• Q1. What’s the verification criteria identified in ASPICE SWE.1.BP5 ?

verification criteria are

verification criteria 是什么?

verification criteria = qualitative, quantitative measures.

they defined how to test a requirement(the standard calls these qualitative measures) and any specific parameters that must be used in the test cases(the standard calls these quantitative measures).

verfication criteria are referenced in the aspice v3.1 model at the system level(sys.2.bp2, sys.2.bp5) and at the software level(swe.1.bp2, swe.1.bp5).

aspice has a concept called verification criteria that can be used effectively to bridge the knowledge gap of test practices between the system engineers or architects and independent test teams.

verification criteria are not

verification criteria 不是什么?

the verification criteria are not the test plan or the test cases; they are important details about the testability adn the required measures to verify a requirement.

verification criteria are not the same as test cases, but are input to them.

verification are used for

Verification criteria 有什么作用?

Verification criteria are used as input for the development of the test cases or other verification measures that ensures compliance with the requirements.1

Verificatoin criteria are necessary especially for non-functional requirements(What shall be checked?) or to understand the preconditions for the test of a single requirement or a set of requirements.

It’s a good practice to create the verfication criteria when the requirement is created to ensure the verifiability of the requirement.

They are “hints” to the test plan developer to ensure that a requirement is properly tested.
They are like requirement presents given by the system or software to the tester.2

  1. Aspice V3.1 D.6 “Evaluate”, “Verification Criteria” and “Ensuring compliance”. ↩︎

  2. How Do I Test This Requirement? https://kuglermaag.us/learning-center/f/how-do-i-test-this-requirement ↩︎


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