cron 五秒钟

There's a good article in the Washington Post from July that was on a repeat on the Radio this morning about the Five Second Rule. There's even some research on it and a WikiWorld comic.

从七月份开始, 《华盛顿邮报》上有一篇很好的文章,今天早上在电台上重复了关于“五秒钟规则” 。 甚至还有一些研究以及WikiWorld漫画。

"The five-second rule. If you've never heard of it, ask any sixth-grader. "It means that if you drop something on the ground, you can still eat it if you pick it up in five seconds," says Kiara Hopkins, 11."

“五秒钟的规则。如果您从未听说过,请向六年级的学生询问。“这意味着,如果您将东西掉在地上,只要在五秒钟之内捡起来,您仍然可以吃掉它。” Kiara Hopkins,11岁。”

I'm not sure when this started, but I've always known this. I think my two-year-old knows this, although it may be the five-day-rule for him.

我不确定何时开始,但是我一直都知道。 我想我两岁的孩子知道这一点,尽管对他而言这可能是五天的规定。

"It's not just for children: In a 2003 survey conducted at the University of Illinois, 70 percent of women and 56 percent of men had knowledge of the rule."


I'm shocked it's not 100%. There's also the interesting "Line of Sight Corollary to the Five Second Rule" which allows you to extend the Five Second Rule as long as you held the dropped object in your line of sight the entire time. "Who knows what could have happened while I wasn't looking?"

我很震惊,这不是100%。 还有一个有趣的五秒钟规则的视线推论 ,只要您始终将放下的物体保持在视线范围内,就可以延长五秒钟规则 。 “谁知道我不在的时候会发生什么?”

Additionally, things like M&Ms and Skittles candies have a hard-shell or 'armor' that allow for an more liberal interpretation of the Rule. Wet things, on the other hand, like cake or fruit, might only be allowed two seconds, or none at all.

此外,诸如M&M和Skittles糖果之类的东西具有硬壳或“装甲”,可以对规则进行更自由的解释。 另一方面,湿的东西,例如蛋糕或水果,可能只允许两秒钟,或者根本不允许。

Because I have a fairly international (non-US) bunch of readers here, I'd like to ask you:


  • Dear International Reader, is the Five Second Rule a global (read: all humans) phenomenon? Does it cross cultures?

    尊敬的国际读者,五秒钟规则是否是全球性现象(阅读:全人类) 它跨文化吗?

  • More interestingly, what do you call it in your native language?





cron 五秒钟

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