
namespace App\Service;

class HttpUtil


// 根据RFC 3986,除了:

// 1.大小写英文字符

// 2.阿拉伯数字

// 3.点'.'、波浪线'~'、减号'-'以及下划线'_'

// 以外都要编码



public static function __init()



for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) {

HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[$i] = sprintf("%%%02X", $i);



foreach (range('a', 'z') as $ch) {

HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[ord($ch)] = $ch;



foreach (range('A', 'Z') as $ch) {

HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[ord($ch)] = $ch;



foreach (range('0', '9') as $ch) {

HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[ord($ch)] = $ch;



HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[ord('-')] = '-';

HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[ord('.')] = '.';

HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[ord('_')] = '_';

HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[ord('~')] = '~';



public static function urlEncodeExceptSlash($path)


return str_replace("%2F", "/", HttpUtil::urlEncode($path));



public static function urlEncode($value)


$result = '';

for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($value); ++$i) {

$result .= HttpUtil::$PERCENT_ENCODED_STRINGS[ord($value[$i])];


return $result;



public static function getCanonicalQueryString(array $parameters)



if (count($parameters) == 0) {

return '';


$parameterStrings = array();

foreach ($parameters as $k => $v) {


if (strcasecmp('Authorization', $k) == 0) {



if (!isset($k)) {

throw new \InvalidArgumentException(

"parameter key should not be null"



if (isset($v)) {


$parameterStrings[] = HttpUtil::urlEncode($k)

. '=' . HttpUtil::urlEncode((string) $v);

} else {


$parameterStrings[] = HttpUtil::urlEncode($k) . '=';






return implode('&', $parameterStrings);



public static function getCanonicalURIPath($path)



if (empty($path)) {

return '/';

} else {


if ($path[0] == '/') {

return HttpUtil::urlEncodeExceptSlash($path);

} else {

return '/' . HttpUtil::urlEncodeExceptSlash($path);





public static function getCanonicalHeaders($headers)



if (count($headers) == 0) {

return '';


$headerStrings = array();

foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {


if ($k === null) {




if ($v === null) {

$v = '';



$headerStrings[] = HttpUtil::urlEncode(strtolower(trim($k))) . ':' . HttpUtil::urlEncode(trim($v));





return implode("\n", $headerStrings);



对接百度文档服务接口, 这里写了注册文档和阅读文档两个例子

namespace App\Service;

use GuzzleHttp\Client;

class BaiduDoc


protected $credentials = ['ak' => '', 'sk' => ''];

protected $host = 'doc.bj.baidubce.com';

protected $timestamp;

protected $expirationInSeconds = 60;

public function __construct()




$this->timestamp = new \DateTime();



* 注册文档

* @return array|\Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface


public function register()


// >> first: get authorization

$method = 'POST';

$uri = '/v2/document' ;

$params = ['register' => ''];

$authorization = $this->getAuthorization($method, $this->host, $uri, $params, $this->timestamp, $this->expirationInSeconds);

// >> second: create header and body information for http request

$url = "https://{$this->host}{$uri}?register";

$timeStr = $this->timestamp->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z");

$head = [

"Content-Type" => "application/json",

"Authorization" => $authorization,

"x-bce-date" => $timeStr,


$body = [

'title' => '123',

'format' => 'doc',


$client = new Client();

$response = $client->request($method, $url, [

'body' => json_encode($body),

'headers' => $head


$body = $response->getBody();

return $body;



* 阅读文档

* @return array|\Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface


public function read()


// >> first: get authorization

$method = 'GET';

$documentId = 'doc-icukvvnfq6ixnat';

$uri = '/v2/document/'. $documentId;

$params = ['read' => ''];

$this->expirationInSeconds = 3600;

$authorization = $this->getAuthorization($method, $this->host, $uri, $params, $this->timestamp, $this->expirationInSeconds);

// >> second: create header and body information for http request

$url = "http://{$this->host}{$uri}?read";

$timeStr = $this->timestamp->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z");

$head = [

"Content-Type" => "application/json",

"Authorization" => $authorization,

"x-bce-date" => $timeStr,


$client = new Client();

$response = $client->request($method, $url, [

'headers' => $head


$body = $response->getBody();

return $body;


// 获取认证字符串

protected function getAuthorization($method, $host, $uri, $params, $timestamp, $expirationInSeconds)


$timeStr = $timestamp->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z");

$authStringPrefix = "bce-auth-v1/{$this->credentials['ak']}/{$timeStr}/{$expirationInSeconds}";

$signingKey = hash_hmac('SHA256', $authStringPrefix, $this->credentials['sk']);

$canonicalHeader1 = "host;x-bce-date";

$canonicalHeader2 = "host:{$host}\n" . "x-bce-date:" . urlencode($timeStr);

$httpUtil = new HttpUtil();

$canonicalString = $httpUtil->getCanonicalQueryString($params);

$canonicalUri = $httpUtil->getCanonicalURIPath($uri);

$method = strtoupper($method);

$canonicalRequest = "{$method}\n{$canonicalUri}\n{$canonicalString}\n{$canonicalHeader2}";

$signature = hash_hmac('SHA256', $canonicalRequest, $signingKey);

$authorization = "bce-auth-v1/{$this->credentials['ak']}/{$timeStr}/{$expirationInSeconds}/{$canonicalHeader1}/{$signature}";

return $authorization;



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