很怀疑下面的英文单词precent and procent都是PERCENT的笔误。






What are memory heaps and what are they used for?

Known as the paged and the non-paged pool...

System threads from the kernel don't have an address space like processes do; hence, they must allocate any dynamic storage in the memory heaps of the operating system, this is mostly formed by the paged or non-paged pool.

Paged pool consists of virtual memory that can be paged into and out of the system. Device drivers that don’t need to access the memory at a low dispatch level (a higher priority) can freely use the paged pools.

Non-paged pool consists of virtual memory that is guaranteed to reside in physical memory at all times and thus can be accessed at any time without incurring a page fault. Device drivers that must access memory at a lower dispatch level MUST use the non-paged pool to ensure that the data can be accessed as I/O calls are unavailable at that point, there is mainly critical code at this level anyway...

These pools have a minimum and maximum size, these are determined to be a small procent(percent?) of the available RAM. While they can grow, please note that they will not exceed a certain precent(percent?) of the available RAM. While the non-paged pool is quite solid given that it's only for the more critical memory, the paged pool will extend into the page file.

This is one of the most overseen problems when people disable their page file. Among other stability and performance problems, which are sure worth checking out if you have disabled the page file.


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