载】IAR因版本不兼容打不开工程文件解决(Broken <wbr>options、ICC8051、XLINK)

2.1.3 unknown name: PDATA 16-31 register address


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'General': (Registry: unknown name: PDATA 16-31 register address)

Options for 'General' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.


    同2.1.2,在.ewp文件找到PDATA 16-31 register address,删去


2.1.4 unknown name: General Far22 Heap Size


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'General': (Registry: unknown name: General Far22 Heap Size)

Options for 'General' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.


    同2.1.2,在.ewp文件找到General Far22 Heap Size,删去


2.1.5 GeneralMisraVer


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'General': (Registry: unknown name: GeneralMisraVer)

Options for 'General' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.




2.1.6 GeneralMisraRules04


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'General': (Registry: unknown name: GeneralMisraRules04)

Options for 'General' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.




2.2 ICC8051(ARM平台为ICCARM)

2.2.1 'Settings 'ICC8051': unsupported vesion


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'ICC8051':

The format of this file is not supported by this version of the workbench. It appears to have been written by a newer version of the workbench.

Diagnostics:'Settings 'ICC8051': unsupported version -'.

Options for 'ICC8051' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.



【转载】IAR因版本不兼容打不开工程文件解决(Broken <wbr>options、ICC8051、XLINK)

2.2.2 unknown name: CompilerMisraRules04


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'ICC8051': (Registry: unknown name: CompilerMisraRules04)

Options for 'ICC8051' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.




2.2.3 unknown name: CompilerMisraRules04


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'ICC8051': (Registry: unknown name: CompilerMisraRules04)

Options for 'ICC8051' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.





2.3.1 'Settings 'XLINK': unsupported vers


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'XLINK':

The format of this file is not supported by this version of the workbench. It appears to have been written by a newer version of the workbench.

Diagnostics: 'Settings 'XLINK': unsupported version - '.

Options for 'XLINK' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.



【转载】IAR因版本不兼容打不开工程文件解决(Broken <wbr>options、ICC8051、XLINK)

2.3.2 unknown name: Linker Far22 Heap Size


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'XLINK': (Registry: unknown name: Linker Far22 Heap Size)

Options for 'XLINK' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.


    同2.1.2,在.ewp文件找到Linker Far22 Heap Size,删去


2.3.3 unknown name: Linker Far22 Heap S


LOAD: Configuration 'ContikiBankedRelease' in the project 'ContikiCC253xProj' contains broken options for tool 'XLINK': (Registry: unknown name: Linker Far22 Heap Size)

Options for 'XLINK' will be set to default. Creating backup of original project file.


    同2.1.2,在.ewp文件找到Linker Far22 Heap Size,删去



    打开eww文件,还提示图2的The project file * was created by a newer version of project and cannot be opened、图3的The project * could not be open的警告,但Build区域没有任何信息。还是打不开,我估计是版本跨度太大,换个老一点的版本试试。如果您有更好的方法,烦您告诉我Jelline@126.com,谢谢!



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