
1. 二叉树

二叉树(binary tree)是一种极为普遍的数据结构,树的每一个节点最多只有两个节点——左孩子结点与右孩子结点。C实现的二叉树:

struct TreeNode {int val;struct TreeNode *left; // left childstruct TreeNode *right; // right child




// preorder binary tree traversal
void preorder(struct TreeNode *root) {if(root) {printf("%d", root->val);preorder(root -> left);preorder(root -> right);}
}void inorder(struct TreeNode *root) {if(root) {inorder(root -> left);printf("%d", root->val);inorder(root -> right);}
}void postorder(struct TreeNode *root) {if(root) {postorder(root -> left);postorder(root -> right);printf("%d", root->val);}


public List<Integer> preorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();if (root == null) return result;Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<>();stack.push(root);while (!stack.isEmpty()) {TreeNode node = stack.pop();result.add(node.val);if (node.right != null) stack.push(node.right);if (node.left != null) stack.push(node.left);}return result;


public List<Integer> inorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();if (root == null) return result;Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<>();stack.push(root);while (!stack.isEmpty()) {TreeNode node = stack.peek();if (node.left != null) {stack.push(node.left);node.left = null; // its left child has been visited} else {result.add(node.val);stack.pop();if (node.right != null)stack.push(node.right);}}return result;


public List<Integer> postorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();if (root == null) return result;Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<>();stack.push(root);while (!stack.isEmpty()) {TreeNode node = stack.peek();if (node.left == null && node.right == null) {result.add(node.val);stack.pop();} else {if (node.right != null) {stack.push(node.right);node.right = null; // its right child has been visited}if (node.left != null) {stack.push(node.left);node.left = null; // its left child has been visited}}}return result;



public List<List<Integer>> levelOrder(TreeNode root) {List<List<Integer>> result = new LinkedList<>();if (root == null) return result;Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();queue.offer(root);while (!queue.isEmpty()) {int levelSize = queue.size();List<Integer> levelList = new LinkedList<>();for (int i = 0; i < levelSize; i++) {TreeNode node = queue.poll();levelList.add(node.val);if (node.left != null) queue.offer(node.left);if (node.right != null) queue.offer(node.right);}result.add(levelList);}return result;

2. 题解

LeetCode题目 归类
100. Same Tree
101. Symmetric Tree
104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
110. Balanced Binary Tree
112. Path Sum
113. Path Sum II
129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal 先序
94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 中序
145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 后序
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 层次
107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II 层次
103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 层次
114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

100. Same Tree

public boolean isSameTree(TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {if (p == null && q == null) return true;if (p == null || q == null) return false;return p.val == q.val && isSameTree(p.left, q.left) && isSameTree(p.right, q.right);

101. Symmetric Tree

public boolean isSymmetric(TreeNode root) {return root == null || helper(root.left, root.right);
}private boolean helper(TreeNode p, TreeNode q) {if (p == null && q == null) return true;if (p == null || q == null) return false;return p.val == q.val && helper(p.left, q.right) && helper(p.right, q.left);

104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

public int maxDepth(TreeNode root) {if (root == null) return 0;return 1 + Math.max(maxDepth(root.left), maxDepth(root.right));

111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
二叉树的最小深度,解决思路与上类似,不过有个special case——根不能视作为叶子节点:

public int minDepth(TreeNode root) {if (root == null) return 0;if (root.left == null || root.right == null)return 1 + Math.max(minDepth(root.left), minDepth(root.right));return 1 + Math.min(minDepth(root.left), minDepth(root.right));

110. Balanced Binary Tree

public boolean isBalanced(TreeNode root) {return root == null || Math.abs(maxDepth(root.left) - maxDepth(root.right)) <= 1 && isBalanced(root.left) && isBalanced(root.right);

112. Path Sum

public boolean hasPathSum(TreeNode root, int sum) {if (root == null) return false;if (root.val == sum && root.left == null && root.right == null) return true; // root is leaf nodereturn hasPathSum(root.left, sum - root.val) || hasPathSum(root.right, sum - root.val);

113. Path Sum II

public List<List<Integer>> pathSum(TreeNode root, int sum) {List<List<Integer>> result = new LinkedList<>();List<Integer> pathList = new LinkedList<>(); // store a path which meets required sumhelper(root, sum, result, pathList);return result;
}private void helper(TreeNode root, int sum, List<List<Integer>> result, List<Integer> pathList) {if (root != null) {pathList.add(root.val);if (root.val == sum && root.left == null && root.right == null) {result.add(new LinkedList<>(pathList)); // deep copy} else {helper(root.left, sum - root.val, result, pathList);helper(root.right, sum - root.val, result, pathList);}pathList.remove(pathList.size() - 1); // remove the last element}

129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers


public int sumNumbers(TreeNode root) {return helper(root, 0);
}private int helper(TreeNode root, int sum) {if (root == null) return 0; // special caseif (root.left == null && root.right == null) return sum * 10 + root.val;return helper(root.left, sum * 10 + root.val) + helper(root.right, sum * 10 + root.val);

144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal

94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal

145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal

102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II


103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversa


public List<List<Integer>> zigzagLevelOrder(TreeNode root) {List<List<Integer>> result = new LinkedList<>();if (root == null) return result;Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();queue.add(root);int level = 1;while (!queue.isEmpty()) {int levelSize = queue.size();List<Integer> levelList = new LinkedList<>();while (levelSize-- > 0) { // to deal with level nodesTreeNode node = queue.poll();levelList.add(node.val);if (node.left != null) queue.add(node.left);if (node.right != null) queue.add(node.right);}if (level % 2 == 0) // be stack order when level is evenCollections.reverse(levelList);result.add(levelList);level++;}return result;

114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

public void flatten(TreeNode root) {helper(root, null);
}// flatten sub-tree, return its root node
private TreeNode helper(TreeNode root, TreeNode last) {if (root == null) return last;root.right = helper(root.left, helper(root.right, last));root.left = null;return root;



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