 * 本程序 使用 tc 2.01 编译通过
 * 10751331  is  QQ group   No.
 * 把群聊天记录 导出成一个liao.txt 文本文件
 * 先登陆群社区然后使用下面网址
 * http://group.qq.com/cgi-bin/showGroupMpjPage?PageType=5&CurPage=0&GroupId=10751331
 *  得到所有现在群人员名单 保存为name.txt
 * 格式为:
 *  vincent/mg[100011931]  你是我HAppy[76865684]   輕憶/;![76969318]
 * Sky↑Archer[77050750]  雨[77434994]  書生小強/aiq[78121686]
 * 这两个文件都放在原文件同一个目录

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>

#define SS "2005-07-21"
#define TIME "16:52:33"
#define QQ   15
#define NAME 30
#define DAY  13
#define TEMP 30

typedef struct list
   char qq[QQ];
   char name[NAME];
   char day[DAY];
   char temp[TEMP];
   int  count;
   struct list *next;
int getline(FILE *fp,char arry[]);
int liu(void);  /* 过滤代码  */
int tests(char str[],char text[],int a,int b); /* 测试字符串  */
int inslist(char name[],L *list,char day[],char qq[]);/*插入人名 && 计算 次数*/
void findname(L *head);  /*从 name.txt 提取名单 */
int findqq(char name[],char qq[]);  /* 从字符串中搜索 qq号码 */
void freelist(L *head);  /*销毁链表 */
void paixu(L *head);  /* 排序链表 */
L * creatlist(void);  /* 创建空链表 */

  L *head;
  FILE *fp, *wp;
  int test = 0;            /*test*/
  char day[DAY];
  char name[NAME];
  char temp[TEMP];
  char qq[QQ];

liu(); /*过滤文件 */

head = creatlist();

  fp = fopen("qq.tmp","r");
  if (NULL == fp) {
     printf("Not Open the qq.tmp file/n");
     exit (1);
  wp = fopen("newqq.txt","w");
  if (NULL == wp) {
      printf("Not W the newqq.txt file/n");
      exit (1);

while( fscanf(fp,"%30s",day) != EOF ){
        if ( tests(day,SS,0,5) ){
            if ( tests(temp,TIME,2,2) ){
                if( findqq(name,qq) ){
  /* printf("head : %d /n",head->count); */

fprintf(wp,"一共有成员 %d   /n"
              ,head->count,"QQ号码","    姓名    ","最后日期"," 次数 ");

/*    head = head -> next; */
/*    printf("qq: %s/n",head->qq); */

head = head -> next;

    fprintf(wp," ");
    fprintf(wp," ");
    fprintf(wp," ");
    while (NULL != head -> next);

  if (!remove("qq.tmp") )
      printf("remove file OK!/n");
  else printf("remove file Error !/n");
  printf("done !!/n");
  return 0;
}/* main() */

int tests(char str[],char text[],int a,int b)
    int i = 0;
    while ( str[i] != '/0' )
    if ( i < b )
        return 0;
    while(a <= b){
       if(str[a] != text[a])
          return 0;
      /* printf("str:%c  text:%c/n",str[a],text[a]); */
      /* getch(); */
   return 1;

int inslist(char name[],L *list,char day[],char qq[])
    L  *head;
    L  *newl;
    head = list;

/*    printf("list next:%d/n",list->next); */

if (list -> next == NULL){
        newl = (L *)malloc( sizeof(L) );
        if (newl == NULL) {
           printf("!!error malloc/n");
        newl->next = NULL;
        newl->count = 0;
        list -> next = newl;
        ++head -> count;
        printf("new list/n");
        return 1;


list = list -> next;

/* printf("%s : %s/n",list->qq,qq); */
    /*  getch(); */

if ( !strcmp(list->qq,qq) ){
         ++ list -> count;
         strcpy(list -> day,day);
         strcpy(list -> name,name);
         return 0;
    while (list -> next != NULL);

/* printf("add a new NOD /n"); */

if( !strcmp(day,"0000") ) {
      newl = (L *)malloc( sizeof(L) );
      if (newl == NULL) {
         printf("!!error malloc/n");

      newl -> count = 0;

newl -> next = NULL;
      list -> next = newl;
      ++head -> count;
      /*printf("inster new save qq :%s/n",qq); */
      return 1;
return 0;
}/* inslist () */

L * creatlist(void)
  L *new;
  new = (L *)malloc( sizeof(L) );
  if (new == NULL) {
     printf("!!error malloc/n");
  new -> qq[0] = '/0';
  new -> name[0] = '/0';
  new -> day[0] = '/0';
  new -> count = 0;
  new -> next = NULL;
  printf("creatlist OK/n");
  return new;
} /* creatlist() */

void freelist(L *head)
    L *temp;
    temp = head -> next;
    head = temp;
}/* freelist() */

int findqq(char name[],char qq[])
   int size, i, pot;

size = strlen(name);
/*   printf("size : %d is name %s /n",size,name); */

if (name[size-1] != ')')
       return 0;               /* qq No. error */

/*    printf("find ) is : %c/n",name[size]); */

i = 0;
   while( name[size-i] != '(') {
          if(size-i < 0)
            return 0;               /* not find '(' error */
   pot = size - i;
   for (i = 0; pot + i +1<= size-2; i++){
       qq[i] = name[pot + i+1];
    /* printf("qq[%d]: %c/n",i,qq[i]); */
   qq[i] = '/0';
   name[pot] = '/0';
   return 1;
}/* findqq */

void paixu(L *head)
  L *list,*r, *temp, *hhead;
  int max, i, l;

hhead = head;
  max = head -> count;
  printf("max: %d/n",max);

for (i = 0; i < max; i++){
    head = hhead;
      for (l = 0; l < max;l++){
          list = head -> next;
          r = list -> next;
           if(list->count > r->count){
                /*printf("l: %d/n",l); */
        /*        printf("rver list:%d  r:%d /n",list->count,r->count);
                getch();                                              */
                temp = head->next;
                head->next = list->next;
                list -> next = r->next;
                r->next = temp;
          head = head->next;

}/*  paixu() */

void findname(L *head)
    FILE *np;
    int  ch;
    int  i = 0;
    int  flag = 0;
    int  temp ;
    char name[NAME];
    char qq[QQ];

np = fopen("name.txt","r");

if (NULL == np){
        printf("Not Open the name.txt file/n");
        exit (1);

while( !feof(np) ){
        while( isspace ( ch=fgetc(np) ))
        if ('[' == ch){
            temp = fgetc(np);
            if ( isdigit(temp) ){
                name[i] = '/0';
                flag = 1;
                ch = temp;
                i = 0;
            }else ch = temp;
          /* a name to save done */
        if (']' == ch && 1 == flag){
           flag = 0;
           qq[i] = '/0';
           ch = ' ';
           i = 0;
          /* a  qq number to save done */
        if (0 == flag){
            name[i] = ch;
        if (1 == flag){
          qq[i] = ch;
           /* printf("qq[%d]:%c/n",i,qq[i]); */
    printf("name find done !!/n");
}/* findname() */

/* 过滤代码  */
/*     /x14 /x0a ||  /x0b /x14 /x0a  ||  /x0b /x14  */

int liu(void)
   FILE *fp, *wp;
   int ch;
   int flag = 0;
   fp = fopen("liao.txt","rb");  /* 聊天记录导出文件 */
    if (NULL == fp) {
         printf("Not Open the liao.txt file/n");
         exit (1);

wp = fopen("qq.tmp","wb");    /* 生成新的文件 */
   if (NULL == wp) {
        printf("Not WP to qq.tmp file/n");
        exit (1);

while (!feof(fp)){
      flag = 0;
      ch = fgetc(fp);
        if ('/x14' == ch){
         /*temp = ch; */
            ch = fgetc(fp);
            if ('/x0a' == ch)
            else if ('/x0d' == ch){
                ch = fgetc(fp);
                if ('/x0a' == ch)
                ch = fgetc(fp);
            else fputc(ch,wp);
            flag = 1;
      if ('/x0b' == ch){
            ch = fgetc(fp);
            if ('/x14' == ch){
                ch = fgetc(fp);
                if('/x0a' == ch)
                else fputc(ch,wp);
            }else fputc(ch,wp);
            flag = 1;
      if ('/x1a' == ch){
          flag = 1;
      if (0 == flag ){

   printf("liu done !!!!! /n");
   return 0;

int getline(FILE *fp,char arry[])
    char ch;
    int i = 0;
    int flag  = 0;
    while ( isspace ( ch=fgetc(fp) ) )
    do {
            arry[i] = ch;
            if ( '(' == ch )
                flag  = 1;
            if ( 1 == flag && ')' == ch )
                flag = 2;
            ch = fgetc(fp);
            if ( i > NAME - 1 )
                return 0;
    }while ( flag != 2 );
    arry[i] = '/0';
    /*printf("%s/n",arry); */
    return 1;
} /* 彩色代码由SciTE 生成 */

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