




// Attributes
protected:CSplitterWnd m_wndSplitter1;CSplitterWnd m_wndSplitter;



BOOL CChildFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT /*lpcs*/, CCreateContext* pContext)
{// Create 2*2 nested dynamic splitter// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base classreturn m_wndSplitter.Create(this,2, 2,          // TODO: adjust the number of rows, columnsCSize(10, 10),   // TODO: adjust the minimum pane sizepContext);//return CMDIChildWnd::OnCreateClient(lpcs, pContext);Create a  static splitter with 1 rows, 3 columns//m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this, 1, 3);  // create a splitter with 1 rows, 3 columns//m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewLeft), CSize(0, 0), pContext);   // create view with 0 rows, 0 columns//m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewMiddle), CSize(0, 0), pContext);   // create view with 0 rows, 1 columns//m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 2, RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewRight), CSize(0, 0), pContext);    // create view with 0 rows, 2 columns//m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo(0, 400, 10); // set the width of column, 0 column, ideal width is 200dip,min width is 10dip//m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo(1, 400, 10);    // set the width of column, 0 column, ideal width is 200dip,min width is 10dip//m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo(2, 400, 10);    // set the width of column, 0 column, ideal width is 200dip,min width is 10dipm_wndSplitter.SendMessageToDescendants(WM_INITIALUPDATE, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE);//Create a static splitter with 2 rows,1 columnsif (!m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this, 2, 1, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE)){TRACE("Failed to Create StaticSplitter\n");return NULL;}//set viewpContext->m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewRight);CRect rect;     this->GetClientRect(&rect);SIZE size;size.cx = rect.Width();size.cy = rect.Height()/3;m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 0, pContext->m_pNewViewClass, size, pContext);//m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewLeft), CSize(0, 0), pContext);  // create view with 0 rows, 0 columns//m_wndSplitter.SetRowInfo(0, 200, 10);    // set the width of column, 0 column, ideal width is 250dip,min width is 10dippContext->m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CViewMiddle);if (!m_wndSplitter1.Create(&m_wndSplitter,     // our parent window is the first splitter2, 2,          // TODO: adjust the number of rows, columnsCSize(10, 10), // TODO: adjust the minimum pane sizepContext,WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SPLS_DYNAMIC_SPLIT|WS_HSCROLL|WS_VSCROLL,m_wndSplitter.IdFromRowCol(1, 0))){TRACE("Failed to create the nested dynamic splitter\n");}return TRUE;



void CViewLeft::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
{CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument();// TODO: add draw code hereCPaintDC* dc = (CPaintDC*)pDC;CRect rect,fillrect;CBrush brush;brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0));this->GetClientRect(&rect);dc->FillRect(&rect,&brush);brush.DeleteObject();
void CViewMiddle::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
{CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument();// TODO: add draw code hereCPaintDC* dc = (CPaintDC*)pDC;CRect rect,fillrect;CBrush brush;brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 255, 0));this->GetClientRect(&rect);dc->FillRect(&rect,&brush);brush.DeleteObject();
void CViewRight::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
{CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument();// TODO: add draw code hereCPaintDC* dc = (CPaintDC*)pDC;CRect rect,fillrect;CBrush brush;brush.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 255));this->GetClientRect(&rect);dc->FillRect(&rect,&brush);brush.DeleteObject();



/*****************************************************************Filename:         Splitter.h
Contents:           Implemetation of CSplitter classAuthors:
Created date:
Last Modified date:
Revision History: Used by:
Build Notes:        See Also:           Copyright:      (c) 2015 by All rights reserved.                           *****************************************************************/#pragma once// CSplitterclass CSplitter : public CSplitterWnd
{DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CSplitter)// Attributes
public:// this var saves the size of the pane before floatingint m_iSize;// this var saves the pane orientation before floatingBOOL m_bHorizontal;SIZE m_szMinimumSize;
public:CSplitter();// added funciton for customize the splitter
public:/****************************************Function name:  void CSplitter::SetMinimumSize(const int cx = -1, const int cy = -1)Purpose:        Replaces a view with another in a given pane.Only for static splitters.Arguments:       row, col: pane coordspViewClass: a runtime class of the viewsize: min sizeReturn value: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.**************************************/void SetMinimumSize(const int cx = -1, const int cy = -1);// Operations
public:/****************************************Function name:  void CSplitter::ReplaceView()Purpose:       Replaces a view with another in a given pane.Only for static splitters.Arguments:       row, col: pane coordspViewClass: a runtime class of the viewsize: min sizeReturn value: TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.**************************************/BOOL ReplaceView(int row, int col, CRuntimeClass* pViewClass, SIZE size);/****************************************Function name: BOOL CSplitter::EmbedView()Purpose:     Resurrects the former column or rowafter the floating dlg is closedArguments:       noneReturn value:   none**************************************/void EmbedView();// overridables
public:/****************************************Function name:  BOOL CSplitter::SplitRow()Purpose:      Overrides the default function.Arguments:       cyBefore - pos of the splitReturn value:    TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.**************************************/virtual BOOL SplitRow(int cyBefore);/****************************************Function name:  BOOL CSplitter::SplitColumn()Purpose:       Overrides the default function.Arguments:       cxBefore - pos of the splitReturn value:    TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.**************************************/virtual BOOL SplitColumn(int cxBefore);/****************************************Function name:   BOOL CSplitter::DeleteRow()Purpose:     Overrides the default function.Arguments:       rowDelete - row to deleteReturn value:  none**************************************/virtual void DeleteRow(int rowDelete);/****************************************Function name:    BOOL CSplitter::DeleteColumn()Purpose:      Overrides the default function.Arguments:       colDelete - row to deleteReturn value:  none**************************************/virtual void DeleteColumn(int colDelete);/****************************************Function name: BOOL CSplitter::GetActivePane()Purpose:     Overrides the default function.Arguments:       pRow and pCol - coords of the active paneReturn value:  the active paneComments:        This function may return active panethat is not in this splitter at all,as opposed to the base class' implementation,which always check for it. In this case, thepRow and pCol will be -1**************************************/virtual CWnd* GetActivePane(int* pRow = NULL, int* pCol = NULL);// Implementation
public:virtual ~CSplitter();// Generated message map functions//{{AFX_MSG(CSplitter)afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);//}}AFX_MSGDECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()
// Splitter.cpp : implementation file
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sample.h"
#include "Splitter.h"/*****************************************************************Filename:            Splitter.cpp
Contents:           Implemetation of CSplitter classAuthors:
Created date:
Last Modified date:
Revision History:Used by:
Build Notes:See Also:           Copyright:      (c) 2015 by All rights reserved.                           *****************************************************************/// Embedded Version Control String:
static char *versionstring =    "@(#) Splitter.cpp 8/25/15";#include "stdafx.h"
#include "splitter.h"#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// CSplitterIMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CSplitter, CSplitterWnd)CSplitter::CSplitter()
{ m_iSize = 0;// by default, we split verticallym_bHorizontal = FALSE;m_szMinimumSize.cx = -1;// not setm_szMinimumSize.cy = -1;// not set
Function name:  void CSplitter::ReplaceView()
Purpose:        Replaces a view with another in a given pane.
Only for static splitters.
Arguments:      row, col: pane coords
pViewClass: a runtime class of the view
size: min size
Return value:   TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL CSplitter::ReplaceView(int row, int col, CRuntimeClass* pViewClass, SIZE size)
{CCreateContext context;BOOL bSetActive;if ((GetPane(row,col)->IsKindOf(pViewClass))==TRUE)return FALSE;// Get pointer to CDocument object so that it can be used in the creation // process of the new viewCDocument * pDoc= ((CView *)GetPane(row,col))->GetDocument();CView * pActiveView=GetParentFrame()->GetActiveView();if (pActiveView==NULL || pActiveView==GetPane(row,col))bSetActive=TRUE;elsebSetActive=FALSE;// set flag so that document will not be deleted when view is destroyedpDoc->m_bAutoDelete=FALSE;    // Delete existing view ((CView *) GetPane(row,col))->DestroyWindow();// set flag back to default pDoc->m_bAutoDelete=TRUE;// Create new view                      context.m_pNewViewClass=pViewClass;context.m_pCurrentDoc=pDoc;context.m_pNewDocTemplate=NULL;context.m_pLastView=NULL;context.m_pCurrentFrame=NULL;CreateView(row,col,pViewClass,size, &context);CView* pNewView = (CView*)GetPane(row, col);if (bSetActive==TRUE)GetParentFrame()->SetActiveView(pNewView);RecalcLayout(); GetPane(row,col)->SendMessage(WM_PAINT);return TRUE;
Function name:  BOOL CSplitter::SplitRow()
Purpose:        Overrides the default function.
Arguments:      cyBefore - pos of the split
Return value:   TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL CSplitter::SplitRow(int cyBefore)
{// first, leave only one columnwhile (m_nCols > 1)DeleteColumn(m_nCols - 1);BOOL bRet = CSplitterWnd::SplitRow(cyBefore);// Show horizontal scroll bar of the upper view window,//  hide all the others.CWnd    *pUpperWnd = GetPane(0, 0);pUpperWnd->ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, 0);pUpperWnd->ShowScrollBar(SB_HORZ, 1);if (m_nRows > 1) {CWnd    *pLowerWnd = GetPane(1, 0);pLowerWnd->ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, 0);pLowerWnd->ShowScrollBar(SB_HORZ, 0);}return bRet;
Function name:  BOOL CSplitter::SplitColumn()
Purpose:        Overrides the default function.
Arguments:      cxBefore - pos of the split
Return value:   TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL CSplitter::SplitColumn(int cxBefore)
{// first, leave only one rowwhile (m_nRows > 1)DeleteRow(m_nRows - 1);BOOL bRet = CSplitterWnd::SplitColumn(cxBefore);// Show vertical scroll bar of the left view window,//    hide all the others.CWnd    *pLeftWnd = GetPane(0, 0);pLeftWnd->ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, 1);pLeftWnd->ShowScrollBar(SB_HORZ, 0);if (m_nCols > 1) {CWnd   *pRightWnd = GetPane(0, 1);pRightWnd->ShowScrollBar(SB_VERT, 0);pRightWnd->ShowScrollBar(SB_HORZ, 0);}return bRet;
Function name:  BOOL CSplitter::DeleteRow()
Purpose:        Overrides the default function.
Arguments:      rowDelete - row to delete
Return value:   none
void CSplitter::DeleteRow(int rowDelete)
{// save the state of the pane before deleting// note: since we always insert it later as a pane #0,// save the size of the pane #0. Later we can save the pane id too.m_bHorizontal = TRUE;int iDummy;GetRowInfo(0, m_iSize, iDummy);CSplitterWnd::DeleteRow(rowDelete);
Function name:  BOOL CSplitter::DeleteColumn()
Purpose:        Overrides the default function.
Arguments:      colDelete - row to delete
Return value:   none
void CSplitter::DeleteColumn(int colDelete)
{// save the state of the pane before deleting// note: since we always insert it later as a pane #0,// save the size of the pane #0. Later we can save the pane id too.m_bHorizontal = FALSE;int iDummy;GetColumnInfo(0, m_iSize, iDummy);CSplitterWnd::DeleteColumn(colDelete);
Function name:  BOOL CSplitter::EmbedView()
Purpose:        Resurrects the former column or row
after the floating dlg is closed
Arguments:      none
Return value:   none
void CSplitter::EmbedView()
{if (m_bHorizontal && (m_nRows < m_nMaxRows))SplitRow(m_iSize + m_cyBorder);else if (m_nCols < m_nMaxCols)SplitColumn(m_iSize + m_cxBorder);
END_MESSAGE_MAP()int CSplitter::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
{if (CSplitterWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)return -1;RECT ClientRect;if (::GetClientRect(lpCreateStruct->hwndParent, &ClientRect)){m_iSize = (ClientRect.left - ClientRect.right) / 2;}return 0;
Function name:  BOOL CSplitter::GetActivePane()
Purpose:        Overrides the default function.
Arguments:      pRow and pCol - coords of the active pane
Return value:   the active paneComments:        This function may return active pane
that is not in this splitter at all,
as opposed to the base class' implementation,
which always check for it. In this case, the
pRow and pCol will be -1
CWnd* CSplitter::GetActivePane(int* pRow, int* pCol)
{ASSERT_VALID(this);// attempt to use active view of frame windowCWnd* pView = NULL;CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd = GetParentFrame();ASSERT_VALID(pFrameWnd);pView = pFrameWnd->GetActiveView();// failing that, use the current focusif (pView == NULL)pView = GetFocus();// check if the view is in this splitter (it may not),// but don't return NULL if it is not, like the base class does.// instead, just if (pView != NULL && !IsChildPane(pView, pRow, pCol)){if (pRow)*pRow = -1;if (pCol)*pCol = -1;}return pView;
}void CSplitter::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
{// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call defaultif(point.y < m_szMinimumSize.cy){point.y = m_szMinimumSize.cy;}if(point.x < m_szMinimumSize.cx){point.x = m_szMinimumSize.cx;}CSplitterWnd::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
Function name:  void CSplitter::SetMinimumSize(const int cx = -1, const int cy = -1)
Purpose:        Replaces a view with another in a given pane.
Only for static splitters.
Arguments:      row, col: pane coords
pViewClass: a runtime class of the view
size: min size
Return value:   TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
void CSplitter::SetMinimumSize(const int cx, const int cy)
{ m_szMinimumSize.cx = cx;m_szMinimumSize.cy = cy;


1.点击资源视图的Menu右键Insert Menu,自动生成IDR_MENU1的菜单(可右键属性修改IDR),点击菜单双击Type Here添加第一个菜单View,然后同样的方法在其下面添加子菜单Horizonal,Vertical,Float,Swap等等,单击菜单即可在VS中看到相应菜单的属性,可以做相应修改;


// CViewLeft message handlersvoid CViewLeft::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
{// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call defaultCPoint ptScreen = point;//Current Mouse position int viewClientToScreen(&ptScreen);//to ScreenCMenu Menu;//define menuif (Menu.LoadMenu(IDR_VIEW_MENU)){CMenu *pSubMenu = Menu.GetSubMenu(0);pSubMenu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, this);//shown menu at point}CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);

3.完成2之后右键就可以看到我们添加的右键菜单了,最后一步就是响应菜单了,资源视图中单击相应菜单,右键Add Event Handler,如下所示:


void CViewLeft::OnViewHorz()
{// TODO: Add your command handler code hereMessageBox(L"Horz command", L"Horz", 0);
}void CViewLeft::OnViewVert()
{// TODO: Add your command handler code hereMessageBox(L"Vert command", L"Vert", 0);
}void CViewLeft::OnViewFloat()
{// TODO: Add your command handler code hereMessageBox(L"Float command", L"Float", 0);
}void CViewLeft::OnViewSwap()
{// TODO: Add your command handler code hereMessageBox(L"Swap command!", L"Swap", 0);


Base Class Members

CObject Members

CCmdTarget Members

CWnd Members



Call to create a dynamic splitter window and attach it to the CSplitterWnd object.创建一个动态的分隔器窗口并将它与一个CSplitterWnd对象连接


Call to create a static splitter window and attach it to the CSplitterWnd object.创建一个静态的分隔器窗口并将它与一个CSplitterWnd对象连接


Call to create a pane in a splitter window.在一个分隔器窗口中创建一个窗格


Call to construct a CSplitterWnd object.构造一个CSplitterWnd对象



Returns the current pane column count.返回当前窗格列的计数值


Returns information on the specified column.返回指定列的信息


Returns the pane at the specified row and column.返回位于指定行和列处的窗格


Returns the current pane row count.返回当前窗格行的计数值


Returns information on the specified row.返回指定行的信息


Returns the shared scroll-bar style.返回共享滚动条的风格


Returns the child window ID of the pane at the specified row and column.返回位于指定行和列处的窗格的子窗口ID


Determines if splitter bar is currently being moved.判定分隔条是否正在移动


Call to determine whether the window is currently a child pane of this splitter window.确定窗口是否是此分隔器窗口的当前子窗格


Call to redisplay the splitter window after adjusting row or column size.在调整行或列尺寸后调用此函数来重新显示该分隔器窗口


Call to set the specified column information.设置指定列的信息


Call to set the specified row information.设置指定行的信息


Specifies the new scroll-bar style for the splitter window's shared scroll-bar support.为分隔器窗口的共享滚动条指定新的滚动条风格



Performs the Next Pane or Previous Pane command.执行Next Pane或Previous Pane命令


Checks to see if the Next Pane or Previous Pane command is currently possible.检查Next Pane或Previous Pane命令当前是否有效


Creates a shared scroll bar control.创建一个共享的滚动条控件


Deletes a column from the splitter window.从分隔器窗口中删除一列


Deletes a row from the splitter window.从分隔器窗口中删除一行


Deletes a view from the splitter window.从分隔器窗口中删除一个视图


Performs the keyboard split command, usually "Window Split."执行键盘分隔命令,通常是“Window Split”


Performs synchronized scrolling of split windows.执行分隔窗口的同步滚动


Scrolls split windows by a given number of pixels.将分隔窗口滚动给定的像素数


Determines the active pane from the focus or active view in the frame.根据焦点或框架中的活动视图来判定活动窗格


Renders an image of a split window.绘制一个分隔器窗口的图像


Renders the image of a split window to be the same size and shape as the frame window.绘制一个分隔器窗口的图像,使它具有与框架窗口相同的大小和形状


Sets a pane to be the active one in the frame.在框架中设置一个活动窗格


Indicates where a frame window splits vertically.表明一个框架窗口是否是垂直分隔的


Indicates where a frame window splits horizontally.表明一个框架窗口是否是水平分隔的

下一篇将继续介绍静态动态嵌套分割以及动态分割后的窗口如何绑定不同的视图,我们目前看到的是动态分割之后的窗口共用一个视图,如何让(0, 0),(0, 1),(1, 0), (1, 1)分别显示不同的视图呢?预知后事如何且听下回分解。。。


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  4. 特斯拉第二季度电动汽车销量下降近 18%
  5. Mermaid classDiagram类图应用举例 汉,蜀汉,刘宋关系图
  6. js var多等式变量的定义
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  8. Adobe CS5简体中文版官方下载地址
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