Cisco IP Phone 7960/7940 SCCP firmware 转换成SIP firmware过程<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
之前客户的思科IP PHONE需要升级的时候,我往往是通过公司(CM&CME)的设备进行相应的配置为其升级的 ,但是这样的话花费的时间很多,要在设备上做很多配置,有些时候不一定能升级成功,但是也有好处,就是你可以练习你对语音工具的使用熟度!!!!


Cisco 7940/7960 IP phones can support either the Skinny Call Control Protocol (SCCP) to run with Cisco CallManager, the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) (refer to RFC 2543 <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />), or the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), but not more than one simultaneously. This is possible because they load different firmware versions on bootup. This functionality is transparent to the end user, and you enable it through changes to the basic text-based configuration files that the phones download from a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server.
Line or Speed Dial buttons
Footstand adjustment
i button
On-screen mode buttons
Volume buttons
Function toggles
Scroll key
Dialing pad
Cisco recommends you have knowledge of these topics:
· SIP—Session Initiation Protocol
· SCCP—Skinny Call Control Protocol


我的升级软件是7960/7940 SCCP firmware 8.02 转换成7960/7940 SIP firmware 8.2
1. Download these files from Cisco SIP IP Phone 7940/7960 Software ( registered customers only) and place them in the root directory of your TFTP server (tftpboot on a UNIX machine):
oP0S30100.bin—This is the SIP p_w_picpath. Download the file in binary format, in order to ensure that it is not corrupted.
Note: There are many different variations of this file, which depend on the version of software that you load. These are some examples:
§ SIP Release 2.3 or earlier: P0S3xxyy.bin—The xx variable is the version number, and yy is the sub-version number.
§ SIP Release 3.0 and later: P0S3-xx-y-zz.bin—The xx variable is the major version number, y is the minor version number, and zz is the sub-version number.
§ SIP Release 5.0 and later: After this version is installed, you are not able to revert back to versions earlier than 5.0. You can still change from SCCP p_w_picpaths to SIP p_w_picpaths, but they both must be version 5.0 or later. Refer to Release Notes for Cisco SIP IP Phone 7940/7960 Release 5.0 for more information.
§ This table describes the meanings of the first four characters in the binary files’ names:
First Digit
Second Digit
Third Digit
Fourth Digit
P represents a Phone.
0 means that it is a combined p_w_picpath (application and DSP).
Represents the phone Protocol: 0 for Skinny and S for SIP.
3 represents the ARM processor.
Note: Choose Settings > Status > Firmware Versions in order to verify which p_w_picpath the phone uses. Different phone models use different processors. This fourth digit can help determine the model of phone for which the file is used.
oOS79XX.TXT—This file tells the Cisco 7940/7960 which binary to download from the TFTP server. This file is case sensitive and must only contain the name of the file that you want to load, without the .bin extension. For example, if you attempt to load the SIP version 2.3 software, it must contain only the line P0S30203. If you try to load versions 3.0 and later, the file name must be in the format P0S3-xx-y-zz. For example, if you attempt to load the SIP version 7.1 software, OS79XX.TXT must contain the line P0S<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />3-07-1-00. The binary referenced here must also be present in the TFTP root directory. Without this file, the phone does not know which file it needs to retrieve, in order to replace its existing software.
oSIP0017946256DF \\黑色部分是要升级话机的MAC
2. SIPmac_address.cnf, for each phone (for example, SIP002094D245CB.cnf).
The MAC address must be specified in capital letters and the extension (.cnf) must be in lower case. The MAC address of the phone can be found on the sticker that is located on the bottom of the phone, or it can be found through the phone LCD screen (choose Settings > Network Configuration > MAC Address).
Note: Allow read and write file permissions on the TFTP server for those files:
oOn UNIX TFTP servers, issue the chmod 777 file_name UNIX command.
oOn Windows-based servers, refer to the software documentation.
3. Unplug the power cord or Ethernet cord (if inline power is used) in order to reset the phones. Ensure that the phones can find the TFTP server. Manually configure the phone's IP address, gateway address, and TFTP server address; or configure the phone network settings from the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. It is recommended that you not use the TFTP server on the Cisco CallManager, if you have one in your current system.
可以手动配置 Phone Network Settings
Complete these steps in order to manually configure the phone network settings:
1. Press the **# buttons in order to unlock the phone. (This step either locks or unlocks the options, based on the current state.)
2. Press Settings.
3. Press the down arrow in order to select Network Configuration and press the Select softkey. There is an unlocked padlock icon in the upper-right portion of your LCD.
4. Use the toggle button and the arrow keys in order to modify any parameters. When you enter IP addresses, the * key is used for decimal points.
5. Press the Save softkey in order to save your changes.
Note: In order to lock the phone settings, press **#.
通过DHCP配置 Phone Network Settings (推荐)
You can also configure the phone network settings from the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. For SIP phones, make sure that the DHCP server uses Option 66 for the TFTP server. These DHCP options are usually configured from the DHCP server:
· IP Address (DHCP Option 50)
· Subnet Mask (DHCP Option 1)
· Default IP Gateway (DHCP Option 3)
· DNS Server Address (DHCP Option 6)
· TFTP Server (DHCP Option 66)
· Domain Name (DHCP Option 15)
Note: Cisco CallManager uses Option 150 for the TFTP server, while SIP phones expect Option 66 for the TFTP server.


下载该软件,之后将IP PHONESWITCH口和你的PC网线口连接,个人的PC要配置静态的IP地址
Server interface 是你网卡的IP地址
Current directory是你将要升级的软件保存的文件夹

Additional option的设置,因为我们要升级成为SIP话机,所以这里的数值是66,如果是其他的SCCP话机,我们要设置为150





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