
输入nmap路径的代码块如下所示class PortScanner(object):


PortScanner class allows to use nmap from python


def __init__(self, nmap_search_path=('nmap','/usr/bin/nmap','/usr/local/bin/nmap','/sw/bin/nmap','/opt/local/bin/nmap') ):


Initialize PortScanner module

* detects nmap on the system and nmap version

* may raise PortScannerError exception if nmap is not found in the path

:param nmap_search_path: tupple of string where to search for nmap executable. Change this if you want to use a specific version of nmap.

:returns: nothing


self._nmap_path = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Nmap/' # nmap path

self._scan_result = {}

self._nmap_version_number = 0 # nmap version number

self._nmap_subversion_number = 0 # nmap subversion number

self._nmap_last_output = '' # last full ascii nmap output

is_nmap_found = False # true if we have found nmap

self.__process = None

# regex used to detect nmap

regex = re.compile('Nmap version [0-9]*\.[0-9]*[^ ]* \( http://.* \)')

# launch 'nmap -V', we wait after 'Nmap version 5.0 ( http://nmap.org )'

# This is for Mac OSX. When idle3 is launched from the finder, PATH is not set so nmap was not found

for nmap_path in nmap_search_path:


p = subprocess.Popen([nmap_path, '-V'], bufsize=10000, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

except OSError:



self._nmap_path = nmap_path # save path



raise PortScannerError('nmap program was not found in path. PATH is : {0}'.format(os.getenv('PATH')))





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