
\markright{The first Latex file!}
\section{start}Small is beautiful.\begin{displaymath}\mathop{\mathrm{corr}}(X,Y)=\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-\overline x)(y_i-\overline y)}{\displaystyle\biggl[\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-\overline x)^2\sum_{i=1}^n(y_i-\overline y)^2\biggr]^{1/2}}\end{displaymath}
\section{End}The\hspace{1.5cm} file is going to end here.Even though there are still many things that needs to be added.We will finish this next time,so sorry for all of you.\ldots{} and here it ends.
\thanks{\newline Thanke you all!}
\\the newline is here start.
\section{The word start here!}
%\pagebreak换页we need more thing to added.\nopagebreak You can not end this page here anymore.If you want to study robot,you need to learn many subjects such as physics electronics maths mechanics computer science and so on.As we can see this is not a easy subject.so one can not find this subject in colledge as an major for bachelors.The should be a new graph here.Let's make it here.%参考文献的引用Part1~\cite{pa} has.\begin{thebibliography}{99}\bibitem{pa}H.~Part1:\emph{German Tex},TUGboat Vol.~9,No~1('88)\end{thebibliography}\indent\par%\bigskip%设置垂直距离\vspace{0.5cm}%设置一部分的斜体,花括号用来组建一个个组,begin,end,花括号,设置命令的作用域。\begin{itshape} The new paragraph is going to happen\end{itshape} here.{\LARGE Let's {\small go}.This} is not too bad.We make it.\begin{tiny}Things usually just looks like to be hard,\end{tiny}{\Huge But} \begin{normalsize}if you are ready to deal with it,\end{normalsize}It's usually to be just so so.Never stop yourself to do interesting thins.Overcome\footnote{Overcoming} all the difficulties in the life,Make your world,Her world to be better.\subsubsection{New environment}\marginpar[right]{\emph{Game will over here since we know something to handle this}}This new subsubsection has great meaning\ldotsH\^otel\\\`0 ?`%黑点列表环境\begin{itemize}\item The first item of an itemize\item The second item of an itemize\end{itemize}%编号列表环境\begin{enumerate}\item[1]The first item of an itemize.%加黑 斜体\item[2]\textbf The \bfseries second \textit item \itshape of an \textrm itemize.\rmfamily\end{enumerate}%带关键词标识的列表环境\begin{description}\item[first]  The first item of an itemize.\item[second] The second item of an item of an itemize.\end{description}%文本盒子\makebox[10cm][c]{ There is a text box here.}\\\fbox{What doesn't kill you,Make you stringer}\fbox{中文排版}


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