使用git新建仓库后想要上传多个项目放在一起,结果git init后git add . 报错:

解决: 将子目录下的.git删除
原因:子目录下有.git 与本目录上传的git冲突了

git add . 报错‘xxx/’does not have a commit checked out,fatal: adding files failed相关推荐

  1. git add . 报错 The following problems have occurred when adding the files: Pathspec ‘part02

    git add . 报错 The following problems have occurred when adding the files: Pathspec 'part02 git add 添加 ...

  2. 使用git add . 报错

    使用git add . 报错,尝试了git add -A 或 git add -all,也是 报错内容如下: warning: could not open directory 'front/node ...

  3. git push报错:remote: error: refusing to update checked out branch: refs/heads/master

    远程仓库通过git init初始化了一个项目,没有clone到本地,本地新建了一个项目,关联本地项目和远程仓库(参见IDEA新建本地项目关联远程git仓库 )后git push报错: wulf@wul ...

  4. git pull 报错:error: Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files.

    报错: $ git pull error: Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files. hint: Fix them up in ...

  5. git add 报错 warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF

    warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in multi-thread/pom.xml. The file will have its original line e ...

  6. Git 提交报错,账户和密码错误 和 git add/git commit 文件太大太多

    问题1: Git 提交报错,账户和密码错误 重新使用git进行作业提交 问题2: 源码太大文件太多,失败 git add . git commit idea push操作 问题3:git push 报 ...

  7. git第一次提交代码到码云,git pull 报错:fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

    第一次提交的步骤: 1.进入项目目录,执行 git init 2.连接远程仓库 git remote add origin 远程仓库地址(从码云乎哟这github上复制地址即可) 3.报错:git p ...

  8. 2021-08-03 git pull 报错 cannot lock ref

    git pull 报错:error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/release/xxx': 'refs/remotes/origin/release' ...

  9. 【Git】报错处理:fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at .....Set the environment variable GIT_T

    [Git]报错处理:fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at ..... 异常信息 解决 异常信息 Windows PowerShell 版 ...


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