
A designer and a developer is not often the same person… and yes, unfortunately it is too often the same person on the web. As it stands today, the web designer needs to learn at least HTML and CSS to get by. However, now it is something that Adobe would resolve very easily with the help of two different tools “Muse” and “Edge”. These are the two new products developed by Adobe Systems.

设计师和开发人员通常不是同一个人……是的,很不幸,在网络上经常是同一个人。 当今,Web设计人员至少需要学习HTML和CSS才能获得成功。 但是,现在,借助两种不同的工具“ Muse”和“ Edge”,Adobe可以非常轻松地解决问题。 这是Adobe Systems开发的两个新产品。

缪斯–设计和发布HTML网站,无需编写代码 (Muse – Design and publish HTML websites without writing code)

Unlike the Dreamweaver, Muse is a tool which designers do not have to worry about a single line of code, and it comes out to be compatible with all the popular browsers, while taking advantage of CSS3 and HTML5 where possible.


Currently, Muse is already in a Free beta version which can be downloaded from Adobe Labs, so you can test drive for free right up to the crisp version is released in early 2012 as predicted by Adobe.

目前,Muse已处于免费beta版本,可以从Adobe Labs下载,因此您可以免费测试驱动器,直到Adobe预测在2012年初发布清晰版本为止。

In the short time, you can try out Muse, it is said that the interface of Muse is very pleasant to work with and you are used to work with Adobe design applications, it goes pretty fast to get into the workflow. In addition, you can use all the regular tools such as working with templates and style sheets in a manner similar to the “Indesign” product.

在短时间内,您可以试用Muse,据说Muse的界面使用起来非常愉快,并且您习惯使用Adobe设计应用程序,进入工作流程的速度非常快。 此外,您可以使用所有常规工具,例如以类似于“ Indesign”产品的方式使用模板和样式表。

Edge – Adob​​e的杀手Flash (Edge – A Flash Killer by Adobe)

In addition to Muse, Adobe has developed a “Flash killer” tool known as “Adobe Edge” as they themselves say that Flash and Edge are complementary. The main goal of developing such an enhanced tool is to allow designers to produce animated content in websites, web games, animated banner ads in a manner similar to Flash, but based on HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.

除了Muse之外,Adobe还开发了一种称为“ Adob​​e Edge”的“ Flash杀手”工具,因为他们自己说Flash和Edge是互补的。 开发这种增强工具的主要目的是允许设计人员以类似于Flash的方式在网站,网页游戏,横幅广告中制作动画内容,但基于HTML5,CSS3和Javascript。

Edge is an ideal tool for visual, web and interaction designers who wish to stimulate their content for the web with various movement and transitions. Basically, Edge is developed primarily by focusing on animation and motion. Adobe Edge Preview is allows you to add the graphics that are produced using the Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Fireworks and Adobe Photoshop to form new and appealing graphics. It also allows you to open the HTML documents created using the CSS.

对于希望通过各种移动和过渡来刺激其网页内容的视觉,网络和交互设计师,Edge是理想的工具。 基本上,Edge主要通过专注于动画和运动来开发。 Adobe Edge Preview允许您添加使用Adobe Illustrator,Adobe Fireworks和Adobe Photoshop生成的图形,以形成新颖而吸引人的图形。 它还允许您打开使用CSS创建HTML文档。

Technologies such as JavaScript, JSON, HTML, HTML5, CSS, web graphics including SVG, jQuery-based animation framework are supported in Adobe Edge Preview. Just as Muse, Adobe Edge is also free to download until the crisp version is released.

Adobe Edge Preview支持JavaScript,JSON,HTML,HTML5,CSS,包括SVG的网络图形等技术,基于jQuery的动画框架。 与Muse一样,在发布清晰版本之前,也可以免费下载Adobe Edge。

For people who wish to build professional looking websites having animation and motion, Adobe has made it much easier by developing such wonderful products known as “Muse” and “Edge”. UK Web Hosting services offered by eUKhost are ideal for hosting such flash and animation based websites that are created using the Adobe’s designing tools.

对于希望建立具有动画和运动效果的专业外观网站的人,Adobe通过开发称为“ Muse”和“ Edge”的出色产品而使其变得更加容易。 eUKhost提供的UK Web Hosting服务非常适合托管使用Adobe设计工具创建的此类基于Flash和动画的网站。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/muse-and-edge-adobe-tools-for-web-designers/


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