
The WWDC keynote has just ended a few hours back and we can’t wait to share all the new stuff that has been introduced in the Apple Ecosystem. Let’s get started.

WWDC的主题演讲刚刚结束了几个小时,我们迫不及待地想要分享Apple生态系统中引入的所有新内容。 让我们开始吧。

的iOS (iOS)

iOS 12 is around the corner and it’s been said that the performance of actions has been increased by upto 2x compared to its predecessor iOS 11.

iOS 12迫在眉睫,据说与以前的iOS 11相比,动作的性能提高了两倍。

  • Memoji is the latest feature that adds to the already popular Animoji. Using Memoji you can create your own sticker animoji and send it to your friends.Memoji是已流行的Animoji的最新功能。 使用Memoji,您可以创建自己的贴纸animoji,并将其发送给您的朋友。
  • Animoji now has a way to show a tongue sticker. Have fun doing that!Animoji现在可以显示舌头贴纸了。 玩得开心!
  • Facetime has introduced group voice calling. You can also place the memoji on the videos.Facetime引入了群组语音通话。 您也可以将备忘录放在视频上。
  • You can use facetime from iMessage now. Much needed.您可以立即通过iMe​​ssage使用facetime 。 非常需要。
  • The Stocks App has got a revamp in its UI. You can now see the daily chart besides the indexes too. iPad has a vastly improved Stocks App in which you can see the stock prices and related news side by side in a master-detail view like UI.Stocks应用程序的UI进行了改进。 现在,除了索引之外,您现在还可以查看每日图表 。 iPad具有经过极大改进的Stocks App,您可以在其中以UI之类的主从视图并排查看股票价格和相关新闻。
  • Apple News app has been introduced. It smartly creates a list of Top, Recommended News for you.已推出Apple News应用。 它会巧妙地为您创建热门新闻推荐列表。
  • Apple Books is the new name for iBooks. It has improved UI.Apple Books是iBooks的新名称。 它具有改进的用户界面。
  • DND mode has now the capability to automatically exit after a particular time. Also, you can set the location outside which the DND mode can automatically switch off.现在, 免打扰模式可以在特定时间后自动退出。 另外,您可以设置DND模式可以自动关闭的位置。
  • Improved Notifications. You no longer need to view a barrage of notifications in the middle of the night when you’ve just checked your phone for the time. Instead, you can set a DND on the notifications. This would hide them until a particular time set. You can finally group notifications.改进的通知 。 您只需检查手机的时间,就不再需要在半夜查看大量通知。 相反,您可以在通知上设置免打扰。 这将隐藏它们直到特定的时间设置。 您最终可以将通知分组
  • ARkit 2 comes with a new file format USDZ that contains detail-rich 3D graphics and animations. This would be used with Adobe Creative Cloud. So you can edit your photos in the AR mode.ARkit has also introduced multiplayer games and apps capibility.ARkit 2附带一种新的文件格式USDZ ,其中包含细节丰富的3D图形和动画。 这将与Adobe Creative Cloud一起使用。 因此,您可以在AR模式下编辑照片.ARkit还引入了多人游戏和应用功能。
  • Measuring App is the new built-in app that’ll be shipped with iOS 12. It uses ARkit to measure things in real world.Measurement App是iOS 12附带的新内置应用程序。它使用ARkit来测量现实世界中的事物。
  • ScreenTime app lets you monitor your usage of the phone with stats showing the number of hours you spend on the different applications. It also has allowances in which you can control which of your applications others can open on your phone.ScreenTime应用程序可让您通过统计信息监控手机的使用情况,这些统计信息显示您在不同应用程序上花费的时间。 它还允许您控制其他人可以在手机上打开哪些应用程序。
  • Carplay App has finally brought in the capability to use third-party navigation apps.Carplay App终于引入了使用第三方导航应用程序的功能。
  • Siri shortcuts would do multiple tasks for you using just a single voice command. It can also suggest you tasks to do based on your habits.Siri快捷方式仅使用一个语音命令即可为您完成多项任务。 它还可以根据您的习惯建议您要做的任务。
  • Photos App now has a new feature For you. It suggests you filters and shows you memories. Something similar to Google Photos. Also, it encourages sharing photos with your friends while allowing them to share similar ones.Photos App现在为您提供了一项新功能。 它建议您过滤并显示回忆。 类似于Google相册。 此外,它还鼓励与朋友共享照片,同时允许他们共享相似的照片。

watchOS (watchOS)

watchOS 5 has come up with exciting new features:

watchOS 5提供了令人兴奋的新功能:

  • Walkie Talkie App – As the name suggests it behaves like a walkie-talkie.对讲机应用程序 –顾名思义,它的行为就像对讲机。
  • Competition challenges between friends to increase user engagement.朋友之间的竞争挑战,以提高用户参与度。
  • Automatically detect when you’re working out. Also, yoga and hiking activity types are introduced.自动检测您何时锻炼。 此外,还介绍了瑜伽和远足活动类型。
  • View web links. Earlier if someone sent you a message with a link, it wasn’t possible to open them on your watch. Now it is!查看网页链接 。 之前,如果有人向您发送了带有链接的消息,则无法在您的手表上打开它们。 现在它是!
  • Siri shortcuts and suggestions behave the same way as they do so on iOS.
    Instead of saying Hey Siri, just raise your hand to talk to Siri.Siri快捷方式和建议的行为与其在iOS上的行为相同。
  • Podcasts App has been introduced for Apple Watches.已为Apple Watch引入Podcasts App

苹果电视tvOS (Apple TV tvOS)

  • Apple TV now gets Dolby Atmos support.Apple TV现在获得Dolby Atmos支持。
  • In other news, Apple TV still has the largest collection of 4K HD videos. Besides, live sports and news are now available in a few more countries. Salt from Switzerland has partnered with Apple.
    Single sign-on feature is now introduced.在其他新闻中,Apple TV仍然拥有最多的4K HD视频收藏。 此外,现在在其他几个国家/地区也可以观看体育赛事和新闻直播。 来自瑞士的Salt已与Apple合作。

macOS Mojave (macOS Mojave)

Yes, Mojave is the name of the next macOS and it is beautiful!(it’s pronounced as Mohave).
This is how it looks like:


  • Dark Mode: The most interesting feature on Mojave. If you use XCode IDE, you can now set a dark mode there as well.黑暗模式 :莫哈韦沙漠上最有趣的功能。 如果使用XCode IDE,现在也可以在那里设置暗模式。
  • Desktop stacks: Say no to cluttered Desktop. Instead goto Finder | View | Stacks. It’ll stack folders by type/tag.桌面堆栈 :对混乱的桌面说不。 而是转到Finder | 查看| 堆栈。 它将按类型/标签堆叠文件夹。
  • App Store is completely revamped with a new UI. It now shows you different categories of apps to enhance productivity as well as view apps related to current ones you have.Rating and Reviews API for developers have been improved.App Store完全通过新的UI进行了改进。 现在,它向您显示不同类别的应用程序以提高工作效率,并查看与您当前拥有的应用程序相关的应用程序。针对开发人员的评分和评论API得到了改进。
  • New Gallery View in Finder. It shows you a larger preview than ever. Also shows you the metadata for the file/folder on the right-hand side.Finder中的新画廊视图 。 它显示了比以往更大的预览。 还在右侧显示文件/文件夹的元数据。
  • Enhanced Quick Look. Quick Look now has the ability to use markup tools. You can edit out videos in quick look itself.增强的快速外观 。 快速查看现在可以使用标记工具。 您可以自己快速编辑视频。
  • Improved Screenshots. Once you take a screenshot, a preview of it is displayed in the bottom right. You can open it in the markup editor.改进了屏幕截图 。 截屏后,其预览将显示在右下方。 您可以在标记编辑器中将其打开。
  • Continuity is something that’s at the core of Apple always. You can now right-click on your PDF/any image and click Take Photo to launch the camera app on your iPhone. The image captured gets displayed on your file in Mac automatically. Useful for scanning and attaching an image onto a PDF.连续性始终是Apple的核心。 现在,您可以右键单击PDF /任何图像,然后单击“拍照”以在iPhone上启动相机应用程序。 捕获的图像会自动显示在Mac中的文件中。 用于扫描图像并将其附加到PDF。
  • Apple News app has come to mac too along with the Home App and Voice memo app. Stocks app is improved just like the iOS counterpart.苹果新闻应用程序以及家庭应用程序和语音备忘录应用程序也已经进入了Mac。 Stocks应用程序得到了改进,就像iOS版本一样。
  • Safari Browser always gives importance to user privacy and data tracking. It has improved on that by trying its best to not let data trackers know details that are unique to your Mac. This would make it harder to identify you. For data trackers and hackers all Macs would look pretty much the same. This happens by not allowing them to access much besides Mac’s built-in features which are the same for all.Safari浏览器始终重视用户隐私和数据跟踪。 通过尽最大努力不让数据跟踪器知道Mac特有的详细信息,它对此有所改进。 这将使识别您的身份更加困难。 对于数据跟踪器和黑客来说,所有Mac看起来都差不多。 发生这种情况的原因是,除了Mac的内置功能对所有人都相同之外,不允许他们访问太多内容。

And now for the most talked about rumour:


Though from 2019, some iOS kits woud be available for macOS making it easier for developers to convert their apps.

That sums up the Keynote.


References : Apple Keynote 2018

参考: Apple Keynote 2018



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