

actionName (default) - the name of the action that will be chained to

namespace - used to determine which namespace the Action is in that we're chaining. If namespace is null, this defaults to the current namespace

method - used to specify another method on target action to be invoked. If null, this defaults to execute method

skipActions - (optional) the list of comma separated action names for the actions that could be chained to


public String hotGoods() {

      try {
        QueryRule queryRule=QueryRule.getInstance();
        queryRule.addEqual("isNew", "0");
        List<ProductInfo> p
roductInfoList = geProductInfoService.queryGeProductInfoByQueryRule(queryRule);                                               
        super.getRequest().setAttribute("productInfoList ", productInfoList );
        }catch (Exception e) {


        return SUCCESS;


      <action name="hotGoods" class="listAction" method="hotGoods">
        <result name="success" type="chain">hotGoods1</result>

      public String hotGoods1() {
        try {
          List<ProductInfo> productInfoList = (List<ProductInfo>)super.getRequest().getAttribute("productInfoList ");
          super.getRequest().setAttribute("productInfoList ", productInfoList );
          } catch (Exception e) {
            return SUCCESS;


      <action name="hotGoods1" class="listAction" method="hotGoods1">
        <result name="success">index.jsp</result>

     index.jsp可以得到productInfoList 的值


    public String getFamilyCardUrl() {
      try {
      familyCardWeixinURL = “*****”;

      return "familyCardWeixinURL";
      } catch (Exception e) {
      return "fail";

      <action name="getFamilyCardOpenId" class="**Action" method="getFamilyCardOpenId">
        <result name="familyCardWeixinURL" type="redirect">${familyCardWeixinURL}</result>
        <result name="fail" type="redirect">/common/500Phone.jsp</result>





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