ios 对应 iphone

You might think the biggest announcement of WWDC 2020 is Apple ditching Intel processors in favor of first-party silicon, but you’d be wrong. No, the big news is that iOS and iPadOS 14 will finally let you choose your default browser and email apps.

您可能会认为WWDC 2020的最大宣布是苹果放弃了英特尔处理器,转而使用第一方芯片,但您会错的。 不,最大的新闻是iOS和iPadOS 14最终将允许您选择默认的浏览器和电子邮件应用程序。

有什么大不了的? (What’s the Big Deal?)

In an all-digital WWDC 2020 held on June 22, 2020, Apple announced a new major version of the operating system that powers the iPhone and iPad: iOS 14 (or iPadOS 14 for tablets). A stable release is expected sometime in Fall 2020.

在2020年6月22日举行的全数字WWDC 2020中,苹果宣布了支持iPhone和iPad的操作系统的新主要版本:iOS 14(或平板电脑的iPadOS 14)。 预计将在2020年秋季发布稳定版本。

In addition to a long-awaited new-look Home screen and enhanced app organization, iOS 14 will allow users to change their default browser and email clients for the first time. Currently, the default browser is Safari, while Mail picks up all email duties.

除了期待已久的新外观主屏幕和增强的应用程序组织功能,iOS 14还允许用户首次更改其默认浏览器和电子邮件客户端。 当前,默认浏览器是Safari,而Mail负责所有电子邮件职责。


If you’re already using a third-party browser like Chrome or Firefox, you might wonder what all the fuss is about. The change takes effect system-wide and allows you to dictate which app opens when you click on a web link or an email app.

如果您已经在使用Chrome或Firefox等第三方浏览器,您可能会想知道所有这些大惊小怪。 该更改将在整个系统范围内生效,并允许您指示在单击Web链接或电子邮件应用程序时打开哪个应用程序。

While some apps already support opening links in non-Safari alternative browser apps, this is the first time Apple has enabled the change across the whole operating system.


It follows a trend of Apple gradually relaxing some of the restrictions that have given the company their “iron grip” reputation. In 2014, iOS 8 brought third-party keyboards to the platform for the first time. With the arrival of iOS 10 in 2016, Siri was finally allowed to interact with third-party apps like Uber and WhatsApp.

苹果紧随其后,逐渐放宽了一些限制条件,这些限制赋予了苹果公司“铁腕”的声誉。 2014年,iOS 8首次将第三方键盘引入平台。 随着2016年iOS 10的到来,Siri最终被允许与Uber和WhatsApp等第三方应用程序进行交互。

A year later iOS 11 added a file manager, imaginatively named Files. iOS 12 saw the arrival of Shortcuts, an app that lets users create simple or complex workflows that can be triggered using a spoken phrase and Siri. Even proprietary technology like AirPlay is finding its way into Samsung-branded displays.

一年后, iOS 11添加了一个文件管理器,其形象地命名为Files。 iOS 12见证了Shortcuts的到来,该应用程序允许用户创建简单或复杂的工作流,这些工作流可以使用口语短语和Siri触发。 甚至像AirPlay这样的专有技术也正在进入三星品牌的显示器。


Now the iPad has a trackpad and you can plug a mouse into your iPhone, something Apple resisted for so long. The company has even playfully referred to the iPad Pro as a computer, despite its reluctance to push the tablet as a laptop replacement in past marketing materials.

现在,iPad有了触控板,您可以将鼠标插入iPhone中,而Apple抵制了很久。 该公司甚至戏push地将iPad Pro称为计算机,尽管它不愿在过去的营销资料中将平板电脑作为笔记本电脑的替代品。

Safari仍在幕后 (Still Safari Behind the Scenes)

Before you get too excited, there’s a slight catch. The version of Chrome installed on your MacBook is not the same as the version of Chrome you use on your iPhone or iPad. On your iPhone or iPad, Chrome still uses Apple’s rendering engine in the background.

在您太兴奋之前,有一点收获。 MacBook上安装的Chrome版本与iPhone或iPad上使用的Chrome版本不同。 在您的iPhone或iPad上,Chrome浏览器仍在后台使用Apple的渲染引擎。

That means that Safari is still powering the web experience on iOS or iPadOS. Downloading a third-party browser will not change render times or how web pages are displayed. This makes it easy for developers to target a large number of users, as all web pages are rendered according to one set of rules regardless of which app is being used.

这意味着Safari仍在为iOS或iPadOS上的Web体验提供支持。 下载第三方浏览器不会更改渲染时间或显示网页的方式。 这使开发人员可以轻松地针对大量用户,因为所有网页均根据一组规则呈现,而与使用哪个应用程序无关。

It’s important to point out that this policy hasn’t prevented developers from building interesting browsers with unique features. The now-retired Opera Mini compressed webpages so that users on slow connections could browse quicker. Its successor, Opera Touch, includes a cryptocurrency wallet and blocks web-based cryptominers. You can even browse onion sites via the Tor network on your iPhone with Onion Browser.

必须指出的是,这项政策并未阻止开发人员构建具有独特功能的有趣浏览器。 现在退休的Opera Mini压缩网页,以便连接速度较慢的用户可以更快地浏览。 它的继任者Opera Touch包括一个加密货币钱包,并阻止基于Web的加密矿工。 您甚至可以使用Onion Browser通过iPhone上的Tor网络浏览洋葱站点。

Third-party browsers have demonstrated that they have a place on your iPhone. A third-party browser will use its own user interface and feature set. You can sign in to your Mozilla or Google account and sync tabs between devices, access personal settings, and recall all of your bookmarks. Many include built-in privacy tools like ad blockers and VPN services.

第三方浏览器已证明它们在您的iPhone上占有一席之地。 第三方浏览器将使用其自己的用户界面和功能集。 您可以登录Mozilla或Google帐户,并在设备之间同步标签页,访问个人设置,并调出所有书签。 许多工具包括内置的隐私工具,例如广告拦截器和VPN服务。

With iOS 14, the operating system (and all other apps) will respect your choice of browser so you can finally let go of Safari, at least in outward appearance. If you’re a Windows user who prefers Edge, or a Chromebook user deep in Google’s ecosystem, this is a change for the better.

使用iOS 14,操作系统(和所有其他应用程序)将尊重您选择的浏览器,因此您最终可以至少在外观上最终放弃Safari。 如果您是喜欢Edge的Windows用户,或者是Google生态系统中的Chromebook用户,那么这是一个更好的改变。

苹果为何做出改变 (Why Apple Made the Change)

Apple doesn’t share its internal decision-making processes, but there are some clues as to why this policy has finally changed. The most obvious is that many app developers have been trying to implement this sort of change for a while now.

苹果公司没有分享其内部决策过程,但是有一些线索可以说明为什么这项政策最终改变了。 最明显的是,一段时间以来,许多应用程序开发人员一直在尝试实施这种更改。

Google’s apps heavily promote the use of Chrome for iOS. When you open a link in Gmail for the first time, you’ll be asked if you want to open it in Chrome, Google (a search engine app that can function as a browser), or Safari. Other high-profile apps like Reddit allow you to specify a “Link browser” including Google Chrome.

Google的应用程序极大地促进了Chrome for iOS的使用。 首次在Gmail中打开链接时,系统会询问您是否要在Chrome,Google(可充当浏览器的搜索引擎应用)或Safari中打开链接。 其他引人注目的应用程序(如Reddit)允许您指定“链接浏览器”,包括Google Chrome。

These apps take advantage of the ability to pass information between processes. Once you’ve preferred a browser other than Safari inside such a third-party app, the iOS user experience becomes less predictable. Allowing users to specify a system-wide preference restores some consistency across the platform. The same can be said for email clients.

这些应用程序利用了在流程之间传递信息的能力。 一旦您在此类第三方应用程序中使用了Safari以外的其他浏览器,iOS用户体验就变得难以预测。 允许用户指定系统范围的首选项可恢复整个平台的一致性。 电子邮件客户端也可以这样说。

Is it a coincidence that the change comes as Apple is facing two probes into anti-competitive behavior in Europe? Possibly. But it’s no secret that such a move buys the company some goodwill among its customers. It sends a message that Apple is open to change and evolving as a company—whether that is true or not.

苹果在欧洲面临两项针对反竞争行为的调查时,这种变化是巧合吗? 可能吧。 但是,这样的举动使该公司在客户中获得了一定的信誉已经不是什么秘密了。 它传达出一条信息,即苹果愿意改变并随着公司的发展而发展-无论是否成立。

下一个是什么? (So, What’s Next?)

Apple makes small concessions over time. What started with third-party keyboards has eventually become third-party browsers and email clients. Other app types could see a similar change, but how far the company will go remains to be seen.

随着时间的流逝,苹果做出了一些小让步。 从第三方键盘开始,最终已成为第三方浏览器和电子邮件客户端。 其他应用程序类型可能会发生类似的变化,但公司的发展方向还有待观察。

Google is already pushing its iOS apps hard. Under “Settings” in apps like YouTube or Gmail is a “Default Apps” section with a few obvious substitutions. This includes using Waze or Google Maps to open addresses in place of Apple Maps, and using Google Calendar instead of Apple’s default Calendar app. If you don’t have the apps, you’re prompted to download them.

Google已经在努力推动其iOS应用程序。 YouTube或Gmail等应用程序中的“设置”下方是“默认应用程序”部分,其中有一些明显的替代项。 这包括使用位智(Waze)或Google Maps代替Apple Maps打开地址,以及使用Google Calendar而不是Apple的默认Calendar应用程序。 如果您没有这些应用程序,则会提示您下载它们。

Being able to specify a default camera app for the lock-screen shortcut would be a nice touch.


One thing’s for sure: it’s unlikely we will see Apple introduce larger changes like allowing users to change the default messaging app, as is popular among Android users.


在iOS 14中推出,需要更新 (Coming in iOS 14, Update Required)

iOS 14 will be arriving right around the time we learn more about Apple’s latest iPhone offerings, usually in late September or early October. Until then, you can sign up for the iOS 14 public beta which should become available in July.

我们通常会在9月下旬或10月初了解更多有关Apple最新iPhone产品的时间,iOS 14即将面世。 在此之前,您可以注册iOS 14公开测试版,该测试版将于7月上市。


Remember that beta software is prerelease software. You should back up your device before installing the beta, and be aware that some things won’t work correctly. Lastly, any apps that you want to use as a default mail or browser will need to be updated for the change by their respective developers.

请记住,测试版软件是预发行版软件。 在安装测试版之前,您应该备份设备,并注意某些操作无法正常进行。 最后,您想要用作默认邮件或浏览器的任何应用程序都需要由其各自的开发人员进行更新以进行更改。

So, even if you install the beta, there’s no guarantee your browser or mail client of choice will work right away. But that’s not the only reason to try out the iOS 14 beta. Check out all of the new features coming to your iPhone and iPad this fall.

因此,即使您安装了Beta版,也无法保证您选择的浏览器或邮件客户端将立即运行。 但这不是试用iOS 14 beta的唯一原因。 查看今年秋天iPhone和iPad附带的所有新功能。


ios 对应 iphone

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