本文翻译自:How to sleep for five seconds in a batch file/cmd [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案:

  • How to wait in a batch script? 如何在批处理脚本中等待? [duplicate] 6 answers [重复] 6个答案

Windows's Snipping tool can capture the screen, but sometimes I want to capture the screen after five seconds, such as taking an image being displayed by the webcam. Windows的Snipping工具可以捕获屏幕,但有时我想在五秒钟后捕获屏幕,例如拍摄网络摄像头显示的图像。 (Run the script and smile at the camera, for example.) (例如,运行脚本并对相机微笑。)

How do I sleep for 5 seconds in a batch file? 如何在批处理文件中睡5秒?




Well this works if you have choice or ping. 如果您有选择或ping,这是有效的。

@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto askq
if "%1"=="/?" goto help
if /i "%1"=="/h" goto help
if %1 GTR 0 if %1 LEQ 9999 if /i "%2"=="/q" set ans1=%1& goto quiet
if %1 GTR 0 if %1 LEQ 9999 set ans1=%1& goto breakout
if %1 LEQ 0 echo %1 is not a valid number & goto help
if not "%1"=="" echo.&echo "%1" is a bad parameter & goto help
goto end:help
echo SLEEP runs interactively (by itself) or with parameters (sleep # /q )
echo where # is in seconds, ranges from 1 - 9999
echo Use optional parameter /q to suppress standard output
echo or type /h or /? for this help file
goto end:askq
set /p ans1=How many seconds to sleep? ^<1-9999^>
if "%ans1%"=="" goto askq
if %ans1% GTR 0 if %ans1% LEQ 9999 goto breakout
goto askq:quiet
choice /n /t %ans1% /d n > nul
if errorlevel 1 ping -n 1 -w %ans1%000 > nul
goto end:breakout
choice /n /t %ans1% /d n > nul
if errorlevel 1 ping -n 1 -w %ans1%000 > nul
echo Slept %ans1% second^(s^)

just name it sleep.cmd or sleep.bat and run it 只需将其命名为sleep.cmd或sleep.bat并运行即可


Can't we do waitfor /T 180 ? 我们不能waitfor /T 180吗?

waitfor /T 180 pause will result in "ERROR: Timed out waiting for 'pause'." waitfor /T 180 pause将导致“ERROR:超时等待'暂停'。”

waitfor /T 180 pause >nul will sweep that "error" under the rug waitfor /T 180 pause >nul将扫描地毯下的“错误”

The waitfor command should be there in Windows OS after Win95 在Win95之后,Windows操作系统中应该有waitfor命令

In the past I've downloaded a executable named sleep that will work on the command line after you put it in your path. 在过去,我已经下载了一个名为sleep的可执行文件,它可以在您将其放入路径后在命令行上运行。

For example: sleep shutdown -r -f /m \\\\yourmachine although shutdown now has -t option built in 例如: sleep shutdown -r -f /m \\\\yourmachine虽然shutdown现在内置了-t选项


An improvement of the code proposed by the user Aacini, It has resolution of hundredths of a second and does not fail when the time reaches 23:59:59,99: 用户Aacini提出的代码的改进,它具有百分之一秒的分辨率,并且当时间达到23:59:59,99时不会失败:

for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=:," %%A in ("%TIME%") do set /a HH=%%A, MM=1%%B-100, SS=1%%C-100, CC=1%%D-100, TBASE=((HH*60+MM)*60+SS)*100+CC:: Example delay 1 seg.
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=:," %%A in ("%TIME%") do set /a HH=%%A, MM=1%%B-100, SS=1%%C-100, CC=1%%D-100, TACTUAL=((HH*60+MM)*60+SS)*100+CCif %TACTUAL% lss %TBASE% set /a TACTUAL=%TBASE%+%TACTUAL%
if %TACTUAL% lss %TFIN% goto ESPERAR


I was trying to do this from within an msbuild task, and choice and timeout both did not work due to I/O redirection. 我试图在msbuild任务中执行此操作,并且由于I / O重定向,选择和超时都不起作用。

I ended up using sleep.exe from http://sourceforge.net/projects/unxutils , which is nice because it doesn't require any install and it's tiny. 我最终使用了来自http://sourceforge.net/projects/unxutils的 sleep.exe,这很不错,因为它不需要任何安装,而且很小。

Trying with choice : 尝试choice

<Target Name="TestCmd"><Exec Command="choice /C YN /D Y /t 5 " />

Results in: 结果是:

TestCmd:choice /C YN /D Y /t 5EXEC : error : The file is either empty or does not contain the valid choices. [test.proj][Y,N]?
C:\test.proj(5,9): error MSB3073: The command "choice /C YN /D Y /t 5 " exited with code 255.

Trying with timeout : 尝试timeout

<Target Name="TestCmd"><Exec Command="timeout /t 5 " />

Results in: 结果是:

TestCmd:timeout /t 5
EXEC : error : Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately. [test.proj]
C:\test.proj(5,7): error MSB3073: The command "timeout /t 5 " exited with code 1.

Aside: 在旁边:

I am actually using <Exec Command="sleep 2 & dbghost.exe" /> because I am executing dbghost.exe multiple times in parallel and it creates temp files/databases based on the current epoch time in seconds - which of course means if you start multiple instances, each uses the same temp name. 我实际上正在使用<Exec Command="sleep 2 & dbghost.exe" />因为我并行多次执行dbghost.exe并且它基于当前的纪元时间以秒为单位创建临时文件/数据库 - 这当然意味着你启动多个实例,每个实例使用相同的临时名称。 I was originally trying to use MSBuild Extension Pack Thread.Sleep command, but it seems that (usually) it was running the sleep task fine, but then starting the <exec> task in all threads at the same time, and of course dbghost.exe would fail with conflicts. 我原本试图使用MSBuild Extension Pack Thread.Sleep命令,但似乎(通常)它正在运行睡眠任务,但随后在所有线程中同时启动<exec>任务,当然还有dbghost。 exe会因冲突而失败。 So far, using sleep.exe seems to be more reliable. 到目前为止,使用sleep.exe似乎更可靠。


I made this. 我做的。 It is working and show time left in seconds. 它正在工作,并在几秒钟内显示时间。 If you want to use it, add to a batch file: 如果要使用它,请添加到批处理文件:

call wait 10

It was working when I tested it. 当我测试它时,它正在工作。

Listing of wait.bat (it must be in the working directory or windir/system32/ ): wait.bat列表(它必须在工作目录或windir/system32/ ):

@echo offset SW=00set SW2=00set /a Sec=%1-1set il=00
@echo Wait %1 second
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=:," %%A in ("%TIME%") do set /a HH=%%A, MM=1%%B-100, SS=1%%C-100, CC=1%%D-100, TBASE=((HH*60+MM)*60+SS)*100+CC, SW=CC set /a TFIN=%TBASE%+%100:ESPERAR
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=:," %%A in ("%TIME%") do set /a HH=%%A, MM=1%%B-100, SS=1%%C-100, CC=1%%D-100, TACTUAL=((HH*60+MM)*60+SS)*100+CC,  SW2=CCif %SW2% neq %SW% goto notype
if %il%==0 (echo Left %Sec% second & set /a Sec=sec-1 & set /a il=il+1)
goto no0
set /a il=0
if %TACTUAL% lss %TFIN% goto ESPERAR

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