


wget https://download.redis.io/releases/redis-6.2.6.tar.gz


tar -zxvf redis-6.2.6.tar.gz





./redis-server 启动服务端


./redis-cli 执行ping收到响应pong则表示服务正常开启



-DENIED Redis is running in protected mode because protected mode is enabled, no bind address was specified, no authentication password is requested to clients. In this mode connections are only accepted from the loopback interface. If you want to connect from external computers to Redis you may adopt one of the following solutions: 1) Just disable protected mode sending the command 'CONFIG SET protected-mode no' from the loopback interface by connecting to Redis from the same host the server is running, however MAKE SURE Redis is not publicly accessible from internet if you do so. Use CONFIG REWRITE to make this change permanent. 2) Alternatively you can just disable the protected mode by editing the Redis configuration file, and setting the protected mode option to 'no', and then restarting the server. 3) If you started the server manually just for testing, restart it with the '--protected-mode no' option. 4) Setup a bind address or an authentication password. NOTE: You only need to do one of the above things in order for the server to start accepting connections from the outside.


-DENIED Redis运行在保护模式,因为启用了保护模式,没有指定绑定地址,没有向客户端请求认证密码。 在这种模式下,只接受来自loopback接口的连接。 如果你想从外部计算机连接到Redis,你可以采用以下解决方案之一:
1)只要禁用保护模式发送命令’CONFIG SET保护模式no’从环回接口连接到Redis从同一主机服务器运行,但确保Redis不是公开访问互联网,如果你这样做。 使用CONFIG REWRITE使此更改永久生效。
3)如果你手动启动服务器只是为了测试,用“——protected-mode no”选项重新启动它。
4)设置绑定地址或认证密码。 注意:您只需要执行上述操作之一,服务器就可以开始接受来自外部的连接。





1、查找镜像docker search redis

[root@VM-8-4-centos src]# docker search redis
INDEX       NAME                                       DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
docker.io   docker.io/redis                            Redis is an open source key-value store th...   10193     [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/sameersbn/redis                                                                  83                   [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/grokzen/redis-cluster            Redis cluster 3.0, 3.2, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.2      80
docker.io   docker.io/rediscommander/redis-commander   Alpine image for redis-commander - Redis m...   70                   [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/redislabs/redisearch             Redis With the RedisSearch module pre-load...   41
docker.io   docker.io/redislabs/redisinsight           RedisInsight - The GUI for Redis                35
docker.io   docker.io/kubeguide/redis-master           redis-master with "Hello World!"                33
docker.io   docker.io/oliver006/redis_exporter          Prometheus Exporter for Redis Metrics. Su...   31
docker.io   docker.io/redislabs/redis                  Clustered in-memory database engine compat...   31
docker.io   docker.io/redislabs/rejson                 RedisJSON - Enhanced JSON data type proces...   31
docker.io   docker.io/arm32v7/redis                    Redis is an open source key-value store th...   25
docker.io   docker.io/arm64v8/redis                    Redis is an open source key-value store th...   19
docker.io   docker.io/redislabs/redisgraph             A graph database module for Redis               17                   [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/redislabs/rebloom                A probablistic datatypes module for Redis       16                   [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/redislabs/redismod               An automated build of redismod - latest Re...   15                   [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/webhippie/redis                  Docker image for redis                          11                   [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/insready/redis-stat              Docker image for the real-time Redis monit...   10                   [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/redislabs/redistimeseries        A time series database module for Redis         10
docker.io   docker.io/s7anley/redis-sentinel-docker    Redis Sentinel                                  10                   [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/goodsmileduck/redis-cli          redis-cli on alpine                             9                    [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/centos/redis-32-centos7          Redis in-memory data structure store, used...   6
docker.io   docker.io/clearlinux/redis                 Redis key-value data structure server with...   3
docker.io   docker.io/tiredofit/redis                  Redis Server w/ Zabbix monitoring and S6 O...   1                    [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/wodby/redis                      Redis container image with orchestration        1                    [OK]
docker.io   docker.io/xetamus/redis-resource           forked redis-resource                           0                    [OK]

2、拉取镜像docker pull docker.io/redis

[root@VM-8-4-centos src]# docker pull docker.io/redis
Using default tag: latest
Trying to pull repository docker.io/library/redis ...
latest: Pulling from docker.io/library/redis
eff15d958d66: Pull complete
1aca8391092b: Pull complete
06e460b3ba1b: Pull complete
def49df025c0: Pull complete
646c72a19e83: Pull complete
db2c789841df: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:619af14d3a95c30759a1978da1b2ce375504f1af70ff9eea2a8e35febc45d747
Status: Downloaded newer image for docker.io/redis:latest
[root@VM-8-4-centos src]# docker run -h
flag needs an argument: 'h' in -h
See 'docker run --help'.
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root

3、查看镜像docker images

[root@VM-8-4-centos src]# docker images
REPOSITORY                            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
docker.io/redis                       latest              40c68ed3a4d2        5 days ago          113 MB
docker.io/sonatype/nexus3             latest              a0d390a200d2        3 months ago        655 MB
docker.io/minio/minio                 latest              fa62c6bd01a1        5 months ago        264 MB
docker.io/onlyoffice/documentserver   latest              30594f63d46c        6 months ago        2.57 GB

4、运行镜像docker run -p 6379:6379 -d --name redis3 40c68ed3a4d2

[root@VM-8-4-centos src]# docker run -p 6379:6379 -d --name redis 40c68ed3a4d2



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