
Upon successful installation of your Debian / Ubuntu server, a few configuration steps are essential in enhancing the security and functionality of the server. In this guide, we will take you through the basic steps in the initial server setup of Debian 9 / Ubuntu 18.04 server. These basic steps will fortify your server and allow the execution of subsequent operations in a seamless manner.

成功安装Debian / Ubuntu服务器后,一些配置步骤对于增强服务器的安全性和功能至关重要。 在本指南中,我们将引导您完成Debian 9 / Ubuntu 18.04服务器初始服务器设置中的基本步骤。 这些基本步骤将加强您的服务器,并允许以无缝方式执行后续操作。

以root用户身份登录 (Login as root user)

The initial step in setting up your server is to log in as the root user. But first, you need to have your server’s IP address and the Password or a private key for authentication. To log in, open your Linux terminal and execute the command below. Be sure to substitute the server’s IP address with your IP address.

设置服务器的第一步是以root用户身份登录。 但是首先,您需要具有服务器的IP地址和密码或用于身份验证的私钥。 要登录,请打开Linux终端并执行以下命令。 确保用您的IP地址替换服务器的IP地址。

ssh user@ip-address

In this guide, we are using Ubuntu 18.04 server with a Public IP address

在本指南中,我们使用公共IP地址为38.76.11.180 Ubuntu 18.04服务器。

To log in using ssh via the terminal, the command is


ssh root@

If you are login in for the first time, you will be required to verify the server’s authenticity.


Type ‘Yes’ and hit Enter. You will then be prompted for the server’s Password. Provide the correct Password and hit Enter.

输入“是”,然后按Enter。 然后将提示您输入服务器的密码。 提供正确的密码,然后按Enter。

This will drop you into the server’s shell prompt as shown below


Great! Now that we have successfully logged in to our server, let’s move over to the second step

大! 现在我们已经成功登录到服务器,让我们继续第二步

创建一个新用户 (Create a New user)

For best security practices, use of the root account for administrative tasks is highly discouraged. Why is that the case? Running your server as root leaves you prone to making unintentional and costly mistakes which may be detrimental to your server. You can easily do something harmful to your system which may cause irreversible damage to your system.

为了获得最佳安全性实践,强烈建议不要将root帐户用于管理任务。 为什么会这样? 以root用户身份运行服务器会使您容易犯意外的代价高昂的错误,这可能对服务器有害。 您可以轻松地做一些对您的系统有害的事情,这可能会对您的系统造成不可挽回的损害。

For this reason, we are going to create a new non-root user and later grant it administrative privileges. This way, every time you try to execute a root-level task, you will be prompted for the password. This will give you some time to pause and think about the consequences for executing the command and stop in your tracks if you notice a costly mistake in the command execution.

因此,我们将创建一个新的非root用户,并在以后为其授予管理权限。 这样,每次尝试执行根级任务时,系统都会提示您输入密码。 如果您发现命令执行中的代价高昂的错误,这将为您提供一些时间来暂停和思考执行命令的后果,并停在轨道上。

To create a new user run


adduser user_name

We are going to add a new user ‘james’

我们将添加一个新用户“ james”

adduser james

You will be prompted for the user’s password and a few additional questions. provide the necessary information

系统将提示您输入用户密码和一些其他问题。 提供必要的信息

Perfect! to verify the creation of the user view the /etc/passwd and confirm the existence of the user.

完善! 要验证用户的创建,请查看/etc/passwd并确认用户的存在。

cat /etc/passwd

Sample Output


The last line above displays information of the newly created user.


向新用户授予管理权限 ( Grant Administrative privileges to the New user)

So far the new user has regular account privileges. We need to setup root privileges to our newly created user so that they can perform administrative tasks by appending sudo before any operation.

到目前为止,新用户具有常规帐户特权。 我们需要为新创建的用户设置root特权,以便他们可以通过在执行任何操作之前附加sudo来执行管理任务。

To accomplish this, we need to add the user to the sudo group to avoid logging out and logging in as root every time when performing administrative tasks.


The syntax for achieving this is


usermod -aG sudo user_name

In this case, the command for granting sudo privileges to user ‘james’ will be

在这种情况下,向用户“ james”授予sudo特权的命令为

usermod -aG sudo james

You can now log out and log in with the new user using the command as indicated earlier


ssh james@

After successful login by verifying the authenticity of the server and providing the correct password, you can now you can execute any superuser tasks by preceding the command with sudo


For instance, to update the system using the account execute the command below


sudo apt update

You will be prompted for a password and after providing it, the operation will commence.


配置基本防火墙 (Configure a basic Firewall)

Debian and Ubuntu servers use the UFW firewall to allow or deny traffic into or out of the server.


To view existing connection in the firewall execute


sudo ufw app list

As expected, OpenSSH will be displayed because we are currently using ssh to connect to the server




To allow a connection via the firewall, execute the following command.


ufw allow service_name

For example, to allow SSH connections for a new server run:


sudo ufw allow OpenSSH



To open a specific port on the firewall, use the syntax


sudo ufw allow port/protocol

For example


sudo ufw allow 80/tcp



To check the status of the firewall execute


sudo ufw status



To enable the firewall, run the following command.


sudo ufw enable

When prompted type yes and press ‘ENTER’ to enable the firewall and effect the changes

出现提示时,键入“ yes ,然后按“ ENTER”以启用防火墙并影响更改

To view the status of the firewall again and existing connections/open ports, execute the command


为新用户启用无密码身份验证 (Enable Passwordless authentication for the new user)

At the moment, we are connecting to our server using the SSH protocol with password authentication. For best security practices, setting up of SSH keys without password authentication is highly recommended. SSH keys come in a pair: a public key and a private key.
The Private key resides on the client machine while the public key resides on the server we are connecting to. Once the SSH key authentication is set up, Password authentication should be disabled. This ensures that only the user with the private key can connect to the server on which the public key resides.

目前,我们正在使用带有密码验证的SSH协议连接到我们的服务器。 为了获得最佳的安全性,强烈建议您设置没有密码验证的SSH密钥。 SSH密钥成对出现:公共密钥和私有密钥。
私钥驻留在客户端计算机上,而公钥驻留在我们连接的服务器上。 设置SSH密钥身份验证后,应禁用密码身份验证。 这样可以确保只有具有私钥的用户才能连接到公钥所在的服务器。

步骤1.生成公钥 (Step 1. Generate the public key)

To generate the key pair, run the command below on the client machine



You will get the output as shown


Hit ENTER to save the key pair is .ssh/ subdirectory in your home directory. Alternatively, you can specify your own path.

按ENTER键,将密钥对保存在主目录中的.ssh/子目录中。 或者,您可以指定自己的路径。

Next, you will be prompted for a secure passphrase which is highly recommended to add an extra protective layer. If you wish to do without a passphrase, hit ENTER.

接下来,系统将提示您输入安全密码,强烈建议您添加一个额外的保护层。 如果您希望不使用密码短语,请按Enter。

Finally, you will get the following output


At this point, you have both the private and public key. They have been saved in the .ssh directory in your home directory. In this case, the path is /root.ssh

此时,您将拥有私钥和公钥。 它们已保存在主目录的.ssh目录中。 在这种情况下,路径为/root.ssh

cat /root/.ssh



id_rsa is the private key


id_rsa_pub is the public key


步骤2.复制公钥 (Step 2. Copy the Public Key)

To copy the public key to the server, we are going to use the ssh-copy-id command.


The Syntax will be


ssh-copy-id user@remote-server

In this case, we shall execute


ssh-copy-id james@

You will get output similar to the one below


The id_rsa.pub key which is the public key has been copied to the server.


Now if you try logging in using the syntax ssh user@server-ip , you will not be prompted for a password!

现在,如果您尝试使用ssh user@server-ip语法ssh user@server-ip ,则不会提示您输入密码!

禁用密码认证 ( Disable Password authentication)

Someone can still log in to our server if they got hold of the password. To eliminate this risk, we need to disable SSH password authentication.

如果他们掌握了密码,仍然可以登录我们的服务器。 为了消除这种风险,我们需要禁用SSH密码身份验证。

To achieve this, we are going to open SSH’s configuration file


sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Search for the section indicated as PasswordAuthentication .


Comment out the line and set the value to no


Save and Exit.


To implement the changes restart the SSH daemon


sudo systemctl restart ssh

Now you can launch a new terminal and try to log in using the password and see whether Password authentication has been disabled.


最后的话 (Final word)

At this point, you should have access to the server using SSH-key based authentication configured on your remote server and not using the SSH password.


Your server is now fully set up and has a solid security foundation. Ensure to keep your public key safe. Away from prying eyes


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