A week from now I’ll be on a plane heading to Amsterdam for the excellent Mobilism conference. This is year three for them, and you only need to take one look at this year’s program to see just how incredible the event is going to be. The lineup is full of great speakers with fantastic topics to discuss! Just as impressive is the list of attendees—there’s sure to be some great discussions with a group like this all in one place.

从现在开始的一个星期,我将乘飞机前往阿姆斯特丹参加出色的美孚主义会议。 对于他们来说,这已经是三年级了,您只需要看一下今年的节目 ,就可以知道该赛事将有多么令人难以置信。 阵容中有很多精彩的演讲者,您可以讨论精彩的话题! 与会人员名单同样令人印象深刻-与这样的小组肯定会进行一些精彩的讨论。

This will be my first time hanging out at Mobilism and I couldn’t be more excited. When I was involved with BDConf, we always saw Mobilism as being very similar: a conference that aimed to push the envelope on the discussion of the web on mobile and other emerging devices.

这将是我第一次在Mobilism闲逛,我再兴奋不过了。 当我参与BDConf时,我们始终认为Mobilism非常相似:旨在将讨论范围扩展到移动设备和其他新兴设备上的网络的会议。

I’ll be playing the role of MC this year. They’re going to use a different style of Q&A where instead of trying to run a mic back and forth across the room, attendees can post their questions to Twitter (using a hashtag that will be mentioned frequently at the conference) throughout the talk. When the speaker is finished with their presentation I’ll interview them on stage using the questions the audience sent in.

我今年将担任MC的角色。 他们将使用不同的问答方式,与会者可以在整个演讲过程中将他们的问题发布到Twitter(使用在会议上经常提到的主题标签),而不是试图在会议室中来回运行麦克风。 演讲者的演讲结束后,我将使用观众提出的问题在舞台上对他们进行采访。

Christian Heilmann has blogged about this approach in the past and the format not only sounds fun, but makes a ton of sense as well. It’s a great way to allow attendees to ask questions as they think of them instead of having to try and remember them for the end of the talk. As Christian also pointed out, you actually have more questions answered because you don’t have to wait while someone runs back and forth with the microphone.

克里斯蒂安·海尔曼(Christian Heilmann)过去曾在博客中介绍过这种方法,这种格式不仅听起来很有趣,而且很有道理。 这是一种允许与会者根据自己的想法提出问题的好方法,而不必在谈话结束时尝试记住它们。 正如克里斯蒂安(Christian)所指出的那样,实际上您还有更多的问题需要回答,因为您不必等待有人来回奔跑的麦克风。

If you’re in town for the conference be sure to post lots of interesting questions to discuss! You won’t have to stand in front of a mic in the middle of the room so there’s really no reason at all to be shy.

如果您要参加会议,请确保发布许多有趣的问题进行讨论! 您无需在房间中间的麦克风前站立,因此完全没有理由害羞。

And if you haven’t signed up yet, they’ve still got some tickets available for both the conference and workshops (including a dirt cheap price for a full-day of Firefox OS and BB10 development).

而且,如果您还没有注册,他们仍然可以在会议和研讨会上获得入场券 (包括一整天的Firefox OS和BB10开发的便宜价格)。

As a bonus, you can follow Mobilism with WebPerfDays, an unconference about performance the day after Mobilism. It looks like quite a few people from Mobilism (including myself) will be hanging around to check it out and I’ve heard rumblings of some great discussions in the works (including a much-needed chat about responsive images).

作为奖励,您可以通过WebPerfDays关注Mobilism, WebPerfDays是关于Mobilism后一天性能的协商会议。 似乎有很多来自Mobilism的人(包括我本人)到处闲逛来进行验证,而且我听到了有关作品中一些精彩讨论的谣言(包括关于响应式图像的急需的聊天)。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2013/05/heading-to-mobilism-2013/


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