The latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system has arrived. Here’s how to get it.

苹果移动操作系统的最新版本已经到来。 这是获取方法。

By Chandra Steele


There was no applause when iOS 14 was introduced in the Steve Jobs Theater in Apple Park earlier this summer, but that wasn’t due to a lack of excitement. Rather, social distancing left each presenter by themselves onstage for Apple’s online-only WWDC.

当今年夏天初在苹果公园的史蒂夫·乔布斯剧院推出iOS 14时,没有热烈的掌声,但这并不是因为缺乏兴奋感。 相反,社交疏离使每个演示者自己进入了Apple仅在线的WWDC的舞台。

Upcoming changes to Apple’s mobile OS include the App Library, which allows for an A-to-Z view of all installed apps but also separates them into category boxes. Widgets also get their time to shine; move them around and nestle them among app icons.

苹果移动操作系统即将进行的更改包括应用程序库,该库允许对所有已安装的应用程序进行A到Z视图,但也可以将它们分为类别框。 小部件也有时间发光。 移动它们并在应用程序图标之间嵌套它们。

Messages have made a significant shift, with Slack-like inline responses in group messages and the ability to @-reply specific contacts. There’s also a feature cribbed from WhatsApp -the ability to pin a conversation to the top of all chats.

消息发生了重大变化,组消息中具有类似Slack的内联响应,以及@回复特定联系人的功能。 WhatsApp还提供了一项功能-将对话固定在所有聊天记录顶部的功能。

Apple Maps, meanwhile, has been made more friendly to bikes and electric vehicles with detailed information about routes for each, while Siri is a more subtle onscreen presence now. Oh, and your Memoji can now look more like you than ever, with age options and the addition of today’s accessory of the moment: the face mask.

同时,Apple Maps对自行车和电动汽车更加友好,并提供了有关每种路线的详细信息,而Siri现在在屏幕上更加隐蔽。 哦,您的Memoji现在可以使用年龄选项并添加当前的当下配件:面罩,从而看起来比以往任何时候都更像您。

A developer beta was released in June, and a public beta arrived in August, meaning Apple has (hopefully) worked out all the bugs for today’s final release. Here’s how to upgrade.

开发人员测试版于6月发布,公共测试版于8月发布,这意味着苹果(希望)已经解决了今天最终版本的所有错误。 这是升级方法。

我的iPhone可以运行iOS 14吗? (Can My iPhone Run iOS 14?)

If you can’t afford a new iPhone, upgrading the OS is the next best thing, and iOS 14 works with quite a few of Apple previous-generation smartphones. If you have one of these iPhones, you’re in the clear.

如果您买不起新的iPhone,则升级操作系统是第二好的选择,iOS 14可以与许多Apple前代智能手机配合使用。 如果您拥有这些iPhone之一,那么您将一目了然。

  • iPhone 11iPhone 11
  • iPhone 11 ProiPhone 11专业版
  • iPhone 11 Pro MaxiPhone 11专业版Max
  • iPhone XSiPhone XS
  • iPhone XS MaxiPhone XS最大
  • iPhone XRiPhone XR
  • iPhone XiPhone X
  • iPhone 8iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 PlusiPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone 7iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 PlusiPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 6siPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s PlusiPhone 6s Plus
  • iPhone SE (1st generation)iPhone SE(第一代)
  • iPhone SE (2nd generation)iPhone SE(第二代)
  • iPod touch (7th generation)iPod touch(第7代)

一般发行 (General Release)

You can either wait for your phone to remind you with a pop-up alert that iOS 14 is available or you can force a manual update. (Before you update, it’s always a good idea to back up your data.)

您可以等待手机通过弹出警报提醒您iOS 14可用,也可以强制进行手动更新。 (在更新之前,备份数据始终是一个好主意。)

Navigate to Settings > General > Software Update and select Download and Install. If your iPhone has a passcode, you’ll be prompted to enter it. Agree to Apple’s terms and then…wait. You’ll see Update Requested on the screen, which means Apple has added you to its download queue.

导航至设置>常规>软件更新,然后选择下载并安装。 如果您的iPhone有密码,系统会提示您输入密码。 同意Apple的条款,然后…等待。 您会在屏幕上看到“请求更新”,这意味着Apple已将您添加到其下载队列中。

Once it begins downloading, you’ll see a time estimate bar up top; how long you’ll wait depends on how many people are trying to upgrade. Your phone will then need to reboot, which could also take a few minutes.

开始下载后,您会在顶部看到时间估算栏。 您要等待多长时间取决于要升级的人数。 然后,您的手机将需要重新启动,这可能需要几分钟。

If there’s not enough room on your iOS device, you’ll get a message asking to temporarily remove apps. Hit Continue and the apps will be restored when the installation is finished. If you have trust issues, hit Cancel and remove apps manually before returning to the update.

如果您的iOS设备上没有足够的空间,则会收到一条消息,要求您暂时删除应用程序。 点击继续,安装完成后将恢复应用。 如果遇到信任问题,请单击“取消”并手动删除应用程序,然后再返回更新。

If you need your phone during the day, there’s also the option to Install Tonight, which will do exactly that — install iOS 14 while you sleep, provided your device is charging.

如果您白天需要手机,还可以选择Install Tonight ,它可以完全做到这一点-在您睡觉时安装iOS 14,前提是您的设备正在充电。

You can also turn on automatic updates. Go to Settings > General > Software Update > Automatic Updates. Your iOS device will then automatically update to the latest version of iOS overnight when it’s plugged in and connected to Wi-Fi.

您也可以打开自动更新。 转到设置>常规>软件更新>自动更新。 然后,当您的iOS设备插入并连接到Wi-Fi时,它将在一夜之间自动更新到最新版本的iOS。

公开测试版 (Public Beta)

If you want to get in on the iOS action early next time around, consider the public beta. Some of your existing apps might not work with the OS and you could lose data, but if you’re willing to try it out there’s no fee to join. The point of a public beta is to find bugs developers have not yet uncovered. If you’re an iOS fan, this can be an interesting side project. Especially if you have an older iOS device you can afford to upgrade with possibly buggy software. Sign up for the Apple Beta Software Program, and when iOS 15 comes around, you’ll be ready.

如果您想在下一次早些时候参与iOS行动,请考虑公开测试版。 您的某些现有应用程序可能无法在操作系统上使用,并且可能会丢失数据,但是如果您愿意尝试使用,则无需付费。 公开测试版的目的是发现尚未发现的错误。 如果您是iOS爱好者,那么这可能是一个有趣的附带项目。 特别是如果您使用的是较旧的iOS设备,则可以负担得起可能有错误的软件进行升级。 注册Apple Beta软件计划,当iOS 15出现时,您就可以准备就绪。

成为苹果开发人员 (Become an Apple Developer)

If you want to be the very first to try out any software updates from Apple, join the Apple Developer Program.

如果您想成为第一个从Apple试用软件更新的人,请加入Apple Developer Program 。

The program is designed for app developers — individuals and companies. But anyone can join for $99 per year. A note of caution, though: since you’ll have an early version of iOS, you’ll face bugs that are more than the minor annoyances you’re used to on stable versions of iOS. The entire point of developers having the software is to test it out with their apps, so you might find that some of your apps become unusable or that you lose information. Make sure you’re comfortable with that before signing up. Or install the dev version on a second, non-primary iOS device.

该程序是为应用开发人员(个人和公司)设计的。 但是任何人都可以以每年99美元的价格加入。 不过请注意:由于您将拥有iOS的早期版本,因此您所面对的错误将比在稳定版本的iOS上遇到的小麻烦大得多。 开发人员拥有该软件的全部目的是使用其应用程序对其进行测试,因此您可能会发现某些应用程序变得无法使用或丢失了信息。 在注册之前,请确保您对此感到满意。 或在第二个非主要iOS设备上安装开发版本。

Originally published at




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