当地时间4月30日,Hulu在纽约举办了2014 Upfront,现场接待了超过1700家广告商,公布了Hulu最新消息。以下是部分内容分享,欢迎大家访问 http://blog.hulu.com/2014/04/30/today-at-the-hulu-upfront/ 查看原文内容。

Hulu Plus

Today I’m thrilled to sharethat Hulu Plus has surpassed6 million subscribers. We’re pleased to see so many millions of viewers turning to Hulu Plus daily, thanks largely to our unrivaled breadth anddepth of content, including exclusive access to some of the biggest broadcastand cable shows, and Hulu Originals.


Today, we’re happy to announce that we have ordered a second season of “Deadbeat,” which has become one of the most watched shows on the service in its first few weeks since airing. Additionally, we’ve set premiere dates for second season returns of “The Awesomes,” “Quick Draw” and “East Los High.”

Last week, international EmmyAward-winning Chris O’Dowd comedy “Moone Boy”returned to great acclaim for its second season. “Doozers,” our first Hulu Original forHulu Kids, debuted and is setting the pace among the most popular shows on thekids hub with its first seven episodes. Meanwhile, acclaimed sports mascotdocu-series “Behind the Mask”is up for the Sports Emmy next week, which garnered Hulu its first Emmynomination for a Hulu Original. On May 28, internationally beloved teendance drama “The Next Step”debuts in the U.S. just before the highly-anticipated return of breakthroughteen drama “East Los High.” And as things heat up in July, there will be muchmore drama and laughs with the debut of reality TV satire “Hotwives ofOrlando.”

It’s not enough for us to simplyinvest in acquiring and producing great shows…we want to make sure viewers know where to find them – only on Hulu and Hulu Plus. To that end, over the next year, we will more than triple our content marketing spend to grow awareness for, and interest in, Hulu Originals.


Our goal is to continue to lead the online video advertising market. Our viewers are highly engaged. On desktop alone they spend an average of nearly 50 minutes per session on Hulu and they stay on Hulu for longer stretches than any other ad-supported premium videosite in comScore’s top 100.

Since 2008, more than 1,650 advertisershave leveraged the Hulu service, and we have delighted in helping these advertisers reach their desired audience, all the whileinnovating in our ad formats to give our users more choice, more control, andmore convenience.

We continue to lead theindustry in ad innovations, and we’re pleased to share three new ad experiences with you today:

In-Stream Purchase Unit: We will be rolling out the first ever“In-Stream Purchase Unit” later this year with Pizza Hut as our launchpartner. The unit will enable consumers to make an order for pick-up or delivery without ever leaving the Hulu environment. With our effective targeting capabilities, this new innovation allows advertisers to target theright demographic, at the right time – all while allowing viewers toimmediately pick up where they left off once their order is placed.

Cross Platform Interactive ads: Part of our promise to innovate on behalfof the advertising industry, is by making our interactive ad experiences available across every platform, including living room and mobile devices. Our ad algorithm predicts the appropriate audience for the brand, and serves an interactive ad that’s optimized for their device. The evolution of ourinteractive ads will launch later this summer in partnership with CoronaExtra across mobile devices.

Hulu 360 Ad: With the growth in mobile viewership,we’re working to deliver new innovations across mobile platforms. We know which device a viewer is on, and we go beyond the traditional video ad to serve agroundbreaking viewing experience. This experience is powered by technology from leading 360 design company, Immersive Media.

Additionally, as of today, Hulu is the first digital company to receive multi-platform measurement at anindividual viewer level that includes co-viewership for living room devices.This is made possible through our partnership with leading measurement company,comScore.


Across the TV industry, we’re seeing greater access to all types of content, and more ways for you, our loyal TV fans, to forge deeper connections with your favorite shows. As the way viewers consume premium TV continues to rapidly evolve, we want to evolve to beable to offer more content on even more platforms.

That is why this summer, we will begin delivering aselection of ad-supported full TV episodes on mobile devices– for free.(Until now, viewers have been able to access Hulu’s free service only on thedesktop). With our re-imagining of mobile viewing, we wantyou, our viewers, to have more access to the content you love, right at your fingertips. Additionally, later this summer, we will be launching the nextgeneration of the Hulu Plus iPhone app.

Hulu Plus is now accessible on more than 400million internet-connected devices in the United States, including Xbox One,PlayStation 4, Chromecast, and most recently, Amazon’s new set-top box, AmazonFire TV. After redesigning our living room devices such as Roku and Wii-U, we saw average-minutes-viewed increase by over 30%. And out of our tens of millions of viewers, there are 3000unique ways Hulu viewers access content on Hulu and Hulu Plus (for example,I watch on my iPad and Apple TV).

Thank you to our valued advertisers, content partners, and to our viewers for your commitment to making Hulu and Hulu Plus part of your daily lives. It’s our pleasure to continue to serve you up the very best TV content, coupled with the best user experience,to continue to make Hulu and Hulu Plus the premier destination for premium content on any device, at anytime, anywhere.

- Hulu CEO, Mike Hopkins and the Huluteam

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